Special to El Rrun-Rrun
My father, Ricardo Francisco Roca Villavicencio of Bahía de Caraquez, Ecuador, was a stowaway on a ship from Bahía de Caraquez in 1938 at the age of nine, escaping the poverty and misery of his family’s hometown.
He hid in an ice room for three days with no food and water. The captain kept him on board, and after twenty years of roaming the seas, he settled in Brownsville, Texas. Despite having no more than a second-grade education, he and my mother, Mauricia Roca Chávez Nava of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México, launched Roca Construction Company, building shrimp boats at the Port of Brownsville.
My three siblings and I worked at the shipyard throughout our childhood -I was typing 25-page contracts by the age of 15, and I learned to weld, drill, cut metal, paint, and sandblast alongside my brothers.
My father thought of shrimp boats as an encyclopedia because they require a little bit of everything, and if it was in the encyclopedia, we did it. The business did not survive the introduction of low-priced imported shrimp, but it did change my understanding of business and the course of my life.
The “richest” piece of my parents’ rags-to-riches story is their long trajectory of hard work, determination and perseverance. They continue to be the rock upon which I have built my life and I’m grateful to them for their unconditional love and support.
Is your father still with us? Will he be able to keep you from being pushed into doing things that are not kosher? Will he guide you in your decision-making and not by someone else on the board? Will you make up your own mind or will someone talk you into their point of view, regardless? If so, you've got my vote, but think about what I am asking for el buen entendedor con pocas palabras entiende? Do you? Stay true to yourself and to the children of our district.
I love shrimps. I don’t care if there insects of the sea
Yet more of the Olde Mexico influence. Where are the Anglos?
This lady has her own child in "Private School" strong message to our voters ... If she believed in BISD and cared she would have her own child attend BISD..
Please don't be fake and just say you are dragged by Sylvia Atkinson... You owe Sylvia Atkinson and you are WEAK!!!
Congrats for being a hard working young woman and congrats for knowing about shrimp boats, perhaps you should have run for the Port of Brownsville.
Look for the "WHITE HORSE".
El Rrun Rrun is the true voice of the people in Brownsville. Even though most write anonymously, it can't be denied that true concerns and opinions (along with some rants) come out on this platform. That Roca Tipton chooses to publish her story here, she seems to recognize where most people in Brownsville turn to find the "real" news. She's got my vote!
You need the WHITE HORSE, find him!
It still smells like shrimp said the scumbag Rene Oliveria while he was Muff diving the taste is always the same, fishy but I like it.
This woman is FAKE, not in the best interest to BISD. She is the same bullshit nothing more.
As long as one one gets re-elected!
Hank Williams
Goodbye Joe,
Me gotta go,
Me oh my oh,
Me gotta go
Pole the pirogue
Down the bayou
Goodbye Joe,
Goodbye Joe,
Goodbye Joe,
"Tipton"....is that an Ecuadorian family name, or connected with the FORD dealership here???????
The white horse is Sylvia Atkinson and her PAC is Drue Brown, prissi Tipton, Otis Powers
Prisci is no politician. Not ready for prime time!
Yep the "WHITE STALLION", find him.
This candidates can't win without the "WHITE HORSE".
Go WHITE STALLION,Go White Horse,go,go, go. We are with you.
I am with LF. Roca Tipton has my vote too.
Sylvia is not the white horse. She is the black ass and you are right about her PAC - Drue, Prisi, Otis. I always admired Drue for her professionalism but her true colors have not been shown. Otis surprises me because he hates his sister in law and only connects with her because of his wife, but he himself identifies Sylvia as a person out for herself, vengeance and retaliation and get out of her way. They are all about themselves and could care less for the children, because if they did they would not be out there trying to figure out who to insert in the positions and run so they can have a majority. It should be a group that agrees to disagree and final decisions are made if they contribute to the improvement of Brownsville ISD. All were educated in BISD so why do they have so much hate for the district to try to tumble it down. Study each candidate before your vote. When is Sylvia going to start giving out ice cream cones with a DOP flag on it?
She is going to land slide this race just watch learn and witness the tide is coming.,do you hear it you old RAT.
As long as "NO ONE" get RE-ELECTED!!!!
