Pray for San Benito.
Just yesterday, during a special meeting and workshop of the San Benito City Commission, a majority voted to fire Ricardo Morado, an attorney with an attorney with the Brownsville firm of Roerig, Oliveira and Fisher, and opted to replace him with former City of Brownsville attorney Mark Sossi.

Mayor Ben Gomez and Commissioners Tony Gonzales and Rick Guerra voted to fire Morado and hire Sossi, Commissioners Rene Villafranco and Carol Lynn Sanchez voted against the motions.
Sossi was fired August 14, 2017 from Brownsville after the "cup of forbearance" of the city commissioners had spilled over.
Before that, in January, he had requested for his employment status to be changed from a contract to full-time city employee so that he could include a child on the city's health insurance plan. A court had ordered that he provide health insurance to the child who had been born to a woman he met at a local strip club and who had filed for child support after he evicted her and her other children from his house.
And before that, he had been involved in various unseemly fracases.
At one time, Sossi used to drive around town in his sports car without a valid inspection or valid license plates and was wanted for unpaid tickets by a JP court in San Benito. Local watchdog groups had complained to city administration that Sossi was farming out city work to a firm which had filed a complaint in a local court that he had pocketed $167,000 which belonged to them when he was in their employ.
And he sued a local blogger for $10 million claiming he had been defamed in a post detailing his role in an altercation at the house of a female city employee after her daughter allegedly found them in a compromising situation.
That was thrown out and the city's insurance doled out a symbolic monetary settlement to bury the matter.
That was only the tip of the Sossi iceberg. Now that he's landed the San Bene gig, one can only hope the Resaca City is not subjected to these lapses of Sossi behavior.
Otherwise, all this exercise will imitate native son Freddie Fender's "Wasted Days and Wasted Nights."
Well all the mayor and city commission need to remember is that they were elected to do what is best for the city. It is not up to the city attorney,city manager or the police chief.
Well all the mayor and city commission need to remember is that they were elected to do what is best for the city. It is not up to the city attorney,city manager or the police chief.
In the article from Valley Morning Star posted yesterday, apparently Commission Carol Sanchez thinks Mr. Sossi should not have been hired because he has too much "BAGGAGE" ok, im sorry Ms. Ghetto Sanchez, but is having a pervert brother (still pending charges in 404th court) and a thief as a husband (04-CR-472-A, 05-CR-431-A)NOT considered baggage??!!! HMMMM....just asking for a friend! She really shouldn't be one to be talking about anyone having baggage!
Any chance the human resources director for the City of San Benito is related to the BISD human resources director who hired Salazar?
The City of San Benito City Commission must really like that Doobie brothers song, "What a fool Believes" well at least the 3 that voted for saucey or sossi or whatever.
Maybe San Benito can hire Charlie Cabler Carlos Elizondo and Ernie Estrada and reunite the team. LMAO GOOD LUCK San Benito
To my understanding a sitting San Benito elected officials has had a brush with the law once or twice. Baggage yes.
The san benito lineup -cabler city manager/police chief,elizondo fire chief,estrada assistant chief. what a dream team for san benito.
Wow! I guess ethics and integrity does not matter to those who voted to fire Rick Morado and hire a sleeve ball like Sossi. Ross's resume probably listed Atkinson and Cabler as references.
This was a moronic decision made by three morons who have zero experience making business decisions. Their supporters here can try to spin the moronic decision into a good move but everyone knows it was a stupid move. The commission trader a professional attorney for a washed up has-been attorney who cant find a job. San Benito will never stop being the laughing stock of the valley. I am glad I don't live in San Benito. I do visit La Villita for my dose of conjunto music.
Shit flows up river too
Sossi might be everything you say he is, but so it Pat Ahumada who signed his employment contract !!!! Hahahhahaha. You wouldn’t believe the information Sossi has about everyones favorite drunk: Ahumada.
Does anyone study the records and credentials of the people they hire. Sossi is a carbon copy of Balty as one blogger says, but they are still making the big bucks. Where are the criminal records check or references or how about keeping up by reading the newspaper and listening to the news.
These are attorneys that can't make it on their own just like some judges.
We will see if the law firm MORADO works for still contributes to one of the city commissioners when he runs for re-election. R. V.
Only took BV a year to advertise for Sossi's former position...wonder who the crony will be they stick in there...
the city manager from san bene has it in the bag everyone step aside.
Mago Marin is behind all this.
Sossi is his boy who helped him fleece BEDC
for a $1 mm study called Imagine Brownsville.
Can’t belive bloggers are missing who the source
of all this evil really is. Sossi the pervert,
is just the errand boy.
Didn't the BV commish pay tens of thousands of dollars to some nimrods? And a year later we see an ad on the city site? Who got all that free money for nothing?
He also sang "Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends".
Bunch of pendejos & pendejas in the city of San Benito!
El SOSSIE knows that san bene doesn’t have the deep pockets like browntown. san bene is just a pit stop.
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