Friday, October 5, 2018



Anonymous said...

The "WHITE HORSE" is watching if you mean well for the community ! You can not avoid "THE WHITE HORSE".

Anonymous said...

Juan, who is the WHITE HORSE? You know, help us find him!

Anonymous said...

But you know, not everyone believes in God.

Anonymous said...

For himself and his family, he has been the problem of BISD and he knows it. Who is the best rat for this position?

Anonymous said...

Otis, I am hoping that you are sincere about "independent and integrity" and that you won't allow your sister-in-law to manipulate your thoughts and actions on the board. For some reason, she provokes problems wherever she is and if she does not manipulate all the actions, she will retaliate against those people who go against her wishes. You lost your position earlier and now you must earn your place back once and if you are elected and this is what most of us are looking for in deciding whether or not to actually trust you again. Don't let the Atkinson women run your life!

Anonymous said...

The fork tongued preacher erasmo is out calling every candidate a thief. LOL, He may be on to something!

The man of God forgot to read Matthew 7: 2-5.5 He pays "no attention to the plank" in his eye. He forgets his criminal past of theft and forgery. Way to go, Pastor Jason Erasmo Castro!

Anonymous said...

White Horse, where are you?

joe said...

We the teachers and staff of BISD want the bully Dr. Z out !

Anonymous said...

Felonies, misdemeanors, indictments, seal indictments, fraud, theft - how many more nouns can I find within the BISD school board members, and other entities. What is this about background checks? How carefully are they checked or what policies are actually enforced. Does BISD policy say anything about such nouns being addressed in their applications for a position or when running for something and running from something and yet, have the audacity to point fingers! Remember when you point one finger at someone, four are pointing back at you.

Anonymous said...

The "White Horse" has become extremely popular, the necessity for him is enormous, people talk about him all the time.

Anonymous said...

More and more schools are becoming year-round places of learning. The BISD board will consider becoming year-round place of learning. Makes sense. There are two and maybe three BISD candidates that are saying that they will consider this proposal.

Anonymous said...

2:47...BISD already did year round...
it turns schools in to HEB's open 24/7 and makes it very difficult to maintain. BISD has dismantled maintenance department already.

That's good for when your schools are overcrowded....and we are LOSING students by hundreds. IDEA may have to go year round if BISD doesn't vote for change in NOvember.

Anonymous said...

Year round schooling does not mean 24 hours, it means 12 months! That is the national trend and most professionals in the field of education (not selling groceries) recommend it, and most egotistical teachers hate it, like yourself.

Anonymous said...

We are a small group but constantly growing by the hour and soon we will have enough votes to swing any position in the upcoming BISD race. Think about it just consider to hear the proposal for BISD to go year round schooling...

Anonymous said...

Numnuts year round schooling means 12 months normal hours NOT 24 HOURS!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you don't teach math or asthmatic.
