Thursday, January 24, 2019


The Meet and Greet is from 5:30 to 8:00 P.M.


Linda Forse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

He advocates for small business "only" another bike and hike supporter. Does the city need that? Pot holes, infrastructure checks and balances pet projects (he seems to advocate for that) fiscal responsibility, "NOT" I want to start my personal "pet project".


Anonymous said...

Actually, the city does have some say in this. But getting a liquor license was the only hurdle he had to deal with He could have opened earlier while waiting like everybody else who had a bring your own booze but he waited because the wine he sells is the big moneymaker for his place. He is not exactly one of the little people since I think he also owns the building and has several renters. I agree with the comment - He does stretch the truth a little too thin for my taste.

Anonymous said...

Catering to the gringos

Anonymous said...

A este Chapo Mendez le falta altura. Parece un esquinkle.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Trey the Rainbow candidate.

Anonymous said...

Trey caters for Trey he has the blessing of the Wensday night group that rules Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't he have his pachanga at his own restaurant in his very own historical building? Because the average voter can't afford to eat/drink there and the onda says "you dont belong" as soon as you walk in. Might as well say White People Only w/Cash.

Anonymous said...

To 11:48 AM, Trey-mendous The Short accepts only platinum cards at his UPSCALE pizza place.

Anonymous said...

Linda Forse has no idea, nor insight, into what actually occurred over the months of the project. In speaking with Mendez, the liquor license was no problem.

Anonymous said...

TABC his problem? What a joke. He had the license before it opened. Pendejos.

Anonymous said...

Do they serve on trays?

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:53 ppm - at least Linda has the guts to sign her name. not like the rest of us. Something to admire. And she is right. I know

Anonymous said...

More maricones cantinas downtown next to clinics

Anonymous said...

Changing your name to a gringo name is NOT going to make you white. Republicans hate hispanics and that's never going to change. Only money will make you feel white

Anonymous said...

What happened to Linda's comment? Maybe it isn't a good thing to sign your own name. Although I say more power to her!

Anonymous said...

pronouncing your name with a gringo accent makes it worse! Have some dignity and at least pronounce it right. I know a few individuals that are born from green card holders; they are now Americans and hate Mexicans! WTF! more confusing it gets as they hang out with Mexicans, claim to be democrats and are simply RATS! take a guess!!! Hitnt.... they belong to the Democratic Party!

Anonymous said...

Its like you can't beat them and they don't let you join them!!! "THAT'S A STINKER...


Like somebody (here) said - have some dignity

Anonymous said...

If here were a gringo dominating population guess who would be the RATAS...(hint hint) the republicans, just like up north!

Anonymous said...

Mother Adela is republican and Trey is democrat they don’t mix...Trey has no BALLS

Anonymous said...

I once went there and there were smirts all over, I guess it was because I was dress in my sunday's best, sarape, sombrero and white shirt and white paints made of mesquilla, chanclas and of course my machete. My blonde hair friend was dressed in a typical china polana and of course chanclas and it wasn't charro days...

Anonymous said...

I don't know Juan Mendez, so I am not going to sit here and pretend I am his friend and I know him personally. I can only base my opinions on what I see and read.

I don't think Mr. Mendez will make a good mayor. I think Juan Mendez is only out for Juan Mendez's own interests. He is a member of the Brownsville Elite, and we do not need that kind of highfalutin, designer sweater wearing lawyer sitting in the mayor's office.

TSC should have been disbanded long ago. I get people saw Juliet Garcia as the devil, but the simple fact is we sacrificed a four year university for the ability to keep a junior college so we could continue to tax the community. A junior college in exchange for a four year university that is part of the UT System? And Mr. Mendez was at the forefront of that battle. I guess people think it's better to churn out nurses with an associates degree rather than doctors or people with their doctoral degree in education. UTRGV is running everything out of Edinburg, and it is only a matter of time before Brownsville is only left with their precious junior college. Always remember, in a time where education is the key to success in life, we decided to have a junior college rather than a university, and Mr. Mendez thought that was a good idea.

I am glad he is trying to pump new life into downtown. However, I think it's the wrong type of life. We need places for the everyday common person, not places for the bourgeoisie.

I'm sure Juan Mendez will probably be elected mayor. People are so tired of Tony Martinez that they'd probably write in "Satan" if there wasn't another viable candidate who wasn't tainted with the stink of previous administrations. However, we're just trading one highfalutin restaurateur for a younger one.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Anonymous said...

Did someone slip Bobby WC a miky in his glass of wine, or did did Cobbleheads give him a glass of the good stuff as he was all woozy after one glass.

Anonymous said...

Same circus different clown

Anonymous said...

Is Bobby WC saying that Dodoci water's their Sweet red wine down, he stated that he had one sip of his wine at his Cobbleheads and he was a little woozy. He was heard to say that he could drink a bottle with his Pizza.

Anonymous said...

If Adela Garza is Trey’s leader he is dumber than I thought

Anonymous said...

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Thank you for saying that 9:26 am. Juan III is simply a younger version of Tony, buying up historical property - and where did he get the money?He was an undergraduate student at TSC in 2000. WTF? Go figure...

Diego lee rot said...

mini mayor

Anonymous said...

Where did he get the name tray? pinche wanna be white

Anonymous said...

Roger Mojado ha ha ha, Donald Mojado hahaha ha, Helen Mojada jajajaja, Marlyn Bracera ha ha ha Bandeja Mojado jajajajajajaja
