Saturday, June 16, 2018


Daily Kos

Rob Rogers has been working as the editorial cartoonist at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for the past 25 years. On Thursday, he was fired.

"Sad to report this update: Today, after 25 years as the editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, I was fired."

A little less than two weeks ago, the The Inquirer ran a story about how the Post-Gazette had been shutting down Rogers’ cartoons since March, when Keith Burris took over as editorial director in a merger with the Toledo Blade.

It is unusual for a staff cartoonist to have an entire week’s worth of political cartoons spiked. Signe Wilkinson, the Inquirer and Daily News’ Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist, said she has had just one cartoon killed in her tenure – a drawing that was spiked from the Inquirer but ran in the Daily News.

Rogers’ cartoons were replaced in print by the work of syndicated artists and three cartoons by Toledo Blade staff cartoonist Kirk Walters. In last Tuesday’s paper, under a cartoon about gun control by syndicated cartoonist Robert Ariail, Rogers was listed as having “the day off.”

The Toledo Blade and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette are owned by John Robinson Block.

You might remember how Block, who sits on atop the editorial board of the Post-Gazette, embarrassed himself and his staff by signing off on the most racist editorial statement posted during Martin Luther King Jr. Day that argued we shouldn’t call Trump and his immigration policies racist.

Block has been an open Trump supporter since Trump won the Republican primary and clearly, that “support” flies in the face of the freedom of the press to speak truth to power – even when it’s done with pictures.

For more of Rogers' work click on link below:


Anonymous said...

The guy running in the cartoon looks like you, Montoya! LOL

Anonymous said...

Good, the whole thing is taking out of context. People are becoming too liberal and don't understand how much this illegal immigration is hurting us as a whole. I totally understand this country was build by immigrants and there were no much laws in the beginning but now the country is well established and immigrants need to start respecting the fact we are not the solution to all their problems. Try going to the UK, Spain or Russia and see if they let you just break in, better yet would you let a stranger just move into your house?

Anonymous said...

I can see both sides of the coin, but what is the truth is that all people should be expected to follow all laws of the country. How can you expect to walk into someone's house and eat up all his refrigerator contents and have the rightful owner not complain? It is sad that they are not as lucky as we are, but how can all of them expect for us to take care of them when their own country does nothing for them? It is hard to side with some of the thoughts, but deep down, we need to reason that when the country shares with anyone who wants to come in, the resources are going to end quicker. May we now go to another country ourselves and live it up over there? Don't think so! Do it legally and wait your turn like so many have done before you and then do your part to contribute and you are welcomed in our country.

Anonymous said...

Redneck, Hillbilly mentality immigrants come here to work not to steal pendejos, just like your parents, you must be a racist REPUBLICANS.

Anonymous said...

So a family decides to come to America illegal and sneak across the border. They also decided to bring their tots with them. They get caught and are put in detention until their criminal case is decided and they are either deported or serve time behind bars.

It is thoroughly illegal to detain minors in a criminal detention facility, because under US law minors are not responsible for crimes.

So the US government takes the tots and place them in a facility where they receive health care, good food and a safe place to sleep. They receive education and play time. The goal is to reunited them with family.

So who is the no good SOB that gets the blame for separating tots from family? It is the parents who decided to bring their tots along with them on their criminal illegal entry or is it the President of the United States? People with a functioning brain says it was the parents who screwed the pooch. Their irresponsible, illegal and criminal behavior is the cause of being separated from their tots.

This just isn't an illegal entry issue. Day in and day out, in this country, parents who commit criminal acts are arrested, detained and separated from their tots. If there is no responsible family member to take the child, they child is place in government sponsored care. If being a parent of a minor child, would excuse someone from arrest and prosecution for a crime, there would be millions more criminals that are allowed to roam the streets and are immune from arrest and prosecution.

The cartoon in question is just political bullshit and the idiot who drew it, needed to be fired.

Anonymous said...

Overpopulation is the critical issue and neither the Republicans or the Democrats are doing anything about it. There is only so much space on this earth. If more people meant more wealth and economic growth, then Africa and Mexico where women have 5-10 kids would be the richest countries on earth. But they are the poorest. The countries that we consider shitholes, are indeed shitholes, precisely because they are overrun with people. Too many people, people living on top of people, people crowding every street, corner, bathroom, hospital, beach, toilet. That is why they come here, because we have land, and they don't. This is why suddenly there are Muslims everywhere. They don't have good land anymore, because they have overrun what good land they once had with a bunch of shitting poor people having huge families and trashing it with even more shitting poor people, with a shitty religion telling them to keep having more kids they can't sustain. So now their population overflow is our problem?
Nice neighborhoods are considered "nice" because they have lots of space and not so many inhabitants. People use the word "pristine" to describe isolated places that are beautiful simply because they aren't overrun with a bunch of low class human reproducers shitting everywehere, eating up all the food and polluting the place with plastic crap and weird religious cults. So the Republicans think that America should keep out immigrants and refugees, that makes sense, until they try to force raped immigrants to have more babies here. WTF. Why do Republicans want to bring more low quality people in these borders? Its like they are trying to turn us into sub Saharan Africa or something. We don't need more unwanted kids, period. Let the illegals get an abortion, please. Help these illegals to NOT add more mouths to feed to our welfare system, by all means, and stop with the fake concern for the little fetus whose medicaid you just defunded. Who are you kidding. honestly.
The Democrats fail too. We certainly don't need to flood the gates with even more poor immigrants or refugees. The reason Europe and America are attractive to overpopulated countries is because we don't have massive overpopulation. We don't need to be overrrun with poor people making us into their second-home third world shithole. Robots will be doing all the driving, piloting, mail services, industrial, basically all the jobs in the near future. We need to preserve our land while we can. The future will be a race for land, as the world population explodes, the planet heats up, and usable farm land diminishes. Religious extremism will grow as what little usabale land is left is fought over. Let's keep that shit out of our borders. Let's preserve what we have and not let the overpopulation polluters in.

Anonymous said...

Like the European governments that shipped their convicts to the world and you complain? Those were your parents lunatic idiots.

Anonymous said...

You fail to report the number of people around the country who have been fired because of their support of Trump. The Snowflake Liberals and Democrats will do anything possible to discredit Trump and his administration. So the editor didn't like Rogers' cartoons....the editor is the boss.

As for the issue of detaining children or illegals (people who came to the U.S. illegally, knowing how the families will be separated), the rules for separation of illegal parents from their illegal children..those rules were established and adhered to by two Democratic administrations...Clinton and why have the Democrats not done anything to change these rules. Current Democrats are using their own policies to beat Trump over the head (politically). Democrats will do anything to defeat Trump. Our own representative, Filemon Vela, knows this and takes up the banner of the Democrats to hate Trump. Children of illegals that are separated from their parents are treated better than their life before, and are treated better than the kids of criminals who are locked up. Entering the U.S. illegally is a crime too.

Anonymous said...

Sisak children's concentration camp officially called "Shelter for Children Refugees" was a concentration camp during World War II located in Sisak, set up by the Ustaše government of the Nazi-puppet state, the Independent State of Croatia, for Serbian, Jewish and Romani children. It was part of the Jasenovac extermination camp[1][2].

The camp's commander was Dr Antun Najžer, a physician known as the "Croatian Mengele".

Anonymous said...

To: June 17, 2018 at 10:40 PM
Your ancestors were low quality humans as they were released from prison in Europe and you are related to them so what does that make you idiot retard.

Anonymous said...

A national day of protest has been planned for June 30
