By Juan Montoya
She won't say why she had this item inserted into today's 's agenda of the Brownsville Independent School District pending conferring with legal advisers, but trustee Dr. Sylvia Atkinson says she will have plenty to say when the board meets this evening.

However, the wording of the item hints at questioning the process whereby the administration recommended the district enter into discussion with Jacoma Corporation and a university everyone thinks is the UTRGV for a cooperative effort to make the project a reality.
The way the item is worded includes a mention of "vendor tampering," a thinly-veiled hint at potential criminal acts.
"I can't address that now,"' said Atkinson Monday. "I'm still waiting for further advice. But I'll tell you that others wanted to make it more specific and lay it specifically at the door of the superintendent."
Last year, the BISD approved 1.25 cent tax increase per $100 property tax valuation that it projects will generate about $24 million per year, which the district plans to use to leverage about $100 million in loans. All of the projects would be paid off in 10 years according to projections.
Noe Hinojosa of Dallas investment banking firm Estrada-Hinojosa, BISD’s longtime investment bankers, outlined the plan.
BISD chose to adjust its tax rate to accomplish the projects rather than seek voter approval for general obligation bonds, which officials said would obligate the district for many years to come and be more expensive. It also allowed the board to pass the increase without going to the voters for approval.
The hospitality-culinary project was not included in the Hinojosa-Estrada proposed debt encumbrance. Instead, its advocates say the P3 financing method permits non-traditional private funding to couple with public entities to build it.
The proposed LOI envisions the construction of a hotel to complement the instructional component and is first step toward potentially having the BISD, UTRGV and private investors (Jacoma) explore the idea of collaborating toward the establishment of that facility, estimated by some observers to come at at between $40 $50 million.
Everything was a go until the meeting when the administration was asked if BISD general counsel Baltazar Salazar had asked that the item be pulled. Salazar had pulled the item a month before saying that the discussion of economic development issues such as the P3 letter of intent could not be discussed in executive session.
When confronted with legal opinions by other attorneys that the board could indeed discuss such matters, Salazar let it be known that he would not permit it "por mis huevos."

"My recommendation (was to pull it) because there wasn't any detail and it doesn't fall within the guidelines...," he said, getting cutoff by Lopez who reminded him that his position a few hours earlier was to include it in the meeting.

When Salazar was trying to backpedal on his previous approval of the item, Gavito, who was in the audience, texted him the missive at right.
In turn, Salazar started forwarding the text far and wide insinuating he felt threatened by Gavito, a border lawman with connection to the criminal elements here.
We understand that a copy of the Gavito text was sent to other board trustees, the superintendent, and that it even got forwarded to Cameron County D.A. Luis V. Saenz, too.
Vendor tampering is a serious accusation and leaves it up to the public for interpretation and their perception. The legal definition includes fraud, tempering, and generally falls under check tampering, billing schemes, and bribery/extortion schemes. Atkinson made it clear that she was not accusing the Jacoma group of any illegal act, but was instead questioning the process used by the administration to prepare the proposal before ti got to the board for their approval.
District rules prohibit vendors from approaching individual board members to talk of any business between them and the district that will come before the board.
And the LOI in itself is not selling goods or services to the district. Did Salazar or any trustee feel coerced into approving the proposal? Atkinson would not say anything other than it was only a discussion (and possible action) into the "process" used to pass the LIO.
The devil, as Atkinson hinted, will be in the details.
Vendor tampering is a serious accusation and leaves it up to the public for interpretation and their perception. The legal definition includes fraud, tempering, and generally falls under check tampering, billing schemes, and bribery/extortion schemes. Atkinson made it clear that she was not accusing the Jacoma group of any illegal act, but was instead questioning the process used by the administration to prepare the proposal before ti got to the board for their approval.
District rules prohibit vendors from approaching individual board members to talk of any business between them and the district that will come before the board.
And the LOI in itself is not selling goods or services to the district. Did Salazar or any trustee feel coerced into approving the proposal? Atkinson would not say anything other than it was only a discussion (and possible action) into the "process" used to pass the LIO.
The devil, as Atkinson hinted, will be in the details.
You bank on Sylvia as a source at your peril, Montoya. She ain't that clean, bro.
This is unrelated but you should look into how many times in the past couple of years Commissioner Tetreau and her family went on Disneyland and Disneyworld trips and how they coincidentally are planned during her trips to SpaceX at both locations. I believe these are called junkets. How much did these family vacations cost the taxpayer?
Wake up and smell the coffee, the deal has been done and the bribes have been paid, this is the way things are done in Brownsville.
FAKE NEWS!!!! Tetru pays out of her own pocket!!! Duh!!!
Atkinson it's a trouble maker. She GIVES BISD A BAD NAME AND SOON, SHE'LL DO THE SAME AT TSC.
The scumbag Rene Oliveria has visited health farms in Florida,that are not on his tax returns or his check stubs, or his credit card, but he still went to them I have the dates. It was from money that he stole,and embezzled from clients. Soon it will come back to bite him in the butt. Just when he thinks that he is free and clear all will be revealed. Jail time coming to the scumbag.
You fucking morons can't even stay on topic. Christ.
So when are you bringing out all the dirt on Erasmo Castro and Carlos Elizondo???? The voters need to be reminded of their background history!
Since many are discussing issues unrelated to BISD's corruption, why has no one ever asked the county court to follow up on the computers that ended up at the pulga, containing information about taxpayers or voters. Channel 5 did a few stories, but I guess the are not really "on our side", because they failed to follow up like they said they would do. Why has this issue been pushed under the carpet but Channel 5 and other local media. The people deserve to know. Is the information about us really protected by the county????
Money money money, Folks lets face it, with a $550 million dollars budget or half a $$$$ billion dollars, that's a lot of MULAH, one has to really wonder if these candidates for BISD trustees positions are for REAL, really for the kids, the district or popcorn for themselves? I know Joe Rod is for his pocket thats a given and everyone knows that one but what about the rest on the board already? Elizondo? Lopez? you be the judge, Vote carefully.
Juan, you know who the WHITE HORSE is, help us find him....
Juan is a reporter, not David Copperfield, at least he reports on the scumbag Oliveria and doesn't take his booze like other bloggers.
Juan, help us find the WHITE HORSE...Where is he?
It is so irritating to hear Dr. A and Minerva, the Siamese conjoined twins talk at the same time with the same nonsense and la stupida de Minerva always agreeing with what Dr. A says and even having Dr. A telling her when she can talk or not and both talking over Dough-do Cowen, back and forth. If some decided to give Dr. Zendejas a million dollar anonymous donation to be used by the district, las pinche viejas are going to vote against it. It seems that Philip is finally not having his strings pulled by both of them. If they are not monopolizing the discussion, they are not happy. Minerva never shuts up, always having to make everything about her and how she was the first woman trooper in Texas - who cares - everyone stayed away from the DPS on Boca Chica where she hung around showing off her pantalones apretados and being rude to everyone. Let's forget this election and jump forward two years, please.
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