Tuesday, May 22, 2018


click on nose to enlarge video


KBRO said...

Your fight against local corruption has been going on for the past thirty years or so, correct? It doesn't seem like you made a dent at all.

Anonymous said...

(It doesn't seem like you made a dent at all.)

Fk um, Juan. You know we still love ya!

Anonymous said...

You can't make a dent in corruption when the voters want corruption.

Anonymous said...

Where's Alex having his winner party celebration

Anonymous said...

Let's get rid of Rene. We wonder if he can make a living on his own; without special interest money to support his corrupt and lavish lifestyle. He's scum.

Anonymous said...

Montoya played the Mexican in this movie. Vato inutil!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is why need Trump. Oliveira is a political boss, who feeds off businesses that hire illegals. Just a lil piece of mind

Anonymous said...

I voted 4 rene during the election but in the runoff i voted 4 alex. There are enough drunks in Austin

Anonymous said...

It is not the end grandpa you still have your black book to keep the morons in check, it is not the morons that worries me, it is the mongoose, when is he going to strike, as now I am touchable, cried the black Mamba Rene Oliveira

Anonymous said...

One down many to go Bisd and city your next

Anonymous said...

Right! One wanna be gringo down and we know who is NEXT!!! We're coming to get you...

Anonymous said...

I shall give you time to sell your home in Austin, as you will not need it again. Then wait for the door to begin to close faster than you ever expected, the same as you slammed them shut when you were shitting on people, even Armando Villalobos has closed his door on you. I would not drink and drive if I were you, as you are a marked man, and there are plenty of cops that have your cards. Now you are touchable and no longer are protected, let the fun begin and hope that you enjoy your fall from grace.

Anonymous said...

Better than having to live with your mommy and daddy on Jacaranda at a ripe old age.

Anonymous said...

I shall bring a lot of people with me when I go, if I go then I will squeal like a stuffed pig. It will be interesting to see if the Mongoose sells his story, and to whom it may be to one of my supporters, I hope so.
