Friday, February 15, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Just a day after former Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas negotiated  a voluntary separation agreement with the board, longtime "Coach" Joe Rodriguez protege Tom Chavez - now football coach at Rivera High School - was reassigned and some reports indicates that it took a threat to call district police to get him to leave the campus.

He has reportedly been reassigned to the Brownsville Academic Center.

Apparently, Chavez was called to the principal's office for an evaluation now instead of May and got 1s out of a possible 5s, leading to his reassignment. On a scale of 1 to five, Chavez was given 1s on two of the most important categories.

Image result for tom chavez, rivera high schoolSources in the district say Chavez did not take kindly to his evaluations and reassignment and was refusing to leave until the district's police department officers arrived to make sure everything remained orderly and to take him to the BISD Human Resources office.

Chavez was made AD/Rivera H.S. coach sometime back and then opted to stay as football coach at Rivera.

 From 2015 to 2018, he compiled a lackluster 2-38 W-L record. Last year (2010) he was perfect at zero wins, 10 losses, equaling his perfect W-L record in 2015 (0-10).

But, as in the case of his benefactor, Chavez has been riding successes early in his coaching career. Rodriguez's best year in l969 ended in a loss to Seguin in the second round of district play and allowed him to create a cottage industry and getting elected to the BISD board. Later, he stepped down and was made athletic director.

Throughout that time, he brought Chavez - who was part of the 1969 Golden eagle coaching staff - along and made him his business partner selling sport equipment to the district and to other districts across the valley.

But now that his protector is gone, it appears that Chavez's luck has apparently run out.


Exalted one said...

Want a proven leader and class act call Rene Medrano!

Anonymous said...

What is Charlie Atkinson overall record at Faulk Middle school?

Anonymous said...

the uniform mafia

Anonymous said...

Funny, I tried before to get my comment published and I was never able to prove that I was not a robot. I go to another comment area for another post and it immediately identifies me as human. How does this work, Juan?

Do you have a robot approving or disapproving the topic of the comment?
Makes me wonder?

Anonymous said...

OK, let me try again to prove I am not a robot. I do hope that Dr. Hatton has not been drawn into the loop of PMS. Of course, Chavez must realize that the coaching career depends on a W-L record. His coaching term is over as all old coaches should realize and allow for younger people to take over. I certainly hope that Dr. Hatton does not find herself involved in appointing Charlie Atkinson for head coach. Chavez, accept the fact and just join your mentor Joe over at Champions Building and drink your beer and buy new ventures of business together.

Anonymous said...

You see, I changed the approach of my first post and it turned out that I was not a robot, thus, proving the comments are only acceptable if they do not step on the toes of the high and mighty dictator on the board. How does that help you, Juan?

Anonymous said...

they should fire all his ex players that he "recommended" and/or lined up with jobs

Panfilo said...

Coach Tom chavez, its the end of the road, you should know better, having hung around joe rodriguez for such a long time, it was only a matter of time. Of course there are other coaching opportunities in the other school districts in the valley, plenty of openings just look around Weslaco high school is one of those looking for a new coach, the previous coach went to work with one of those equipment vendors, uh maybe joe rod can get you one of these vendor jobs too? good luck.

Anonymous said...

I like Tom Chavez, but he can no longer get his message across to his kiddos.

There was a time when he was loved by his players, assistants, teachers and administrators but that era has been over since he left Hanna for the 2nd time.
Move on Tom.

Anonymous said...

Police escort. That's most unfortunate.

The sad reality any day you could be the hero..with all the power and the next minute you are out...but not just OUT...UGLY OUT.

Coaches/Teachers impact a lot of lives...make a difference in the lives of a lot of other peoples children. The really good ones care a lot about kids....

It's unfortunate that the board doesn't really care about "those people". They are blinded by those who feed them info...lazy but valuable and good at sucking up....most unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Who's going to replace Tom Chavez now ?

Jerry Martinez ( Maintenance coordinator ) was always calling the plays at the football games.

He can do a better job as a coach then being a maintenances coordinator for BISD.

Anonymous said...

Tom I think its time to retire so you go join Joe rod and his buddies and try to open Coors distributor again. Out with the old in with the new. Hopefully the raiders can get back to win some games.

Anonymous said...

Many greater coaches and individuals have fallen (like Tom Landry, Joe Peterno, etc.). Coach Chavez was at one time on top of the world in the field of sports in our area. I am sure that many benefited from their experiences as students, athletes, and co-workers from Coach Chavez.

His time has come and those that have known him; wish him the best and thank him for the many things that he provided to this community.

Anonymous said...

