Thursday, January 24, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Hear about the latest campaign strategy being used by former City of Brownsville Mayor Pat Ahumada to try to beat District 2 commissioner Jessica Tetreau?

We have heard from at least three individuals that Pat is reaching out to them and asking them to convince 10 friends to each contribute $250 to fund his campaign. Do the math and that total $2,500 per mark.

If he, in turn, is able to convince 10 groups of friends to plunk down their cash, that's $25,000 to try to beat Tetreau. He, however, also faces former Brownsville Independent School District trustee Catalina Presas-Garcia, an indefatigable campaigner.

It's a novel idea and we will keep a close eye on the results.


Anonymous said...

You cannot be that fucking naïve, Montoya! Or maybe you are.

Anonymous said...

Shit, that!

Anonymous said...

Ahumada is a relentless campaigner and an "indefatigable" talker. He doesn't want to be a commissioner, he wants to be mayor. He will be a thorn is the side of the commission, the mayor and the citizens. Then again, Catalina "Precious"-Garcia is part of a failed board of trustees and can't be trusted to work for improving academics in BISD.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pat Ahumada is lost Tonto still looking for The Lone Ranger! Say NO to Pat!

Anonymous said...

12:56pm you're obviously a Tetreau lemming, but here's a reality check.

Cata fought corruption at BISD like no one ever did. As soon as she and Lucy chased out one group of rats, another group weaseled in and we all know how that went.

Just because people fight for what's right, doesn't mean they're trouble makers.

Go Cata !!!

Me and my 2050 plus cousins and primos and in-laws are voting for Cata the Riveter.

Rivet their balls to the wall !!!

Anonymous said...

Pat mamada could take another $26,000 check from the finance department to cover his campaign.

Anonymous said...

Go Cat! If Caty had not been running for a position that had a slate put up by a want-a-be dictator, the fiasco at BISD would have ever happened. Caty knows what is going on and nothing hold her back from speaking her mind.
Caty-advocate for everyone!

Anonymous said...

How do you spell thief? "I" before "e" except after "C"; I learned that
in 2nd grade when teachers used to teach us so that we could remember and recall for life.

KBRO said...

Want to make a lot of money in a short time with little effort? Run for office - collect campaign contributions - spend some on advertisements -- run on a platform that with garner support so people want to give you MORE MONEY ... knowing you have little or no chance of winning but in the end you get to pocket the "change" that is left over.

Anonymous said...

Good strategy, pat is in it to win in
And tetreau knows it
Keep strong pat

Anonymous said...

Just walk over to fiance the "I've been here 50 years" is still there. He might want another raise and promotion and release another 20k check...

Anonymous said...

Why all of a sudden all these attorneys are running for an elected office? Why???

Anonymous said...

"Big shot: Sponsors sought to underwrite famous photographer visit" is LS accepted?

Anonymous said...

At 7:22 nothing new here its been going on for years

Anonymous said...

You can make more money by joining the board of the BEDC or GBIC, and get a company credit card. Jason the Jackass Hilts has pasted twenty years on his credit card he even has a Black Magic whore paid for by his credit card.

Anonymous said...

pat is not an attorney

Anonymous said...

what school did he go

Anonymous said...

Pat went to the the BCODAD.
Brownsville College of Ducking and Diving. The same as the rest of the scumbags go.

Anonymous said...

Senato Sucio and Rep The Thurd do it!!!!!
"Want to make a lot of money in a short time with little effort? Run for office - collect campaign contributions - spend some on advertisements -- run on a platform that with garner support so people want to give you MORE MONEY ...." Sucio and the Thurd receive campaign millions, since no one dares to run against them, they get to keep the chum change....."

Anonymous said...

@January 26, 2019 at 2:44 PM

Is it benavides or brownsville?

Anonymous said...

dale gas pat

Former RGV LEO said...

Wait a minute? is this the same ahumada who cashed a check that was written out for someone else, supposedly by mistake? Just that the worthless CCDA couldn't present a better case for a guilty verdict!
Well, just another crook in the hen house!

Don Pedro said...

folks we all talk about these city candidates being branded as thieves, attorneys scumbags, no buenos para nada but is thats all we got? We just have to figure out which one might- and i say might with heavy heart that will work on our agenda even if its just for a small moment. Looks like many of them are in it for there self interest and to screw the City of Brownsville. I can think of a couple of examples with mayor tony bologna, Tanaska electric plant that never got built, and the high electrical rates we have, and the Casa del nalgon, its there sitting empty-and well not homeless folks take care of it hahaha. Millions of dollars down the tube, y el Finance guy) been here 50 years say nothing lol-talk about job security Pete. Unfortunately Its being that way for years, decades and im sure its not going to change any time soon. May the best bull shitter win. Like my grandfather used to say- el que tiene mas saliva come mas pinole -orale

Anonymous said...

Been here 50 years" holds intro classes for new comers on how, where and when to do things. That's what I heard somebody say over at the old hen house (market square).

That 20k check got him a promotion and a raise - Asst City Mgr and 100k+. Keep the incompetent and give them a pay raise and a promotion - he helps alot...

chuy said...

Brother can you spare a dime?
