(Ed's Note: Everyonone who was anyone was there for the sumptuous birthday bash of Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas. The indicted and the unindicted, the eternal coach and the soon-to-be-gone board president were all present.
In short, all the usual suspects.
No one is saying who footed the bill, but there were at least two vendor trustees present, so the possibilities are endless. At the head of the table was none other than "Coach" Joe, who used to ride a dinosaur the last time he paced the sidelines. Now he wants to ride the taxpayer-subsidized $1.4 million scoreboard at Sams Stadium to another four-year term.
Were you invited?
Rodriguez is mounting still another reelection campaign to stay on the board, telling BISD voters they should keep up the the momentum and let him sell his goods to the district for another four years as avendor for sports-equipment giant BSN Sports.
"He will not relinquish his stranglehold on the district's checkbook until they pry it from his dead, cold fingers," a party-goer quipped. "He is still milking the loss of the Brownsville Golden Eagles to the Seguin Matadors back in 1969, almost 49 years ago. He's grabbed a lucrative victory from a humiliating defeat. Gotta hand it to Ol' Joe."
We wish Esperanza a happy birthday, although we're not gauche enough to ask how many she's celebrating. At nearly $300,000-plus salary a year, we're not sure what kind a present we can get her. A $500,000 buyout, perhaps?)
Juan, what has Esperanza done to you that you are so against her? $500,000 buy out is a slap in the face for the type of work she has done for this district and continues to do even when she has you and your comadres so against everything she tries to do. Her birthday party was her best friends and loyal employees who decided to join her for her 66th celebration and they paid for their own meal. It was a pleasure to sit in a friendly environment where she was celebrated and honored with testimonies from those who see things as they really are. We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughing went on, trying to help her celebrate after all the micro-management and complaints the she gets from those that are out to get her - no names mentioned. Sorry you didn't get invited, but how in the world did you manage to get these pictures? Shame on you for making a mockery out of everything related to the best superintendent we have ever had in Brownsville. Eat your heart out!!!! And your comadres also!!!
Why can't the devil cast his net now he would have a field day.
The people in the picture are "EVIL".. Elizondo, Lopez, Rodriguez and zendejaz are "EVIL". They dance and eat with the "DEVIL" every day. Don't trust these people, they are "EVIL".
Bobby Wightman has sold out, juan. No longer "El Unbought" blogger. LOL
Low-lifes Elizondos show exactly who they are, no table manners whatsoever, the dude with his ball cap and the bitch glued to her phone, and they think they are high society? Give mr a break, scumbags.
What the fuck is up with Carlos always wearing a cap and always has his armes crossed.
His body language is screaming "im the most insecure bald guy in the world" like crazy.... any body language experts out there?
The people in the picture are not "HIGH SOCIETY", they are "LOW SOCIETY" and "EVIL". Vote them out, nobody want's them anymore. They make us feel sick and
Make's us feel like vomiting. Vote them out, Vote them out.
$300,000 salary.... para eso estuido....
Not bad just to say yes
, and close your eyes to the cover up that is happening with the GBIC board, as they are deserting the sinking ship, the fraudster Gilbert Salinas has run with what he has stolen, The Jackass Jason Hilts is confident his black book will save him. He has forgotten that I am not in his book. Will I stay and fight and prove that I am not a dead duck, or take the money and run.
Nobody said we were high society - you did! We were just a bunch of people who grew up just like you and learned to use their education to become better, just like Espy did, but the Crab analogy is so common with those who did nothing good and now envy those who did. Elizondo is innocent until proven guilty or did you not take that course in high school or did you fail it? Leave us guys alone to enjoy life like it should be among friends and for your information the only evil one in that group was the one who took the pictures and sold them to Montoya or Syliva Atkinson.
To the backstabber who took the picture, did you choke on the delicious dinner choices? Or did you skip out and didn't pay for your plate? The rest of us paid because we wanted to join Dr. Zendejas in celebrating her birthday and wishing her a beautiful day. We are all sick and tired of what you and your cronies put her through with you cruel comments. On the contrary, every person who spoke had something beautiful to say about her and she also related some funny stories. For a while, she was able to sit back and enjoy a fine gathering of her true friends (except for the photographer). I bet someone has a picture of who stood at that position and was taking that picture at that particular instance.
Miss. Cameron Park se siente importante.
Is that the same cap Carlos was wearing when he got arrested ?
