(While it's not yet official [it's not posted on the school district website], Brownsville Independent School District board president Cesar Lopez has withdrawn from the November 6 elections. In a post in his Facebook page, Lopez issues his swan song where he announced to the world that he will leave after he finishes the current term. [Lopez filed his withdrawal at 8:10 a.m. today, shortly after we posted this story.]
The missive is self-serving and self-laudatory, of course, and he lists his "accomplishments" in effusive detail. He, of course, doesn't mention his role in the Barbacoagate caper, the 11-cent property tax hike by fiat instead of putting it before the voters, or the shenanigans that got him to be appointed to the board in the first place when he was plucked from obscurity from the bowels of the Mercedes ISD purchasing department by a grateful past [and late] board president Enrique Escobedo.
Lopez goes on about his family, but does he remember the family of Silverio Capistran, the late Food and Nutrition Service director who committed suicide while under his watch? What does he know about that that has never been told?

Lopez leaves at a time when the board under him has encumbered the district with as much as $100 million in debt which will be paid by the higher taxes and future generations of BISD residents.
Now, is disgraced BISD board vice president Carlos Elizondo next to withdraw? We wonder whether his swan song will include any of his peccadilloes or any mention of his dragging the BISD through the mud a result of him serving there with 11 felony charges hanging over his head? Now that he is working for a vendor which he introduced to the district, will he bow out gracefully, or continue the circus which he helped to create as the ringmaster and clown all rolled into one?
Lopez's tribute to himself is posted below.)
After much thought and discussion with my family, I have decided to withdraw my candidacy from the upcoming BISD school board election; I will however complete my term this November. I have wholeheartedly enjoyed serving our community for the past five years and I’m very proud of the many accomplishments we’ve achieved during my time in office.
The students of BISD have always been my priority and I’m grateful to have contributed to the positive standing and position our district is in: BISD has been one of the top academic performers in South Texas, is financially healthy, we’ve made huge strides in improvements to our facilities and have implemented various initiatives, such as Pre K 3 & 4, a program which I’m very passionate about. At this time, not seeking re-election is what’s best for my family and I.
As a husband and father to two young boys, I look forward to spend more time with family, focus on my health and some of my personal and professional goals. I’d also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my BISD family. It’s because of you all, that we have accomplished many of our goals.
I’m especially appreciative of the friendships that were formed during my tenure. Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank my supporters for their unwavering encouragement, I am forever gratefulI. I want to wish all of the candidates running for the BISD school board the very best.
While I’m unsure of what the future holds for me, I definitely look forward to serving my community in a different capacity in the near future. It has been my greatest honor to serve on the BISD school board and I wish our district continued success. César Lopez Brownsville ISD Board President
Finally! Elizondo should follow if he has any integrity and morals. Now the voters must monitor the campaign contributions made by Escobedo,Salazar insurance and the board attorney. Lets see which one of the running candidates will accept top dollars and sale their vote. Rumor has it powers will be one.
Cesar, will serving in another capacity not take you away from your family?
Does not make sense! Are you running FROM BISD for some reason, cause why were you previously running for the BND? Was that not going to take your time from your family. Pero, I guess it is what is best for you and maybe we can get a strong president who will not cater to a particular board member and who knows how to conduct a meeting by Robert's Rules of Order. You allowed everyone to talk whatever they pleased and as many times as they wishes. Buena suerte!
Cesar, you forgot to include you also benefited from the Sweet Heart Deals that Connect with Buy Board...
Why not mention the Barbacoa you know you were involved in it.. Que poco hombre no Vales Madre!!!
You are such a piece of shit and worthless leader. Don't "Stroke Yourself" you should be in jail...
Find the "WHITE HORSE". Where is the WHITE HORSE?
The Elizondo family is from Matamoros and all should go back across the bridge. They bring a cartel mentality to our city.
Don't let the door hit your ass on the on the way out Lopez., oh by the way don't think the feds forgot about you yet
We need the WHITE HORSE !
I drink miller lite so I would not have gone to that pachanga hate it sad...
It is time WHITE HORSE...Let's do it, change the BISD Board,change BISD...Go WHITE HORSE, We don't know who you are but, we are with you.
Let's all make an effort to find the "White Horse", we need this guy.
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