Friday, October 5, 2018


Image result for cuando los muertos lloran


Anonymous said...

VIP? There are no VIPs in Browntown, Juan!!! Who - You? LOL

Anonymous said...

more money for her coffers

Anonymous said...

Wow, Juan, I can not believe that you are actually running something positive about this lady. Thank you for promoting this act of caring. I do hope that you are attending so you can actually see what this lady is about. The play itself is an outstanding story of character and caring. Everyone who saw it the last time could not help but be amazed at her insights and her production of a heart-warming story. Again, thank you for finally backing her up at least to publicize the play set for today. I will be there for the 3rd time because she improves it every time and to support the cause for this fund-raising activity - student scholarships and teachers' grants.

Anonymous said...

intercity ambulances will be there too

joe said...


Anonymous said...

Are the children of Brownsville her coffers? She has done more for the children of BISD than any other superintendent we have had. She uses some of her own money on many, many occasions. It is obvious that only a few are trying to stain her efforts because if you had been at the two performances of this play, you could see patrons from all walks of life participate in her effort to raise money for the children and teachers of BISD. The TSC Performing Arts Center was filled to capacity in both performances and the comments made after the play were simply incredible disbelieve on what this lady is able to do, and all for the good of our kids. Those of you who didn't attend, spent your Saturday evening watching football or at some Wings place spending money on things that do not contribute to our children, in more ways than not. Plan to attend next year if you were so unfortunate to not make it the pass two years.

Anonymous said...

WHAT?? Centennial Foundation Corporation is that the same as the ex police chief, the fire dept, and city manager and who else??? WOW and this is the poorest town in the nation! You mean the most pendejos City...

Anonymous said...

Why a corporation, so they can get paid.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that deputy dog at cob can start a Quinquaginty or Quinquagint Foundation Corporation to celebrate working(really) over 50 years doing who knows. WHAT? He already has!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard he gave out checks to vendors, no wonder he has 50 years working at cob. He got so good at it he was promoted to deputy dog...

Anonymous said...

Pay me so I can help the poor.