Did Carlos Elizondo have his recorder on or does he only record private conversations with friends? Be careful of what you say when you are with him or frisk him to make sure he's not recording you.
No, we are not high society! We are just a bunch of educators, support staff and support stakeholders who respect what our superintendent has done for the district and continues to do so with guts and fortitude even though she is underminded by control freaks who are so envious of her and knock down whatever she introduces. We wanted her to have one special day where all of us would enjoy some time together and see her smile and laugh without having to look over her shoulder. BUT, ironically, right over her shoulder someone was standing taking a picture to sell to the RrunRrun. That person is the only evil one in the room who made a mockery of what was suppose to be a fun evening. However, the person failed caused we all had a good time in celebrating the birthday of a lady who continues to shine while making BISD a the best choice.
To 11:30 A.M., you must be her personal secretary who is just as ignorant as her three best friends (Elizondo, Lopez, Joe) who were seated at her personal table. To say that she is best superintendent ever is insulting to our community. She left us for Indianapolis once and then wound up in California where Joe recruited her back, because he needed her. She left a trail of buyouts along the way. Montoya warned us back then. And then to add insult to injury, you have the gall to say that 500K is a slap in the face to the taxpayers of this community. SHAME ON YOU.
I am a dedicated employee. I was not invited.
You can have all the education in the world, but none of you guys have good morals. You guys keep raising taxes and wasting money on bs so you can scam off the top. You guys screw our community then act offended when called on it. Yes, most of our citizens might not have your education, but they know the difference between right and wrong, DO YOU!
OH, thats what it is.. Carlos has the microphone in one hand and the the mini recorder in the other hand.
Be alert for code phrases like "pasame la charola", "mochate con la propina", "ill have a slice of that" etc. etc.
Too late. So Supt and her lemmings are saying --she's good the men are ruining her career. It was ruined long ago....her reputation as a leader that causes turmoil, ruins morale was established long ago. They pulled her career out of the dumpster -- and now she blames them. Those she blames saved her.....she had a chance..she could of done good...but instead she did what she always does....
The men need to go...no doubt. But they didn't ruin her.....
Espy wants a direct pipeline of Matamoros kiddos coming to school in BISD.
ESPY'S latest brainfart is to have dedicated schools that are Spanish speaking only schools, and all teachers at every school teachers are going to have yo be ESL Certified.
Just bend on over taxpayers, and take it like you always have...
Did she ruin the morale of those who were not doing what they were hired for?
Both times she was able to find those who sat on their behind and just stood up to get their paycheck. Those whose toes she stepped on deserved to have their toes chopped off. A leader does what she has to but when it comes to telling the board what to do, her hands are tied unless she goes directly to TEA and that is the only thing that would save her. Micromanagement is a big no-no and if you are so smart, you must agree that the men have been pulling her down with what THEY are being accused of doing. She has no vote in the results of what is or is not approved. She submits recommendations and Sylvia tells some what they have to do and some do what will benefit them. I just wonder what Dr.Z did to all those who individually complain about her.
Folks BISD annual budget is oinly $550 million, that's a bit over half a BILLION DOLLARS, not bad, I just want 1% commission on everything, that's all, I don't want it ALL, dese old coach Joe Rod, no mas un kachito.
What did she do? really you are an blind. She insults everyone. She ridicules-and says completely inappropriate comments/jokes to her staff (a man would of been FIRED #metoo).
The worst part is she has Nothing to offer...her meetings are a joke. "Clap when someone comes in late! I spread lies to see who believes them! Make sure you make coffee everyday, and insult the custodians" those are her bits of wisdom.
Complaints voiced to the board are ignored....because they are getting what they want. Well in NOvember, the abused, ignored and wrongfully reassigned will get what they want--change for the better. #NovemberIsComing
These people in the picture are not "HIGH SOCIETY", I would never have coffee with them. They are embarassing to the community. They are "LOW LIFE's".
yes, you are not "HIGH SOCIETY", We don't like you...A revolution is coming.
High Society????.....just plain HIGH....if they think this is good leadership.
Promise to not raise taxes....then raise taxes
Promise to do a National Search....Limit Search to Joe's File labeled "All my ex-es"
Promise to bring transparency, order, accountability...buy barbacoa, rings, turf, and a scoreboard with missing letter
time for change.
" WHITE HORSE" Coming" Be Prepared. Are you ready? You are about to experience a revolution you never expected. It will make national news.
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