Right after Brownsville Independent School District general counsel Baltazar Salazar backpedaled on his approval of an agenda item for the district to enter into a Letter of Intent for a Private Public Partnership in Tuesday's meeting, it drew reproving texts from former Brownsville Navigation District Chief of Police George Gavito.
The LOI would allow the district to explore the possibility of collaborating with a local university (UTRG?) to establish a Performing Arts Center that would also provide a hospitality and culinary industry curriculum.
The proposed LOI envisions the construction of a hotel to complement the instructional component and is first step toward potentially having the BISD, a local university, and private investors explore the idea of collaborating toward the establishment of that facility, estimated by some observers to come at at between $40 $50 million.
Salazar's sudden turnaround on is approval of the agenda item to approve the LOI surprised board members and administrators who has sat down with him just hours before the meeting and allowed him to tweak the wording. Apparently satisfied with the item, Salazar gave the superintendent and board president the go-ahead to include and consider the item. It read:
5. Discussion, consideration and possible action to execute a Letter of Intent for the formation of a Public Private Partnership regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for the planning of a Performing Arts Center.
So when board president Cesar Lopez was asked by trustee Dr. Sylvia Atkinson if Salazar had asked that the item be pulled, it threw everyone for a loop when he hemmed and hawed and said that the proposed LOI lacked detail and committed the district to unspecified financial commitments and to at least a 20-year agreement. Therefore, he said, he was recommending it not be approved.
"My recommendation (was to pull it) because there wasn't any detail and it doesn't fall within the guidelines...," he said, getting cut off by Lopez who reminded him that his position a few hours earlier was to include it in the meeting.
"I'm a little surprised you say that," Lopez said. "When we reviewed it you were OK with it, then you do a complete 180 (degrees). This is strictly exploratory. We're not obligating the school district to anything."
It takes four votes when there is a full board present to approve any item, including the termination of Salazar's $280,000 contract with the district.
But Salazar apparently felt that he was being threatened by Gavito with possible bodily harm by the legendary lawman and started sending shots of the offending texts far and wide to board members, the superintendent, and some sources say a copy even got to Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz.
Those who have seen the emailed texts say that Salazar apparently fears for his personal safety given the lawman's connections with the border underworld after many years of working as a Cameron County Sheriff's Department Investigator. In fact, Gavito was involved in numerous high-profile murder investigations including the Mark Kilroy case that involved his murder at the hands of satanistas and the case of the St. Joe student who was killed with the aid of a curandera.
What Salazar may not have realized was that Gavito was one of Saenz's close collaborators as an investigator during the DA's first term in office in the 1980s.
"I suggest that Salazar doesn't accept an invitation from Georgeous George to El Rancho Santa Elena where Kilroy was taken by the satanistas," quipped a current sheriff's department officer. "Vato panochudo."
It may not be as easy as getting four votes to oust Salazar, a bureaucratic survivor. Under the terms of the new agreement signed June 21, 2016, his original contract signed April 2, 2013 was extended to April 2, 2020 and contains termination language highly favorable to the lawyer.
The terms state that the board - once it determines his performance unsatisfactory - has to give him written notice and he has 60 days (two months) to "cure the deficiency" then at end of that period, must give him a letter of termination. Termination may only occur 30 days after that notice of termination is issued.
"In other words, even if the board wants to fire him right now, he still has three months of salary coming to him under those terms," said a former board member. " "That's an additional $70,000 that he is eligible to receive under the contract. Who wrote this? And even more telling, who approved this?"
For his part, Gavito only smiled when he was asked about the texts he sent Salazar and the "count to four" quote in them.
"(The late Pct. 3 county commissioner) Dolph Thomae used to tell his opponents that it took three votes on the court to decide on any issue," he recalled. "In the case of the BISD board, all you have to do is 'count to four.'"
Thank u Greorgie for stepping up because this deal sounds too good to be true.
Just another carpetbagger dealing with scalktwags to milk the poorest City in America. Add this to Tenaska, SpaceX, Ln NG and other scams ala ENRON class.
Call in the Fed's and the comic brigade as this sounds like corruption at a high level. This is the gangster brigade talking, so it is Texas rangers time.
So what? Gavito? Blowhard!!!!
Salazar doesn’t even have an office—- his ofc is his car! He is a joke but went to high school with a board member so he’s in....JOKE
More political BULLSHIT coming from BISD. How can these assholes who "lead" BISD manage the education of our kids when their obvious interest in filling their pockets. Education and academics remain poor in BISD and yet the "drama" continues to elevate. The management and conduct of BISD meetings proves that these people should not be involved in the education of our kids.
Everything is going to change the (White Horse Is Coming) YAY !!!
