By Juan Montoya
On January 15, 1983, Baltazar Salazar, then starting an optometry business in Brownsville, was arrested for issuing a check without funds. That case number was 83-CR-416-A.
Then, just a little after a year later, on April 26, 1984 he was again arrested for two counts of the same offense of theft by check. Those case numbers were 85-CR-450-A and 85-CR-23-A.
On February 26, 1985, Salazar was found guilty of 85-CR-23-A, one of the April 26, 1984 cases. A trial court (107th District Court) found him guilty and he received a three year prison sentence probated to seven years. He appealed the judgment to the 13th Court of Appeals and the court affirmed the trial court's conviction on May 1986. (13-85-181-CR)
A Cameron County Asst. District Attorney said Salazar was given "county jail and probation" during a 2012 hearing on two of the cases (83-CR-416-A and 85-CR-450-A), but referred to certain "certified copies" of documents issued by the Cameron County District Clerk (Aurora de la Garza) purporting to show that the cases had been "set aside," but neither she nor Salazar presented such evidence to the court.
How these district clerk office "documents" came to be or how one could "set aside" convictions that had resulted in probation was not explained. Aside from the oral testimony in a Cameron County courtroom, they can't be found on the record.
Salazar left the optometrist trade a few years later and – despite the three felony convictions – was allowed to enter law school. On May 1994, he graduated from law school at Texas Southern University. He then plied his trade in Houston, occasionally taking cases in Cameron County and South Texas.
Fast forward to April 24, 2012.
On that day, Salazar filed a petition for expunction of the criminal cases in the 107th District Court where he had been tried, found guilty, and sentenced to probated sentences. (See graphic at right. Click to enlarge.)
Despite the fact that once a defendant serves community probation expunction is not statutorily permitted, the court bought his attorney's argument and granted the motion and on June 26, 2012 and ordered that all law enforcement agencies including the Brownsville Police Department, the Cameron County District Attorney's Office, the Cameron County District Clerk, and the Texas Dept. of Public Safety, among others, to seal all documents related to the arrests and convictions.
But while awaiting the decision by the appeals court, Salazar heard from his friends in Brownsville that the Brownsville Independent School District might be looking for a school board attorney, and he applied and made his presentation April 1, 2013. Now, he knew he had three felony convictions, but claimed he had been "released from the charges" on his BISD application as he did to the 13th Court of Appeals. The pliant board of the BISD bought it. The Court of Appeals justices did not.
But on August 15, 2013 the court of appeals reversed Euresti's order and denied Salazar's petition for expunction as to all three offenses. (See graphic at right. Click to enlarge.)
"We order all any documents surrendered to the trial court or to Salazar returned to the submitting agencies."
Even though the appeals court order was issued in August 2013, and dated Nov. 7, 2013 when it reached the trial court, it wasn't until November 25, 2014 – more than one year later – that Euresti dismissed Salazar's petition for expunction of his criminal records and sent his order to open the documents to De la Garza's office down the hallway. Why did it take Euresti more than a year to sign and expedite the order and implement the court of appeal's order to return the documents to public scrutiny?
If Euresti signed the dismissal order in 2014, why haven't the documents proving Salazar has three felony convictions been placed back on the public record? Did De la Garza sit on Euresti's dismissal order until she left at the end of 2014 and the new district clerk Eric Garza took office in January 2015?
When Garza was shown the Court of Appeals order reversing Euresti's granting Salazar's petition for expungment of his criminal record just yesterday, he immediately sought the documents and released them. The truth is now available for the public – and to the BISD board and Cameron County District Attorney – for them to accordingly follow their own laws and policies.
In the BISD's "Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Criminal History and Credit Reports," it states that "No one convicted of a felony or and misdemeanor involving moral turpitude may be considered for employment in the district. Moral turpitude is an act of baseness, or depravity in the private or social duties outside the accepted standards of decency and that shocks the conscience of an ordinary person."
Among some of those crimes are included, of course, public lewdness, prostitution, theft or theft of service (in excess of $500 in value) and fraud.
A conviction is defined as "a finding of guilt or acceptance by the courts of a plea of guilty or nolo contendre."
The boards' personnel policy states that :At the Superintendent's discretion, the district shall not employ an applicant who:
1. Is a convicted felon...
But BISD Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas did not hire Salazar and the hiring of a board attorney is not left up to her discretion, and neither is it up to her to fire him or even to set his salary. That is the board's sole prerogative. Will it follow its own policy, or continue to implement that double standard in Baltazar's case?
But BISD Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas did not hire Salazar and the hiring of a board attorney is not left up to her discretion, and neither is it up to her to fire him or even to set his salary. That is the board's sole prerogative. Will it follow its own policy, or continue to implement that double standard in Baltazar's case?
How about your resume, Montoya? Gaps in employment? LOL
!Que viva La Cat!" Caty told us all that and kept arguing with Escobedo about it but no one paid attention to her and they even rudely attacked her in public and accused her of false stories by Salazar. They threw Cati to the lions and she was the only one right about the situation. Now, why does the school board sit with their arms crossed and do nothing? Cause other (2) school board members also have indictments? Like they say, Todos se tapan con la misma cholcha! Fire the hell out of the lawyer and remove the elected board member. Salazar is making almost as much as Espy and she runs the district with 59 campus, 7000 employees and 24/7 working hours and he comes from Houston to see his Mom and sleep through one board meeting a month. Not fair at all. Minerva, la Leona, why don't you complain about the children's money that is being used to pay him?