HEEEEER'S charlie!!!

Anonymous said...

He did not resist leaving the campus - that is total bullshit!

Anonymous said...

Let us wait and see who is next on the chopping block? Watch out AA's and cabinet members. Hay vienen las PMS.

Anonymous said...

The one thing that most don't see is the "manner" in which BISD "reassigns" someone whether it's a teacher, coach, administrator, or a paraprofessional. Instead of calling you in to explain what they are planning for your position and to give your input makes no matter to BISD. They want to place you in a position that will make you feel uncomfortable and "force" retirement as so many before have experienced the same fate instead of asking what the employee's plans are. Who knows some may be just waiting for the end of the year to make it official and retire on their own. But to be "forced" out just leaves a bad taste after so many dedicated years. Is that really how BISD wants their employees to depart from the only job they have ever known?

Anonymous said...

What a disgrace to treat such a respectable individual like a piece of old furniture. I don't agree with his performance but, there are other ways to treat employees.

Anonymous said...

c & c wings will miss his drunk @$$

Anonymous said...

It is not uncommon to reassign a coach at this time of year. It allows to school to piano for the spring and summer. He has plenty of years in for TRS retirement. He can leave tomorrow and get this year counted.

Anonymous said...

I have never met Coach Chavez, but if the new school board or new super put him on the chopping block, then they should've had the courage to tell him themselves or any other person in his situation. Don't hide behind your desks, and let someone else bear the bad news to your employees.

Anonymous said...

Farley for HC

Anonymous said...

Complete BS...... Someone was out to get Chavez a long time ago and given a second opportunity. Put two and two together. When this person was at BISD before “she” obviously orchestrated his removal as AD because a coach at Vererans didn’t follow protocol, which was a trumped up reason along with other petty reasons. So if this is one of the reasons he was reassigned then I guess we should be seeing the current AD reassigned in the coming days. Right??? The AD at Veteran’s wasn’t reassigned, it was AD (Chavez) for the district. So, the current AD needs to be reassigned otherwise it seems fishy. Let me get this straight, Chavez becomes the AD for the district again, what happened to all those petty reasons for his removal... I call BS/made up/petty reasons. Now this person reserfaces and suddenly Zendejas forced to resign and Chavez out a couple of days later... huh? A little birdie floating around saying that first thing on a certain someone’s adgenda, after stacking the board with little puppets, was to remove Chavez, again. So.... Chavez was good enough to work as the AD for the entire district and Athletic Director at Rivera ( without any pay for being the Ad... I’m no lawyer but I think if you work you have to get paid, Chavez saved the district over a hundred thousand dollars), he was given the opportunity to take the AD job, but declined. All of a sudden, with no documentation or reprimand, he’s no longer good enough, but less than a year ago he was good enough to do two jobs at once and only get paid for one. That’s weird. I get it, many saying he needs to retire, his last few seasons have been rough, but overall his record is better than any coach in the district today, can’t take that away...regardless of what people think, this seems like a set up. So when the Principal praises him over and over fully supporting him for his good work and all the great things he does at Rivera and then reassigns him, seems odd. Maybe, just maybe, she was “told” to make up more petty reasons and lie to make it so she wouldn’t have to recommend him. Clearly she was following orders and given a directive to pull the trigger and like a good little puppet she laid down on her back. The current AD went along with her recommendation.... Damn! He doesn’t support his coaches... That sucks for all the coaches that work for the real AD people...I’ll support you when it’s good for me, but throw you under the bus when it’s not...oh wait.... that applies to the Principal at Rivera, as well....and for the record... Chavez did not resist, he left when he was told without any type of resistance. Those that know Chavez, know that isn’t his style and he would never do that. Those of you that don’t know him, know the truth or weren’t there...educate yourself about the situation. Oh.... and the kids at Rivera were in tears, hugging him, and taking pictures with him. So he was there for the kids 100% and anyone that says he wasn’t is just a liar! Let’s see who’s next, someone is on the loose again, like a rabid dog on a power trip full of vengeance.

Anonymous said...

No Manches, Farley still needs to learn to wipe his ass?

Anonymous said...

Vera for Rivera Head Coach

Anonymous said...

Superintendent do the right thing. don't be pushed around like a rag doll. you have the control of this... The talk is that the principal was threaten with her job or Tom's by Charlie's sister. She chose Tom. The principal is a nice lady with minimal guts to do right thing. Tom should be allow to remain at Rivera until the end of the year but the forces want to move quickly to distance themselves from the 2020 election. In the meantime at the ranch, Benita at faulk is bragging she will be the next principal at Rivera, thanks to Charlie.