Joe Barguiarena, for BISD Board, yes, a good accomplished person, with a good heart. Our vote for him...
Some Attorneys in this town talk shit but once you confront them like a man would about there bullshit they quickly turn into pussies and cry.Man up boys this town still have men that back up what they say.Alot of you were chicken shit nerds in school we all know it.
This is yet another Mago Marin project, to build another useless building.
Remember his Imagine Brownsville comic book BEDC paid him a cool $1mm for.
What’s wrong with Mike Hernandez?
Why surround himself with the likes of mago Marine,
Gavito, Mark Sossi, and other known corrupt bastads of B’ville.
Clean up your act Mike—or go back to Dallas.
BISD should get started on the paper work yesterday so we can get rid of the spineless, felonious idiot that sits as the lawyer who makes almost more money than the supt for one day a month of service as he sleeps at the board meetings. If he reneged on what he had told the board, that is enough to get rid of him for ineptness and you do not have to pay off his contract. Include the fact that he lied on his application and use that to send him flying. Minera, he is the one stealing money from the children of Brownsville and you are not bitching about it and allowing him to make so much money for doing nothing. At one time you stood with another board member who questioned it and now I don't see you go against him. stand your ground as a former highway patrolwoman con el pantalon mas apretado que nadie. Remember when you would fit into those pants? Now wear them!!!
Brownsville is the only large city in the valley who does not have an event center large enough to accommodate any large gathering and if someone is offering to help out provided that there is an agreement to allow for a fine,
sophisticated hotel next to it, why should anyone negate do so. It is so
Brownsville mentality. the agenda item was only to give permission to go forward to discuss the possibility.
All school board candidates should make "Count to Four" part of their agenda. Great quote George.
The idea is good
The supt is not
The Atty is not
BISD is a mess she promotes followers and people not qualified to lead - good luck brownsville
Good bye broad winning district - but hey your soccer fields look GREAT
Its like mejico lindo they have the idea but lack in technology so everything remains the same.
Salazar should have never been hired!! I recall the Board Meeting the only two Board Members who refused to hire Baltazar Salazar "The Thief" were Lucy Longoria and Caty Presas-Garcia.. Baltazar Salazar was a Felon then and he still got hired!!! Now that Baltazar Salazar hasn't pleased the Majority of the Board Members that voted for the project it's time to change the contract of the Legal Services... Remember that Cesar Lopez, Sylvia Atkinson, Laura Perez-Reyes, Carlos Elizondo, Cowan all took Contribution money from Baltazar Salazarr for their Campaign in exchange for the dirty Attorney Client Privilege Corrupt Cover Up.... Minerva Pena has received monies from Baltazar Salazar for her Pony League Contributions also...Board Member who run should be DAMN PIT BULLS AND GET RID OF THE FUCKING CORRUPTION!!! It's sad the current Board allows Corruption and Keep Playing the Pay for Play Game...They should all be charged with Abuse of Power and Paying a Felon with our Tax Payers Dollars... Tenemos Pura Mierda and they call themselves leaders.... Ni a Paleteros LLegan son Puros y Puras Ratas!!!
Yes, Joe Barguiarena for BISD Board, if you can find him, he's elusive. Great candidate, great speaker, great motivator, very well educated with a business mind. He care's about people, find him and convince him...We will help him..Help us help him..Fine him !!!
Joe Barguiarena would win for BISD, he is just a good person. Well educated with a good heart. He has our club's vote.
Joe Barguiarena, we would be with him for BISD Board..If he decides. Joe would be great candidate. He is very helpful to people and an accomplished man and a Godly person.
Good, Joe Barguiarena for BISD Board, great news. He's educated, well read and has a love/passion for education. Wonderful candidate. He has our coffee club vote.
We agree, Joe Barguiarena would be a terrific candidate for BISD Board if you can get him to run. He would win, has name ID and good credentials. We christian's would be with him. Talk to him !
Juan ok well looks like tis time to send out a search party for joe barguiarena right?
Yes, let's send a search party for Joe Barguiarena, let's find him. Great candidate and good person. He will excite the community, let's find him.
A search party for Joe Barguiarena has just started for BISD and US Congress, this is a good man. Let's find him ! Help us.
Search Party for "Joe Barguiarena" starts now, for BISD/US Congress.
We started a Search Party for "Joe Barguiarena" ! Can you help us "Juan". Find him and convince him.
Search Party for "Joe Barguiarena" in action, Help us Juan...Help us find him.
Gavito, who the hell is he to scare someone like Salazar? I bet that they were both in bed on this deal and money was going to be channeled to certain pockets? Gavito has no standing in this county even with his so-called spring break case which all LEO's in this county knew that he had nothing to do with other than being in the right place at the right time and his connection (not in a good way) with the drug cartels.
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