By Gerardo F. McHale-Scully
El Rrun-Rrun Mexico City Correspondent
And Abuelo of Brownsville Soccer
As publisher of The McHale Report, I sat down with OP 10.33 founder Mike Hernandez and discussed a wide range of issues that he has endeavored to promote during the few years since he has returned to his hometown with no other intention than to make Brownsville a better place. When I first heard about him and his intent, I shook my head and said to myself, "That can't really be true. Nobody cares enough to make that kind of commitment anymore. There has to be an ulterior motive."
We met on the bar side of Campero's. It's one of my favorite drinking holes in Browntown. I like the dark setting and there is seldom a crowd. You can have a quiet conversation. And we did. Over beers and botana, I questioned and he answered. Here is the Q&A:
Are you ready to rumble?
I think it is appropriate to honestly evaluate our progress over the past 24 or so months.
What is OP 10.33's focus?
Education, economic development, basic services for the most in need regardless of citizenship and politics.
How do you see this area's realities?We all know the realities of the power structure in Cameron County and it all unfortunately centers around local governmental entities since there is no real private sector to lead the way. That is why we had to address the local political situation first to “separate the sheep from the goats” as they say. It's an old line from a John Wayne western.
What do you mean by that exactly?Pressure and/or replace all of the corrupt and self-serving public servants one by one and then support and guide the rest. Guide means showing them how successful communities elsewhere have proven models that can be replicated here for the good of their constituency.
Where do we begin?
That starts with education. When we are talking about education, we realize that we are talking about workforce trainingat the same time. That has been one of the missing links in Brownsville with all of the TSC dysfunction. And with BISD to some degree.
In your opinion, in what areas should we focus our energy and resources?
There are three main industries in which we are focusing our workforce: Advanced manufacturing, hospitality/tourism and medical. That is why implementing this TX FAME program is so crucial. That is the final piece of the puzzle on the advanced manufacturing/engineering educational pathways that will gin out skilled workers at every level.
Can you give me something precise in terms of an actual operation?

Can you give me some other examples of on-the-ground reality?
We are establishing the same basic structure for stackable education/workforce training credits in the field of hospitality by partnering with UTRGV to build a hotel that serves as a teaching facility as well. This has been done at a number of universities: UH, Memphis U and Oklahoma St. are some examples. It can be easily replicated in Brownsville.
You haven't mentioned the medical part of your program. Where are we there?The last of the Educational Pathways that we saw as an immediate opportunity is in the medical field. All local educators seem to be focused on that already, so I’m not sure that they need any assistance from us per se.
What has been your biggest challenge thus far?
Economic development has been the most complicated to plan out and maneuver around, but here is where I think we have made tremendous progress. BEDC was completely corrupt. It was abusing the poor people's tax dollars and had to be blown up. Mission accomplished.
Blown-up is an understatement. What a blatant waste of money! It was criminal. It was much like the Port of Brownsville's Bridge to Nowhere. A combination of corruption and incompetency. Where are we now?
We have played an instrumental role in bringing in the new executive director at GBIC who will tie all of the educational efforts that are being set up directly to a master economic development plan, which dovetails directly into the overall BiNED plan that revolves around manufacturing on both sides of the border.
His critics says he's a puppet. What is your opinion of Mario Losoya, GBIC's new executive director?

What about the hospitality side?
As far as the hospitality industry goes, SPI already has a pressing need for professionally trained workers at all levels. Given the efforts to revitalize downtown, which I fully support, and the Riverwalk project finally getting past Mayor Tony Martinez’s games, there will be an even larger need ahead soon.
Who needs to cooperate in order to achieve your vision of the future?
I think we should coordinate with SPI and Brownsville hotel and restaurant operators to create internships and hire our graduates. Coordinate with TSTC as well since they currently have a program in place. Again, hopefully TSC will eventually come along.
Let me get the next round, Mike. Same? Two more, bartender. Where were we?
