Thursday, January 31, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Two-term mayor Tony Martinez - facing challenges from TSC trustee and local restaurateur Trey Mendez and former city manager Charlie Cabler - made it official and signed up to be on the ballot for the May 4 election. In his post he cited SpaceX as one of his major achievements even though not one launch has taken place since it started building its facilities at Boca Chica Beach since 2013. 

It's funny that Martinez didn't hawk his Tenaska electric plant that was also supposed to be in operation by now. That has been delayed because of a glut of electricity on the grid. Martinez convinced the city commission to raise rates by some 35 percent since 2013 and have remained there since even with no plant built.

 So far, some $100 million in high rates has been raised for the plant. Martinez also used public money to speculate in real estate downtown to try to lure the UT System to relocate its campus downtown. Despite those efforts, the UTRGV moved it main campus to Edinburg and maintains a satellite campus on the TSC campus.

In hindsight, nothing has really happened to improve the quality of life for Brownsville residents. Want another four years of this?)


Anonymous said...

I'm with the mayor, Juan. Voting for him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would NEVER vote for incompetence even if he was the last politician on earth. NEVER VOTE FOR AN ATTORNEY EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

The devil we know might be better than....Juan the Third. At least Tony the Toothless Tiger has been shamed enuf to make him think twice and/or has gotten enuf $$$ under the table that he doesn't need any more. On the other hand, Juan the Third is probably going to have to start making good on his payroll on his "upscale" pizzeria and might be hungry for money. Better toothless than hungry!

Anonymous said...

Trey has his work cut out for him, I think that the Crooked Cabler and the Black Magic king is far ahead in the crooked dealings of Trey.

Anonymous said...

Help me with an application to run for Mayor.
Mickey Mouse

Anonymous said...

Tony has made a mint from his private practice. Those are the only guys I trust in public office. No andan con la mano de fuera como los demas de los pendejos.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Tony will be re-elected!

Anonymous said...

Nothing personal against Mtz the ordinary person.
Mtz the mayor has 1) spent time in Colombia with Brownsville tax payers money. 2) sold our city and our beach to a crazy nut like Musk
3) has NOt brought a single manufacturing job to our city. While some
industries are leaving Matamoros due to labor stikes, he has not invited any maquiladoras to move to this side (NO vision for the labor force) 3) Brownsville is the biggest city in the RGV and ALL other
cities have better infrastructure.
4)services are horrible
5)NO leadership

6)If you don't manage your city manager and employees you cant manage a city.
7) We always bring up Ahumada's check, let us not forget your CASA NYLON fiasco.
My vote will be for anybody but not for you.

Pedro Domec said...

so we got cabler, mendez and martinez, mmm anyone else not too crazy about the mayor, mendez didnt do that hot at tsc and cabler well ran city into the ground, hmm anyone else running, im not sold on any of these current candidates, will there be any more? i sure hope so. God help us

Anonymous said...

Juan, who is that old woman in the north face jacket that Trey Martinez is hugging? Is her name Mrs. Doubtfire?

Anonymous said...

The cry from the people should be anybody but Tony "tamales" for mayor.,that devilish smile says it all.

Anonymous said...

Casa Nylon? Don't forget El Cueto, San Fernando building ,Gutierrrez Warehouse, shit hole buildings next to Los Reyes Cafe, mother of Perpetutal home and the list goes on and on. Millions of tax dollars spent on needless and deplorable real estate properties, do you want another four years of downtown development? That is called mismanagement of public funds, reelect him again? Not only no but hell no. Anybody but him.

Anonymous said...

This ignoramus deserves a good solid whippin' at the polls. We need to sent a message to all these idiotas we will no longer tolerate corruption incompetence and favoritism in city government. The city assets belong to the citizens not one single elected person or persons and any more wheeling and dealing for personal gain will stop. The citizens are ready to take any type of legal action including and not stopping short of sending any elected official to JAIL.

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan , I am an avid reader of your blog , may I ask who are all those people in the pictures?

Anonymous said...

Martinez running is just another plan to elect mendez. Everyone that was in martinez’s coffers is now behind mendez. Does mendez think he cannot win against cabler alone, lets drain the swamp alredy

Anonymous said...

Voting for Charlie Cabler, he is truly the right person to guide our city in the right direction. Street maintenance and proper drainage will be his top priority among many other municipal services. We need to get rid of pet projects such as building more bike lines and bike trails and of course, getting rid of Cyclovias that only drain department budgets and waste of employee resources and overtime pay. Mr. Cabler's forty- plus years of public service makes him the most qualified person, no matter the opponent. I'm confident that he will win the election with a landslide.

Anonymous said...

We need new blood all of them SUCK BALLS!!

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to ask Trey is it true that he gets his bbq brisket for his pizza's from the mayor's bbq place on palm blvd.Wanted to vote for Trey but now that he's dancing with devil hmmmm don't think so.

Anonymous said...

All those idea teachers can't spell. They won't be able to vote for Mendez. 3 months paid vacation.

Anonymous said...

His major achievement was spending tax payers monies buying deplorable and overpriced buildings from his close friends.

Anonymous said...

Cabler is going to jail, Tony the Black Magic Man wants to go to Columbia with his Credit card thief Jason Hilts
And Trey want to make a name for himself as Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Pimple Poppers

Anonymous said...

Manureville, tx. what a place to live WOW just north of matamoscas

Anonymous said...

When I win I will reinstate the Columbian office, as I can get some more Columbian Black Magic, and Jason will be able to see his Whore, and we will take Gilbert Salinas for him to watch. Vote for Me, the Black Magic King.
