Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Various Sources

The Cameron County Courthouse is abuzz with the report that former Brownsville Police Department officer Jerry Xagoraris was arrested and booked Monday on one cont of  Official Oppression, a Class A Misdemeanor  and one count of  Theft, also a Class A Misdemeanor.

Since his retirement from the BPD, Xagoraris had been appointed deputy constable on April 2014  under Pct. 4 Constable under Merced Burnias.

Xagoraris  a 30-plus-year police department veteran, was a member of the original BPD motorcycle patrol. In 1999 he was reported to have suffered his third traffic accident during his tenure with the motorcycle unit. The most serious of the three, he required 15 stitches to his head, four on a knee and three to an ankle. Xagoraris motorcycle had a car turn in front of it while he was in pursuit of a stolen car.

No other details on Monday's arrest are available.


Anonymous said...

Lol that remains me of Cesáreo another beloved BPD Motorcyclist arrested for Rata (Cashing Stolen Checks)

Anonymous said...

Lock him up!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't tell me that the DA Luis Saenz has grown some balls at last, is it to little to late, or is it the start of more to come.
Wil he go after the Jackass Jason Hilts for credit card fraud. Or Gilbert Salinas for the Columbian fraud, I only wish it was true.
Let us see what happens with the scumbag Rene Oliveria, will he walk away Scott free, or will he meet Bubba this time. Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

It feels good to know that the DA Luis Saenz has found his balls, now that he has, does he go after the scumbag Black Mamba Rene Oliveria, as he has him on the ropes, or does he take the BEDC credit card thief the Jackass Jason Hilts and the GBIC Columbian fraudster Gilbert Salinas either one would be a good catch. Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Jerry X is a good man.
If he's been arrested.
And it's true.
My heart goes out to him and his family.

Anonymous said...

Jerry is a good man pray for him

Anonymous said...

He looks innocent to me.

Anonymous said...

Another off-topic rant by the Rene Oliveira hater. Christ, almighty.

Anonymous said...

I hate all the scumbags Oliveria, Hilts Salinas, The Black Magic Man Tony Martinez. I will keep them in the spotlight all the time until they pay for their sins. I want to keep the Cocain snorting scumbag Rene Oliveria of the road for life. Send the Jackass Jason Hilts where he can't use the BEDC credit card for a long time. Then Gilbert Salinas gets charged with fraud, and loses everything that he has stolen.
Then The Black Magic Man is sent to a place where there is plenty of Black Magic. Then I will stop my ranting.

La Feria taxpayer said...

the Cameron da grew balls? really wow, I almost fainted when I read this, ok so Mr. Saenz, now that you are on a roll with rene oliviers, Jason hilts, gilbert Salinas, how about defending the poor citizens of La Feria with the ex La Feria City manager SONNY PHILLIP? Its only $3 to $4 million dollars that were misappropriated-bond money miss spent on items that were not on the certificates of obligation for these funds plus interest is around $5 MILLION. So hey you want my vote and others from la Feria, got after this cat and charge him , maybe convict him, throw his ass in jail, do something dude. We the many citizens of La Feria are WATCHING. Do your fucking job Luis Saenz, don't just go to church to give out the holy communion. Follow the laws.

Anonymous said...

Check your facts, it was not Cesario but another motorcycle cop whose last name starts with a c

Anonymous said...

It was not Cesario, it was another motorcycle cop who was passing stolen checks and was fired for it. Sad that anyone can get their facts wrong and they are printed as fact.

Anonymous said...

Check your facts! Yes it was a motorcycle cop, but it was not Cesario. That happened way after he retired. So take your lol and you know what you can do with it!

Anonymous said...

Get your facts straight idiot! It was another motorcycle cop, not Cesario who was arrested. That incident happened a long time after Cesario retired, and everyone knows who that officer was! So take your lol and you know what to do with it!

Anonymous said...

It was Ruben was Ruben Castillo.

cheech n chong said...

Nothing but a thief, downbeat and a snake in the grass. Pinche Retired Rata.