Lastly, with regard to economic development in the medical industry, McAllen's Alonzo Cantu has run into a few political roadblocks with Renaissance. I think we should find out what he needs to help expand his operations into Cameron County to create jobs and provide quality healthcare for us. CCEI, TSC, I believe, and UTRGV all are focused on this type of training, so we should be able to provide the skilled workforce he needs.
What about the truly needed since you addressed that issue at the beginning of our interview?
Services for the most in need pertains to the work we have been doing for the shelters in Brownsville. We must incorporate workforce training into the shelter programs, so that these people can provide for themselves going forward. We are already making sure that they have enough meat and vegetables to take care of everyone and will continue to do so.
But where we do we go from here?
We must address the facilities at both locations because something needs to be done to upgrade them. I am working with Texas A&M to provide free medical services through their Healthy South Texas program for these people. We still need to sit down with the Bishop Flores to discuss how we can coordinate with their efforts on the ground because I’m sure there are synergies there. George Gavito has put together a list of what we have done to date, but it is generally just responding to that community’s needs.
And politics?
Politics is a means to an end, nada mas. We’ll continue to do what we have to do in that regard.
Obviously, it is not a one-man operation. How would you evaluate your team?
I cannot thank each of them enough for all the good work that they are doing for the community. “A rising tide floats all boats,” so in the end they will benefit from these efforts. But at the end of the day, the members of our team are truly unsung heroes because the work that they are doing is going to positively affect thousands of people now and in the future. They may not realize it, but we do!
Thanks, Mike. I really enjoyed the chat.
Anytime. I have nothing to hide. I am an open book. You can ask me any question you want and I can handle criticism, but I expect to be treated fairly and professionally.
One more for the road?
Another time. I'm driving. You're walking.
One of his last comments stuck with me: "The work they are doing is going to positively affect thousands of people now and in the future. They may not realize it, but we do."
I remember when Trey Mendez was part of the Fantastic Four comprised of himself, Adela Garza, Rene Torres and Kiko Rendon in their combative crusade to save TSC against Queen Julieta Garcia and all of her Brownsville court.
He wistfully noted when the blood was flowing in the streets and he and his comrades were dealing with protests in front of his law office, "There are thousands of families and their children who don't recognize the war that we are waging right now against formidable forces in order to assure them the education that they deserve."
It can be a lonely and unappreciative struggle, but in the end it may be the one that gets you into heaven.
A good and fine person for us to emulate. We need more people like him with a clear shoulder and nothing to hide, so he can tell it like it is. Please help us out as much as you can with our school district, as you see that our superintendent has done wonders since she came to improve our schools. How about helping out Lincoln Park in some way, Mr. Hernandez?
Fake interview. Never happened. Why not actually do one? smh
I really hope there isn’t a tape of Donald Trump using the N-word in a manner that’s clearly meant to be offensive, bigoted, and derogatory.
We’ve now reached the stage where the existence of such a tape is not proven, but is more than theoretically possible. We have a recording of Trump campaign aides talking about the potential of such a tape in a manner that suggests they find it within the realm of possibility.
The Trump presidency is oddly dependent on tapes. Trump’s entire existence is so strange and outside the norms of decent behavior that many of his foibles simply cannot be believed, absent hard evidence. Who would believe that Donald Trump would call reporters pretending to be a publicist in order to brag about himself? If you didn’t have the tapes, no one would. Who would believe that Trump would admit—almost to a total stranger, while wearing a microphone—to grabbing women by their genitals and forcing them to do whatever he wanted? Without the tapes, no one would. People have speculated for almost two years about a Russian pee tape that almost certainly doesn’t exist. And everyone will continue to view it as a fantasy. Unless it surfaces. At which point we will all shake our heads and say, “Actually, we should have known ...”
Good criticism on Trump, but I believe this article is about Mike Hernandez, a man on a mission to help Brownsville. I sincerely hope he succeeds because Brownsville and its entities need better vision, guidance and direction.
Never mentioned the senior citizens of this area? Are they not important? Just like domingez catering to the wrong crowd.
