Tuesday, September 11, 2018


(Ed.'s Note: Mexico beat Germany and made a run into the knockout stage of the World Cup, while the United Stated Men's National Team lost to Trinidad and Tobago and failed to make it to Russia, but the expectations will be similar when Mexico visits USA at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday. They will face off in Nashville, Tenn.

Who are you for?

On the borderland, where loyalties are torn between the Mother Country and the USA, one family has opted for both. The father-and-son team in the photo asked that we not publish their faces when we posted the photos of them wearing combination Mexico/USA jerseys.

You can't buy these at the store or send away for them, but a local tailor took a Mexico and a USA jersey and combined them for the pair. They're eye-catching and make a statement on the duality we all live on this border. Win or lose, we wish them both well. You either, win, lose, or tie whichever way it goes.)


Anonymous said...

If it works don't knock it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First of all, you can buy dual jerseys like that in several places including online and at places like the flea market.

Second, I've never understood why Mexican-Americans are always asked to choose between the United States and Mexico. I wonder if Belgian-Americans are asked about their dual loyalties to the motherland and the United States.

I am not a Mexican. A Mexican is someone who was born in Mexico. I am an American. I was born in the United States. No matter how many people want to de-legitemize my status as an American because of where I was born or because of my last name, I am still an American. I do not cheer for the Mexican national team. I cheer for the United States. This is the country I would fight a war for. This is the country I would defend to the death, NOT Mexico. This is the country that has fed me and educated me and employed me. I do not turn my back on my Hispanic heritage, but I am an American.

If your heartstrings are tugged at by everything red, white, and green, if you fly a Mexican flag during September but not an American flag during July, or if you love the Mexican national team and hate the US National Team, then maybe you're not living in the right country.

Anonymous said...

I agree. They should choose one much like you choose a job, a hobby, a partner which is to say be honest with yourself, stand up for what you believe in and look forward. Anything short is usually suspect of motives in life.

Anonymous said...

You are from Mexican decent, and no matter how many times you scrub your body, you can't wash away the Mexican blood.

Anonymous said...

@September 18, 2018 at 3:21 PM

Of course you can't wash away the Mexican blood because it's inside you, not outside your body where you can scrub it away, but that's beside the point.

My point is no matter what my Hispanic heritage may, or may not, be, I am an American. I was NOT born in Mexico. Why would I cheer for a national team from a nation that I am not from? If you bother to read my comments, I do not say anything disparaging about my Hispanic background. As a matter of fact, I embrace it. I love being Mexican-American. I love the traditions and I love the amalgamation of the two cultures. However, I was born in the United States. There's absolutely no reason to go against my home country. If we went to war, I'd pick up a rifle and defend the Stars and Stripes, not el Tri.