I'm okay with attorney Salazar. What's your problem, blogger?
Every day now in this country we see that justice is not equal. The claim that it is equal is just more propaganda.
If you agree that people with criminal backgrounds (as small as they might be) can run contracts in the millions of our tax dollars, or preside over the future of our local youth then please DONT complain on how "mexican" Brownsville is, don't complain on how it's Browntown, don't call on the background of the man that handles this blog, he is NOT an example of politician, a public figure or a person that works in the field of educating young minds.
If you agree that the wrongs are ok, then YOU are part of the problem and not part of a solution so please, if you are not a Brownsville native or reside in Brownsville, please, OH PLEASE STAY AWAY.
He can do anything he wants to, he lives in Brownsville Texas
To 12:08 and 12:18, this article is not about Montoya the blogger, it's about a greedy attorney who felt he was above the law and knowingly lied on a BISD application for employment. How can it be okay? This is a very serious matter because it involves morals, values and decency in the eyes of the community and school district. Something needs to be done because he is accountable to the board and the board members are accountable to us. The current board doesn't seem to care so we need to replace them in November with individuals who have the guts to do what is right. Keep up the good work Montoya.
Este dude es un RATON GRANDE
The current board are a bunch of fuckups with history of stealing and lying. They vote for people like this. If you lie on an application you should be terminated immediately,sued for wages paid and sent to jail.
Just move to Rancho Viejo with your rich friends , Juan
Has anyone filed a complaint with the state bar? Anyone? Bueller?...
So what else is new. Look at the library, COB, the port and you haven't even touch the MUD's.
I went to the linear park flea market and I saw ALL the vegetable in the open, but go to the flea market at 77 and you see all the vegetable covered with a net. I ask one of the seller and he said the city keeps harassing them to put nets on all the vegetables and fruits. What not over at the linear park flea market?
It's because of the privileges that Brownsville lives by. Its in every area, Law, Education, Government, Local Businesses and the flea markets.
Juan? He has rich friends? Que pasa Juan??? Tell me its not true!!! This is really funny. lol lol lol
"White Horse Coming"...To BISD !
There was a time you needed a clean record to run for office. Now it is necessary to be a wheelchair stealing, money taking, lying varmint to sit on BISD board. Not one of them with any morals or values. Anyone who runs against these individuals would win, Brownsville needs a change.
The farmers market is a pet project, another one, of la vieja Zavaleta-Gowen que thinks que su caca no apesta. She gets away with whatever she wants como era su papa Tambien. Se creen un pavo real y acabo en el coral apestan a gallina. O como va la Cancion? Don't go to the Farmers Linear Park Market and don't ride your bike or walk over to her other project across the street from el tecorucho de Stillman que viene de Santa Petronilla y no tiene nada que ver con la estoria de Brownsville. Los Zavaleta y el alcalde se creen
caca fina.
So many wannabe royalties in this town!
Why are the city inspectors "NOT REQUIRING" the flea market sellers, at linear park, of fruits and vegetables to cover their goods with a net? Why do they go to the 77 flea market and harass the sellers of fruits and vegetables to cover them with a net. Why not the sellers at linear park? They go to the 77 flea market and threaten the sellers with fines and their shops to be closed if they don't comply.
Where is the temp city manager? He won't do anything to anger some elected city officials. He wants to be appointed permanent city manager, a yes sir yes mam boy. So why spend thousands of dollars to look for a qualified applicant. They already have one here!!!
They are using the city ordinances in a selective manner.
Isn't it nice to advertise on city property without paying any fees or rents and is it legal? Just provide enumerations, to one of your known acquaintances, so that some elected or hired official will look good.
When is this “CRONYISM” going to stop?
Cronyism is the practice of partiality in awarding jobs and other advantages to friends, family relatives or trusted colleagues, especially in politics and between politicians and supportive organizations.
Juan, find and look for Joe Barguiarena. If you find him, hopefully he will listen to you and run for BISD. We need candidates like him. He care's about humanity !!!
Oh my God, our class of 1975 (Hanna HS) would support Joe Barguiarena for BISD Board..We are making calls now. Joe is such a wonderful person and means well. Go Joe !!! Go Joe !!
Joe Barguiarena, such a nice qualified individual, great candidate for BISD. We are praying he runs.
To all Barguiarena supporters I heard a rumor that Joe and school board attorney Baltazar Salazar are good friends. Will somebody out there please tell me it ain't so.
Juan, we just heard that Joe Barguiarena would possibly be a candidate for BISD Board. We are with him..He is a very accomplished/educated person and very humble..Our group is with him if he decides.
I Joe Barguiarena, will tell you I am not friends with BISD Attorney, Baltazar Salazar or any Board Members. I Have not said YES, to run, but if i do as i've been asked to, they will not have the ability to control me , central office will change.. Who is Baltazar Salazar? Change is coming ! Salazar, poor choice.
No one should get re-elected.
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