Disenchanted republican must be one of those rare educated (with HS diploma)ones that that voted for this moronic clown to say the least.
Look as a tax payer and citizen of BROWNSVILLE it all sounds good if these are his true words then his heart is in the right place.But i tell you alot of us citizens are fed up with these asshole politicians raping our tax dollars that shit has to stop !! The city of brownsville and PUB and BISD are the worst.Mr. Hernandez its ok to make money but dam please don't take the cookies the and the lid. aAlot of these politician prostitutes down here have no shame in their game good luck stay straight cause your right the good lord will one day judge.
Mike Hernandez is not our savior. He is an outsider who sees Brownsville as an opportunity to add to his small wealth by skimming off of grants. He never had the intention of buying El Hotel Jardin. It made a good story and brought him the attention of idiots.
He missed the senior citizens Why? I don't like the smell. If he wants to help he should cover all bases and he's not doing that. If that for a reason is that where the money is at. What's the plan we'll know soon enough. Shit always floats...
How can Mike criticize BEDC, when his boss Mago Marin used to own that corrupt organization.
El Mago Marin used his boy, the corrupt Mark Sossi to steal $1mm for his Imagine Brownsville study,
that read like a comic book. Have u ever read that comic book Mike? Can u read Mike?
Tell Mago to return the $1 mm to the citizens.
Mago Marin is either dupping dim witted Mike Hernandez,
or Hernandez is part of el Mago’s gangster click,
together with the known pervert Mark Sossi.
Why didn’t you ask Hernandez
about that relationship Jerry?
Check out Hernandez's use of words such as, "we", "set up", " cooperated vision", seems as Mario is going to do as Mario says. Let's say Mario is qualified, but the, ISSUE, here is how he got to the job? How he got elected to the job? How all these set-ups were being set-up before he even got elected. Cameron county has a lot of people like Mario already. Whose vision was it? Whose money is it? People want to know where and how they want to spend their money. Are their monies being invested or spend in CORRUPTION?
This "interview" is the most ridiculous example of "pay for blog" promo seen yet for this ego-maniac. Coming from someone sued by this jerk for expressing his original (1st amendment protected free speech) of what a "fraud" Hernandez is. These BrownsEville bloggers & politicians are so easily bought out ... and for peanuts! 8:14am is very observant about what the article reveals, which total manipulation by MH. He disses TSC, when they should be totally integrated into any workforce development plan. He is still trying to punish them for his losses in the elections he tried to first manipulate. He even set up a scholarship at TSTI in Harlingen for Brownsville sztudents to come over there, thereby by taking them away from TSC. His tools:
Luis Hndz - GBIC attorney (and MH's first cousin)
Cesar de Leon - GBIC
Jessica Tetreau - GBIC
Rita Hndz - Director of MH's Vocational Workforce Training Center (Luis' wife)
Lozoya - Director of GBIC
Dump them next election (they suck!)
The poorest city in the USA and yet we have employees from COB, PUB, BISD, Port, GBIC and other public entries making $240,0000 a year. Governing Boards must be out of their mind to approve such huge salaries while the lower ranks earn on the average $20,000 a year. This is something that badly needs to be reevaluated, city commissioners & board members, do your job, get to work and make positive change, this is totally unacceptable. After all, this why you got elected, to ensure tax dollars are spent wisely.
Check who the atty. for Greater Brownsville Incentives Corp. is, no other then RENE OLIVEIA, (charged with multiple DWI), corrupt as they come in my opinion. Now,check out what Rene's reasoning or pleading for the pre-hiring of Mario Lozoya, justification -- "That DELAYING OF LOZOYA"S DUTIES WOULD CAUSE MORE PROBLEMS TO THE CITY". Admitting the City has problems before the hiring, so the hiring of Lozoya is going to fix "WHAT"? Could this be the reason why District attorney Luis Saenz has delayed prosecuting Rene Oliveira? If Rene Oliveira was convicted of DWI before the Lozoya's illegal hiring trial would Rene be leading this investigation?
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