Anonymous said...

Medrano can’t hold his liquor and is buddy buddy with the current AD. Ask him the last time he had lunch with his buddy.... This is Brownsville.... nothing is a secret!

Anonymous said...

This district is a disgrace! The interim superintendent should put a stop to this nonsense. If she’s a true leader, she will look into the removal of Cahvez and follow the correct protocol. But she’ll probably be promised a sweet deal that will keep her from doing the right thing. She just doesn’t realize that her day will come when someone decides they want their compadre to take her place. If I were her, I would get the hell out of BISD!

Anonymous said...

Most ACs want to move as soon as possible after the season is over. It is not unusual for a Head Coach to be moved even right after the last game is over....

Tom will be paid the remaining salary he is owed.

Believe me I am not saying the SPA, or Shamu as the Hanna kids called when she was an Assistant Principal is good for BISD.


Her Vengeance is not just aimed at BISD, she has her eyes on LFCISD as well. Tell me it is not the SPA that is trying to take some of LFCISD tax base away with her buddy's making a land grab for her.

Anonymous said...

I concur. Adam Vera Baseball Guru for Head Coach. Proven leadership and youth.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ February 17, 2019 at 4:00 PM

Kids saw him being escorted out. People in the school's office overheard the heated argument.

I don't know in what world you live in, but he has 38 losses and only 3 wins as Rivera's head coach. You might be his friend and homosexual lover, but the numbers do not merit his pay.

I have nothing against you, but your whole reasoning is just too naïve.

Anonymous said...

Blogger at 4 PM hit the nail on the head. Chopping block by PMS. Yet, why do all of us idiots put up with it and allow them to do whatever they please. How can a board member has so much power, even to seal her own indictment, and call the cattle black? All of us need to start getting educated before the 2020 election so we can boot the M and S out of the equation and impeach the P. They are all need to get together.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at February 18, 2019 at 9:54

You are the one that is naive, misinformed, class-less and just plain wrong.

Your claim that there was a heated argument is bogus. Tom requested that he be allowed to speak to his players and was denied that courtesy. When his players found out they wept.

Second, Tom has had dozens of wins at Rivera. He has had District Championships, Co-District championships and Bi-District championships at Rivera. Your claim that he has had 3 wins is a bold face lie.

Your comment of "homosexual lover" is classless, and possibly actionable. That type of comment is unwarranted and cowardly. Come out of the shadows and put your name to your post.

As to his pay, Tom saved the district money by serving in multiple positions (AD and head coach) for over a year and a half. He deserves every penny he is paid. Additionally, and more importantly a coach is not only paid for wins and losses but how he inspires and teaches his players. Tom has been and is a great leader of men. Unfortunately last season did not go well in the wins and losses column but they were successful in other ways. Lastly as to last season, it should be noted that the team lost both its first and second string quarterbacks in the first game of the season. Not that many teams especially as small as Rivera can be successful with those issues.

Anonymous said...

Chavez is the Athletic Director for Rivera, all sports. Merit should be given for what he does for his entire sport’s program. I think people tend to forget that. He’s not only the head football coach, but the Athletic Director for the school. He runs those programs, welll. It’s not just about football and it shouldn’t be just about football. But that’s the mentality of these BISD idiots!!!!

Anonymous said...

Blogger on February 17th 4pm. You’re a troll... move along! No resistance or agruement. Your basis is rumors. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes then shut the F up. And your comments are stupid. Get a life you reject.

Anonymous said...

Farley will make Rivera great again. And I approve this message

Anonymous said...

No one will remember the test scores and other accolades BISD touts without so much as a nod to the students and teachers who make it happen,bit everyone will remember the despicable, reptilian way BISD treats human beings. It's a shame that board members do all kinds of somersaults proclaiming to have the best intentionsfor the children, but in the end, they get acclimated to the corrupt culture and take up their thrones with little conscience.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This was done totally WRONG! You do not treat your faithful veteran employees in this manner! Coach Tom Chavez deserves so much better and should be treated with respect for his outstanding work with all BISD students/players. It is not about winning or losing football games, it is about helping students succeed in education and becoming well rounded adults. That is what Coach Tom Chavez has always done for his students/players!

Anonymous said...

I hate to see what BISD does to teachers. Teachers are mistreated, but it’s never in the news. Chavez did great things for the district and was treated like a criminal. The board, super, and all those sucked into that low life’s plan have no courage to stand up and do what’s right.. Shameful... Karma baby!

Anonymous said...

Adam Vera didn’t even play football, so how can he be the head football coach.
