Tuesday, October 2, 2018


By Juan Montoya

Either the handlers of incumbent Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño can't read the groundswell of unpopularity and public umbrage directed at I.E.S. founder Dr. Ruben Gallegos and his son Ruben Jr., or they have a loyalty that's too deeply entrenched and choose to ignore it.

There is no way, of course, that the Treviño campaign could have predicted that the disclosures of the gouging of federal dollars by the Gallegos gained from the provision of shelter and a modicum of educational instruction to unaccompanied migrant minors would come a week before the planned Meet-and-Greet for Treviño hosted by Cameron County Pct. 1 Commissioner Sofie Benavides and her former campaign treasurer Gallegos Sr.

But it did.

And now, with public opinion swinging wildly against the Gallegos and the fate of their well-paid executives on the I.E.S. payroll and their "contractors" pending a final resolution that will probably result in massive restitution of up to $22 million and potential federal prosecution, it seems like it would be the unlikeliest time to have the elder Gallegos co-host this event.

People are outraged as glimpses of the inner workings of the I.E.S. – making millions off the misery of unaccompanied migrant minors – have become known. And no, it wasn't GOP rival Carlos Cascos who snitched on the I.E.S. scandal, it was local watchdogs who merely asked that Cascos use the power of his office to punt their grievances up the federal ladder, which he did.

Neither Cascos – nor Treviño for that matter – had a hand in Gallegos Sr. and Jr. paying themselves $677,242 and $663,240 a year respectively. Or to have State Rep. Eddie Lucio III getting a total of $139,312 in total compensation to make sure that taking was done legally. What else did the III do for his lucrative compensation? Will he have to answer to the feds for his role as consigliere in this ongoing enterprise as well?

In other words, this has been a long time in the offing.

Now, with the feds closing in – if they haven't already probed into the Gallegos' massive real-estate investments – it will just be a matter of time before the other shoes fall. We will learn whether Gallegos Sr. and Jr. took advantage of being appointed to the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority to speculate on real estate investments that would be enhanced by his inside knowledge of the CCRMA's upcoming projects.

That is but one thread that would seem a logical sequence for any investigation into the Gallegos' dealings.

And we haven't even touched on the potential Hatch Act violations which  prohibits individuals being paid with federal funds from running for office in a partisan race. We would think that would include serving as campaign treasurers or actively campaigning for candidates of either party. Does that apply to a campaign for county judge?

Either way, with the election just a little over a month away, the last thing a candidate needs right now is an association with any or part of the developing I.E.S. scandal.

"Todavia miran la tempestad..."


I AM a ROBOT said...

Wow! This scandal continues to widen. It looks like these so-called public servants are just serving themselves, (and their cartel). The Hatch Act will apply here.The Feds realize they have just scratched the surface and have lots more to say about this case and others related to it. Right Eddie? Tony? RICO.

Anonymous said...

Anybody associated with Ruben Gallegos (I.E.S.) and his son (Jr) we will not support. Everybody knows Ruben and his son stole money from the Government for their own financial gain. They want people to believe they are high society but, they are RATAS, they are SCUM. So, Trevino, the people of Cameron County are not with you.Trevino, You hangout with RATAS, that make's you a RATA. The federal prosecuters are closing in on the Gallegos and Eddie Lucio III. We hope they take them down, they belong in prison for stealing millions of taxpayers dollars. Our 20 member club and our friends and family are with CARLOS CASCOS.

Anonymous said...

Of course! The IES clan wants to blame this investigation on their arch enemies, the Republicans in office. Kudos to Carlos Cascos for listening to his constituents and for having the integrity to root out some of the obvious corruption that exists in Cameron County.
When any agency gets contracts for hundreds of millions upon millions of dollars over time, they will have political influence. These folks abused their power with swagger! The corruption comes in when the people running the organization think they're invincible and that no one is watching. As much as they would like to paint others as the bad guys, the fact remains is that they brought it upon themselves!
This is NOT about a 'political' thing, it's a 'corruption' thing.

chon said...

RATAS,RATAS,RATAS, or is it ROBO ROBO ROBO? you decide

Anonymous said...

The Gallegos are not a good family, they are all about themselves and for themselves, it's all about MONEY for them. If Trevino is with them, then we are going for Carlos Cascos. The Gallegos are crooks. The Feds are their heels.

Anonymous said...

This is insetuous. Ruben Gallegos Jr. is Sofia Benavidez’ Appointment to the CCRMA, while Ruben Gallegos Sr. Has been her treasurer for all her elections. With rumors that Ruben Jr. and Ruben Sr. Have been buying up property along where the new causeway is proposed to be built under the direction of the CCRMA, where Ruben Gallegos Jr. is a board member, and no doubt the property being bought with misappropriated federal funds, with inside information of Sofia Benavidez’ appointment, well, that does not look good at all.

Eddie Treviño would never have moved to expose the Gallegos shenanigans at IES. This political backing is a direct move to keep Cascos out of the office that turned in IES complaint to Washington. Is Sofia and Treviño one of the blacked out names on report? Are the circling the wagons? Birds of a feather.....

Anonymous said...

Hope your 20 member group knows that Cascos is running for a county position because he needs a few more years to get a nice retirement from the county . How much money has that COOL ARROW made off of the taxpayers as a county commissioner and county judge? My friends and family will not be voting for this REPUBLICAN candidate or any other GOP candidate !

$ay NO to Ca$co$ !!

Anonymous said...

Thank God Norma is not alive. She would have died of embarrassment. Hard to believe how much crookedness they did to enrich themselves. Wonder who else is on their payroll? Two brothers in law making top salaries. How many sisters, nieces, nephews,lovers?
The level of corruption is unbelievable. Someone should go to prison, but it’s Cameron County WE don’t expect corruption, We DEMAND IT!

Anonymous said...

Anything to do with Eddie Travino is fraudulent,call in the Texas Rangers post haste. He is a bigger scumbag than Thorpe, and he is ahead of the scumbag Rene Oliveria. Lock them all up.

Anonymous said...

What a shame, Dr. Gallegos! You have let down your people who knew how hard your parents worked and you to help educate your family and well as your kids.Your wife was the envy of so many because she had so much she didn't know what to do with it. Thank God she is not around to see you and her baby boy get into this trouble. Pero el que no tiene y llega a tener, loco se quiere Volver. The more you had, the more you wanted. How sad a legacy you will leave for your two baby grandsons. De tal palo, tal estilla!

Anonymous said...

YOU CAN'T GET RICH IN POLITICS UNLESS YOU ARE A CROOK. Harry Truman so Trevino you are a crooked politician.

Anonymous said...

The Gallegos, father and son (Jr.) and Eddie Lucio III need to be held accountable. Cameron County will no longer stand for corruption, Enough is Enough. Eddie Trevino, shame on you for your relationship with the Gallegos family and the very corrupt Lucio family but, don't worry, the Fed's are coming. You guy's messed with the Federal Government, now you will face the music. What an embarrasment this will be but, you brought it all upon yourself's. All FOR MONEY/GREED.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more with 11:08 am . Ask Ca$co$ how much he has made from Cameron county taxpayers .

$ay NO to Ca$co$ !

Anonymous said...

People/folks, stay away from the Gallegos family, they are Evil people. They are money hungry and don't care about anybody but themselves. Stay away from them.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i agree, with post 1:51 PM, stay as far away from the Gallegos family, they are poison and greedy. Bad People.

Anonymous said...

@October 2, 2018 at 4:13 PM

Took you long enough to chime in with your pendejadas.
