(Ed.'s Note: Following a complaint against Republican Cameron County Judge candidate Carlos Cascos by a Democratic Party supporter of incumbent Carlos Cascos, the City of Brownsville Code Enforcement officers ordered the oversized sign banner removed from its perch overlooking the US 77 Flea Market across from I-69.
Although Cascos supporters argued that it was a billboard and that it was placed on private property, the argument didn't get traction with the inspectors who had been sent to remove what their supervisors had deemed to be in violation of the ordinance which states political signs could be “no larger than 36 square feet” and “shorter than eight feet in length.”
The ordinance also states that signs must also “be placed at the consent of the owner on private property. Private property also means that if you have an easement up front for utilities, etc., you can’t place political signs in that easement.
Signs also cannot be displayed in the public’s-right-of-way. Placement of signs in these areas along with signs containing moving elements will result in the sign being removed.The Cascos banner-sign was obviously a little larger than the 36-square foot limit.
But what we have learned is that property owner Tony Silva was approached by Treviño supporter Joe Rivera, the former Cameron County Clerk who once ran for county judge against Cascos for a sign for his candidate on the same spot.
Silva is said to have told Rivera the place was taken.
When Rivera saw the Cascos sign, he filed a complaint with the city and the enforcement action followed. Now, Silva's spot has been one of the most sought-after for the large signs, and has been used by the likes of Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz, and even Treviño (you can see the remnants of Treviño's large sign under in the background).
But it is the double standards of enforcement that irked Cascos supporters. All of the other candidates, you will notice, were Democrats, Cascos was the first Republican who had rented from Silva.
Cascos supporters had counter claimed that incumbent Treviño is using county-paid engineering photographs of Los Tomates (Veteran's Bridge) to aid him in his re-election bid.
Cascos' supporters say that while sign size is a minor issue, Treviño's photograph shows details at the bridge that the Dept. of Homeland Security and ICE authorities frown upon, that is, revealing security weaknesses to potential enemies.
We are also told that the city is also coming down on mobile semi-truck and cotton trailers being hauled around the county with the large signs on their sides. Will that be the next arena of contention?
Signs also cannot be displayed in the public’s-right-of-way. Placement of signs in these areas along with signs containing moving elements will result in the sign being removed.The Cascos banner-sign was obviously a little larger than the 36-square foot limit.
But what we have learned is that property owner Tony Silva was approached by Treviño supporter Joe Rivera, the former Cameron County Clerk who once ran for county judge against Cascos for a sign for his candidate on the same spot.
Silva is said to have told Rivera the place was taken.
When Rivera saw the Cascos sign, he filed a complaint with the city and the enforcement action followed. Now, Silva's spot has been one of the most sought-after for the large signs, and has been used by the likes of Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz, and even Treviño (you can see the remnants of Treviño's large sign under in the background).
But it is the double standards of enforcement that irked Cascos supporters. All of the other candidates, you will notice, were Democrats, Cascos was the first Republican who had rented from Silva.

Cascos' supporters say that while sign size is a minor issue, Treviño's photograph shows details at the bridge that the Dept. of Homeland Security and ICE authorities frown upon, that is, revealing security weaknesses to potential enemies.
We are also told that the city is also coming down on mobile semi-truck and cotton trailers being hauled around the county with the large signs on their sides. Will that be the next arena of contention?
Wow! Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Fuck you Diego, you freeloading lambiscon!
Ha ha ha joe rivera back to his old tricks sore bottom feeder loser....still pissed he lost to Cascos nombre joe is a washed up has been Cascos will win with or without signs
Tempest in a Teapot, Juan! LOL
That Trevino is giving away security secrets at the bridge is nonsense. I just checked Google Earth and the photos are, in fact, more detailed than those you depict.
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