Not voting for her. She sounds like she likes to show off. That's something that on the long run I don't like. Especially when it comes to Bisd stuff. Something tells me she just wants to be elected. Where do her children study? Bisd or any other lesser Charter or private school?
nothing but a bunch of RATS, if you run for the school board, you got some type of personal agenda, you want money (ask Coach Joe), power, fame and glory, sorry folks its not about the KIDS-Puro pedo
The dirty laundry will come up soon!
Your just ignorant Mr 7:30am have you ever thought she wanted a "catholic" school structure for her kid whats wrong with that.Sounds like you like your taxes being misappropriated then vote for the old dude.
Son buena gente
She's a fake period, a do nothing photoshop fake. Another do nothing so called educated fool who know how mess up the BISD even more than it's currently been done by the other trustees.
Here's my problem with Joe-everything. He's benefitted financially from his involvement with BSN and the BISD. As an advocate for football, not all athletics, he has served that activity well. But, what about all the other students in BISD. His vision has been clear from the get go, and he serves only a very small population in BISD. He must go. He is the problem with school politics.
Here's the problem with Rica-Tipton- she's in it for Atkinson. She was asked by Atkinson to help overthrow the "tres malos" and take total control of the board. If Sylvia's slate all gets elected, Zendejas is gone. Fine by me, Zendejas sold her soul to the "devils" long ago. Z came with good intentions and has a good heart, but she got too involved with the political sham and must go. So once Atkinson gets her way and Z is gone, what's next? Who's the new superintendent? I wouldn't hold it past Atkinson to resign from the board only to be nominated by her slate and take control of BISD. Mind you, Atkinson has been fired or pushed out from EVERY job she's held. Going back to Rica-Tipton: her kids don't even go to BISD. How can we entrust someone who doesn't trust BISD? Oh wait, it's the religious circumstance right? So then she favors school choice? Well isn't that the current problem BISD has..people are choosing to go elsewhere for various reasons? So how can we expect someone who endorses the philosophy that educational choice is good for her but not the future students of BISD? How is she going to ensure that parents will want to bring their kids here when she chooses to send hers elsewhere, regardless of reason.
Last-Randy Gonalez. A young gun. Unknown to many. Was a write in candidate for tax-assessor a year ago. Fought a good campaign by working hard and spending less. He went door to door and got his message out the old fashioned way. Good ole fashioned sweat and grit. He's served his country as part of our military service. He understands hard work and servitude. His intentions are good. I've talked with him. He's genuine. Is he a Dr? Nope. Is he passionately? Absolutely. He owes no one anything politically. He was asked to step away from the campaign by Atkinson. She wanted a two-person race between Joe and Roca. Randy didn't back down. He's going to fight the good fight with limited resources. There's one thing Randy's got that the others don't: integrity. Right now my "white horse" is actually the "dark horse" in Randy Gonzalez.
So we have two options: elect either Joe or Roca-Tipton and get the same political crap we've had year after year, or go in a completely different direction and take a chance on someone who has no political ties or favors to anyone : Randy Gonzalez. Let's try something new. Break from the monotony of old Bville politics, let's give this guy a shot. We know what Rica-Tipton and Joe Rod bring to the table: more of the same.
meskins with gringo names and meskin republicans do not have my vote.
Randy is Erasmo, II
Te sales Juan. 28 veces para que tu apreves de mi commentario. Eso esta pendejo.
Bus, car, bus car, que bus que car - que carbon!
The " White Stallion/Horse" is not Sylvia Adkinson ! But, he is nearby. This candidates cannot win without his support. Find him. Talk to him, convince him to support you.
Estos candidatos necesitan a "EL Caballo Blanco" para ganar. Busquenlo !
It's apparent some people do not know her. Why pass judgment unless you're are in support of any of her opponents. I know her for many years and know that she is no push over. She will make her own choices and is strong enough to handle this and much more.
Rene Oliveria has new advertising, white stud for hire, knows all the corruption scams in Brownsville and Austin, will take cash or kind. I am the best scumbag out there, I even pimped out my client for a turn on. Hire me and I will perform.
These candidate's don't get it...The "White Horse" is vital and necessary to this election. Find him, talk to him, convince him. Juan Montoya may know who he is, talk to Juan.
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