Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Poor "Coach" Joe has hit the panic button.
Just this past weekend Brownsville Independent School District trustee Joe Rodriguez who is running for reelection found himself alone with enough food and drinks for an army at a combination campaign rally Dallas Cowboys football game.
Seems like Da Ol' Coach invited over 100 people to his Sunday Kickoff only to find less than 2 dozen willing to attend. Friends of those in attendance report that even his longest standing confidant and protege, Tom Chavez, needed consoling as he shook his head in despair and disbelief.
Joe apparently lost it towards the end of the evening vowing to call out people who didn't attend. True to his word the Rodriguez started texting employees bright and early on Monday only to find the large majority making excuses for not attending.
Joe apparently lost it towards the end of the evening vowing to call out people who didn't attend. True to his word the Rodriguez started texting employees bright and early on Monday only to find the large majority making excuses for not attending.
How many sick grandmothers and flat-ire excuses could he really stomach?
Even though Coach Joe stated several months ago he wouldn't retaliate against employees who didn't support him or his candidates, several receiving his texts messages yesterday started forwarding them to their union reps just in case the BISD administration followed suit on behalf of the Super's most loyal supporter.
The large majority of insiders state Coach Joe is done.
Even though Coach Joe stated several months ago he wouldn't retaliate against employees who didn't support him or his candidates, several receiving his texts messages yesterday started forwarding them to their union reps just in case the BISD administration followed suit on behalf of the Super's most loyal supporter.
The large majority of insiders state Coach Joe is done.
Not because of his age or inability to grasp new ideas, but because he chooses to use the district's budget as his personal piggy bank to reward his business and his associates. Unfortunately, most of those friends are from out of town and can't vote to save him.
Most people believe money won't win this election for anyone who leaches off the district. Only time will tell if this rings true for poor Coach Joe.
Most people believe money won't win this election for anyone who leaches off the district. Only time will tell if this rings true for poor Coach Joe.
Piece of old shit
Coach joe should never have brought his old friend back- that was his biggest mistake —- if she was a decent leader and nice person- he could steal all day. But she’s not.... so he’s losing his most loyal supporters
Stop crying.,your a legend in your own mind
Time to vote those useless incumbents out!!!
These two dudes are pathetic, Coach Joe for all the wrong things he does with his seat as Board member and Coach Chavez because can't coach the kids to win anymore. Oh! wait a second, Pricipals love him. $$$$ Why? because the compadre system doesn't guarantee the best coaches and that's why the kiddos don't get a good outcome.
If that is a sign of what will happen in November, November, cannot come soon enough.
Coach Joe did not bring back his old boss. Dr. Z was nominated by Caty Preses and everyone agreed with a 7-0 vote and even Minerva gave a pleasing remark about how lucky we were to have her on board and they didn't have to spend money in searching for a supt cause she was already here. She started the very next day taking of unfinished business Carl Montoya had left behind and has not stop going forward since she took over the helms. All of a sudden a certain individual comes on board and Minerva's string are quickly pulled.
In this election (BISD), you will feel the "WRATH OF THE WHITE HORSE", you don't want him against you ! He is galloping and moving forward, he has influence and many followers.
Coach Joe is a corrupt dinosaur and should be sent off to Jurassic Park. Joe is an arrogant asshole and always has been. He is surely filling his pockets with tax dollars as a member of the school board....the commission for the $1.4 million dollar scoreboard was likely more than a teacher makes in a year...or maybe two. Coach Joe can't seem to understand that Brownsville is not a football town..... Time to just say NO to JOE!
Juan, we are running a Congressional Race in that area, can you help us find the White Horse, our staff needs your help. Help us find this White Horse, Who is he? Help us! We can meet privately, you him and us.
Mr. Montoya and all respect to you, we have a Senate race in our hand's for the U.S.Senate to represent Texas, Where do we find the WHITE HORSE? Who is he?
YAY ! for the WHITE HORSE, Go WHITE HORSE, Go !!! Finally, a WHITE HORSE.
Find us the WHITE HORSE, Please help us Juan !
This guy should not be called Coach Joe it should be RATA JOE.
Lets vote for Caty !!
She is the voice for BISD.
This is so TRUE Rata Viejo Joe.
oh....he didn't bring her back? Please....joe controls everything and everybody. It's what he does....he's a poker player.
His blind support of the tyrant..will cost him votes.
How is a scoreboard going to help in keeping students from going to charter schools? Work on that and invest that athletic money being spent and push it towards the teachers and instructional material and I don't mean more bench mark tests. Implement lessons that do not simply stress test-taking skills and teach relevant material that will provide information on a daily bases that will prepare each child for testing - the normal way, the way so many of us taught years ago for CTBS, ITBS, TAAS, etc. Or, channel some of the money to the Soccer teams that do win!!!!
Go, White Horse, Go, We are with you. You have no idea how many people are with you. We don't know who you are but, we need you. Go White Horse..THE WHITE HORSE, Yes.
Watch for the WHITE HORSE ! He is here and he will disrupt local elections, for the good of us, Yay, White Horse,Yay !!!
Interesting, its about time that the people in the BISD district finally realize that joe rod is a "crook." A few years too late but it looks like joe rod will have to finally get his money somewhere else.
Although, I feel that crooked joe will be out seeking revenge for those who didn't go to his party. joe rod spent his own money, maybe, to have this shindig in the hopes of bullying support.
Only time will tell?
Folk's Find the WHITE HORSE !
His party suck !!
He wants people to just kiss his ass.
One guy that kisses ass is Jerry Martinez.
Search party for the White Horse now, Let's find him!!!!
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