Saturday, January 26, 2019


(Ed.s Note: The City of Brownsville has cordoned off the sidewalk in front of the aging El Jardin Hotel structure. Apparently, a large plate glass window was busted out by vandals or fell out on its own. A few months ago, someone started a fire on the roof of the abandoned structure and fire a fence was erected to keep them out. The windows on five floors have been boarded, but two stories still contain some glass that could potentially hurt pedestrians below.

Some of the stucco and roof tiles have already come off the top, but fortunately no one was reported hurt. Will someone have to get injured before something is done with this danger?

This year, the board of trustees Brownsville Independent School District removed the hotel and 22 other properties from historic tax exemption status. It is listed appraised value is $4451,453 because nothing had been done to restore it or improve its appearance. Cameron County, the City of Brownsville, the Brownsville Navigation District, and Texas Southmost College continue the 100 percent tax exemption status.)


BobbyWC said...

Both El Jardin and Casa del Nylon are under contract. The buyer of Casa del Nylon purchaser is requred to redo the facade to match Market Square.

Bbby WC

Anonymous said...

It will soon be a car park, as the city vandals have had uninterrupted free entrance to the building. Out goes history of Brownsville, to be replaced with a Plaque called "El Jardine car park"

Anonymous said...

I thought downtown was booming. Right, Ben? LOL

Diego lee rot said...

they should install wheels on it

Anonymous said...

Tony Black Magic Martinez needs to swap the Nylon building for the El Jardine new car park

Anonymous said...

Bring young Entrepreneur virtuoso and JMon's platonic lover Trey Mendez to fix it up

Frustrated Harlingenite said...

To the Brownsville officials, just get with Chris Boswell and his cronies! They will tell you how to "dupe" a company to purchase a worthless building that had several inches of water in the old bomb shelter with probably decomposed bodies over the years. Turn it into a low budget (Housing financed) apartments with "NO" parking for tenants and then cross their fingers that the tenants don't become social problems.
Talk to the POS that is labeled a "slum lord" who was against the idea until the "duped" company bought his building and "now," he is all for it!
I'm just waiting for Boswell and his cronies to give that old building a half street for disability parking, like they did for the red head old bat!

Anonymous said...

Both Jardín and Casa de nylon are both iconic examples
Of Brownsville’s many failures.

Anonymous said...

End the tax exemption. If the owners have to pay taxes, perhaps they will take action to sell, renovate or tear it down. BISD should also end the exemption because they need the money and we don't think they will be successful in their attempt to steal the property taxes North of Alton Gloor from Los Fresnos ISD. BISD should not have spent $1.4 million on a scoreboard.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that the city hasn't bought this building since they are on real estate business, especially buying run down deplorable buildings.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Car park," what are you, British?

This building is cursed. As much as it pains me to say this, it needs to be razed to the ground.

I have been inside this building in its current state, and it is far, far beyond repair. Almost all the walls are completely bombed out. The building is literally crumbling down around itself.

It's a pity this grand structure has gotten to this point of disrepair. It has also fallen victim to greedy owners and swindlers like Captain McCurry who lied to the people and said they were going to renovate it and restore it to its former glory. It is only a matter of time before this building collapses on itself. I can only hope there aren't any people around when that actually happens.

This building could have been the centerpiece of a legitimate downtown revitalization project. All the downtown buildings with more than one level could have been redone as lofts and apartment buildings. Businesses could have moved in, and downtown could have been its own little city within a city. Instead, we have bars and highfalutin pizza and wine fresa hangout spots for the supposed rich and well-to-do.

This city will never get its priorities straight. I fear it will be more of the same in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

9.36 He meant Tony Martinez Truck stop,not a Car Park.

Anonymous said...

(thought downtown was booming. Right, Ben? LOL)

I saw that one dude, while at jury duty, today. He looked hungover as hell.

Anonymous said...

We need a savior to lead us out of corruption and sin we need a knight in shinning armor either a lawyer (ha) or somebody like pancho villa maybe even trump, but we need help...
What we really need is a "FEMALE BOSS", no lady want to run for mayor here, why?

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't GBIC take it over instead of issuing the Jackass Jason Hilts and Gilbert Salinas as well as the Black Magic king, spending money on Columbian whores.

Anonymous said...

Being under contract doesn't mean it will sell. Neither of the two buildings will pass inspection and no bank will take on that risk. These will have to be cash buyers and they will want to see how much investment the buildings need, and how and when they'll get their money back. Odds are, they won't sell.

chuy chorizo said...

these buildings need to be condemned and demolished, yes there are historical but have been neglected for too long,put them back on the tax roll make the owners pay taxes like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

It had a bar on the bottom floor does anybody remember the name of the bar?

Anonymous said...

(Car park," what are you, British?)


Anonymous said...

@ January 31, 2019 at 12:42 PM

The Silver Dollar

Anonymous said...

Thanks for info I just couldn't remember.

Anonymous said...

Why not bring back the lieing conman Captain McCurry he could not guarantee his investors he could get enough whores, to meet the criteria of the BEDC or GBIC, also he could not get the university to book enough rooms for the students, and Jason the Jackass Hilts could not get work permits for the Columbian whores.
Captain McCurry said that he has another source of funds in the offering.

Anonymous said...

Todo flota en el rrun rrun. wachate carnal poque te lleva el tren

Anonymous said...

Bring a demolition team from matamorso and I can almost guarantee that they will dismantle that place in less than cinco dias and leave that block as if nothing was ever there...

Anonymous said...

Tamales y Tamales Inc LLC will do the demolition if they can keep everthing inside and outside.

Anonymous said...

Pleasee cal 555-555-5555 extencion 5555 for da demolicion equipo los esperamos pirujos.
