Well, it's out of the frying pan into the fire for problem child Carlos Rios.
You remember Carlos, he is the 25-year-old Brownsville man who was a candidate this past May for a seat on the board of Texas Southmost College.
Well, after coming perilously close to making the runoff (30 percent of the vote), Rios made news by getting arrested for DWI after he fell asleep in the rive-through window of the Whataburger Restaurant off the frontage road and Ruben Torres Blvd. That was less than two weeks after the May 5 election.

His supporters were disappointed because he had come so close to making the runoff and didn't. But they were even more miffed when they found out that he had a previous DWI charge and had neglected to tell them. In fact, less than two weeks after the second DWI after the election, there was a warrant issued for his arrest May 30 after he Failed To Appear (FTA) for a court hearing. That warrant is still active.
The Cameron County District Attorney then filed a motion to withdraw his Pre-Trial Deferment offer as a first offender which would have allowed his conviction to be erased if he completed the program requirements.

(Garcia had been previously arrested by the Brownsville Police Dept. in November 2016 and charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana.)
According to the now-erased post, Garcia put a hurt on Rios before it was all said and done.
Obviously, Rios' life is becoming a bit unmanageable. He has posted before that he was embarking on another semester of college after the election. After that, he expressed a desire to enter the Brownsville Independent School District race for trustee this November.
Now as he licks his wounds he has to look over his shoulder and stay on the straight and narrow because any encounter with any law enforcement will reveal the outstanding warrant.
He is following his role model, the scumbag Rene Oliveria. Why his bond condition the same as the scumbag Oliveria no drink, you should not have tried to screw the DA Luis Saenz. This proves that you are a touchable scumbag.
two Mexicans fighting? Fuck them!!!
Same pair of clowns from Dog House
He should run for Olivera's position, sounds like he fits the bill.
Privileged Asshole
Momma's boy
Can't hold a real job.
Shit he's perfect.
Shame on you Oscar eres un panochero
Oscar Garcia was a douchebag in high school. Some people never change.
His daddy will bail him out
The worst part of this story is under any normal circumstance, all of his peccadilloes would guarantee he would never hold elected office. However, since this is Brownsville, he'll probably be elected in a landslide next time.
If we checked carefully, we might find an elected official or two who have worse police records. The offers a drama that a lot of local voters enjoy. Unfortunately, this shows the poor quality of people who seek public office in Brownsville and Cameron County. His background is similar to "Beto" O'Rourke, the would-be Tejano who is running for the U.S. Senate. His background makes folks on the border salivate and so they ignore his record and his willingness to turn Texas into a Socialist state like California....or Venezuela.
Please help identify the Oscar Garcia being talked about in the above article, cause several gentlemen have the same name and it is not fair to be compared or misidentified with one so-called trouble maker.
How sad for him /Carlos and Cesar de Leon...
Oscar Garcia needs medical attention he's really a sick person
He needs another beer.
He needs to join the scumbag Rene Oliveria with his new clothes Orange for a few years. This scumbag is long overdue to meet with Bubba.
What a sad story !!!! How sad ,very sad.
This is a disgusting post. This young man (rios) is no longer with us anymore. You people are fucking disgusting in the comments. These are real people, think before you fucking open your ugly ass CLUELESS mouths.
I fucking lose faith in humanity when people drive a Young man to his passing.
I hope you all burn in hell, sad old hags.
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