Monday, February 11, 2019


By Juan Montoya

A report by by special court master Adolfo Cordova on whether evidence seized during the execution of a search warrant at the home of former Brownsville fire chief Carlos Elizondo's in-laws violated attorney-client privilege has resulted in a reset of his trial on an 11 felony-count indictment charging him with computer security breach.

Elizondo's trail on those charges was set to begin today in Judge Ben Euresti's 107th District Court, but the court ordered that the case be delayed until April 22 tafter he state and the defendant had time to review Cordova's findings.

The Cameron County District Attorney filed the charges June 27, 2018.

During the search, authorities confiscated computers, cellphones and USBs. The items were seized during a search warrant executed at the home of  by Elizondo’s in-laws, Mary Lou and Jesus Huerta July 11, 2018.

The couple challenged a search warrant issued for their home by Judge Menton Murray.

Nonetheless, the report filed with the court by Cordova is said to have determined no violations occurred and that state could use the evidence. Cordova was appointed to sift through the seized items to determine what evidence is protected by attorney-client privilege.

The Brownsville Herald reported as much. In its story, it stated that "At the hearing, Euresti said he spoke to Lucio and Ass. D.A. Art Teniente in chambers and said that (Cordova) said his report on whether any evidence seized during that search included information protected by attorney-client privilege, would be ready in two weeks.

Both Teniente and Lucio will then be able to review the report and the evidence, Euresti said.

Elizondos' attorney Eddie Lucio has attempted numerous times to delay, quash or move his trial on the 11 charges, but has been stymied in the courts. Observers thought that Elizondo would finally get his day in court today.

Image result for carlos elizondoJury election was scheduled to start today.

Lucio, the same lawyer who represented Cameron County Tax Assessor Tony Yzaguirre and got him acquitted, has tried every legal stratagem without much success. At every turn, District Attorney Luis V. Saenz has countered with his opposition, including the request for a change of  venue to another county.

Elizondo is charged with 11 counts of computer security breach. Those charges stem from his alleged unauthorized entry into the Brownsville Fire Department's Emergency Reporting System after the city suspended him because of a previous indictment.

Elizondo has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The other separate indictment accuses him of theft and misapplication of fiduciary duty over allegations he stole from the firefighters association.

He has also pleaded not guilty to those allegations.

Lucio is currently appealing the court's decision  with the 13th Court of Criminal Appeals  denying a motion arguing that the Cameron County District Attorney's Office is charging Elizondo for the same alleged crime twice. 

The 13th Court of Criminal Appeals has not made a ruling yet.

The case has generated widespread speculation in the community that range from speculation that political pressure from certain quarters would force Saenz to cut a deal with Elizondo, that he would allow him to get off with a slap on the hand, or that he would consider a plea dismissing the charges in return for support in his upcoming reelection.

Sources close to Saenz vigorously deny such an arrangement had been made or that Saenz and his prosecutors have agreed to cut any deals.


Anonymous said...

So they must implicate Charlie Cabler in this, who denied that he knew nothing about this,as he was two busy attending his Wednesday night meetings, and he was unaware what was going on.

Anonymous said...

Elizondo remembers the deal the meat man got, and the deal that Luis Saenz has made with the scumbag Rene Oliveria will back fire with the upcoming election. Both Saenz and Cabler will get dragged into this just watch.

Anonymous said...

Only in Brownsville are the cases get held back for the District Attorney to make a name for himself before the election, Luis Saenz now has Elizondo where he will expose Charles Cabler as a crooked city manager and get him arrested before the next election, but he will also send Rene Oliveria to jail if only for a week. Remember Armando Villalobos tried the same thing. But this will back fire when his skeletons are exposed, allways at election time.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? No Anglos involved, Montoya!

Anonymous said...

If he is found innocent, which there is a big chance, he is going to sue the
Absolute fuck out of the city of brownsville.

juan said...

He needs to move out of Brownsville and go back to Matamoros.
Thief Thief.

Anonymous said...

He has to implicate Charlie Cabler who knew all about the scam that he was running with Charlie Cablers blessing.

Anonymous said...

This should be called, Crooks v Crooks, as there are more crooks involved than jury members.

Anonymous said...

Elondzo knew what he was doing but he didn't expect to be fucked by Charles Cabler. Get Cabler and you will get the lot, as he has proven he can sing, loud and clear.

Anonymous said...

The DA Luis Saenz is a key element in the Cameron County "Political Circle-Jerk"; the circle of corruption in our county. All the elected officials are part of this "Circle-Jerk" and protect each other. Luis Saenz wants to be king of the "Political Circle-Jerk" and uses his position to protect other politicians and their key supporters and to supports judicial delays that insure tax dollars continue to flow to members of the "Circle-Jerk". This "Political Circle-Jerk" is the "circle of corruption" in our county. Their goal isn't public service; their goal is to serve themselves.

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz and Charlie Cabler are CORRUPT !!!!

Anonymous said...

Why would Luis Saenz need Elizondo "In support for his upcoming reelection"? With this statement, you are acknowledging Elizondo is a political important figure needed to win elections but, he couldn't even win his own, as we all voted him out. Wouldn't Luis look better if he gets the bad guys in jail?

Anonymous said...

Elizondo must have been one of the worst elected officials in Cameron County. I can only think of one other worse elected official, Conrado Cantu.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Cabler has ho shame and that is dangerous. Need to keep him out of office!!! Hopefully Elizondo gives him up!!

el chorizo grande said...

Cameron county Political jerk circle has been going on for many decades, yes Virginia these local elected officials protect themselves, ask judge Ben Ureste got DWI in October by Sheriff dept.-to this date no one in Cameron County knows or heard about it, ask Sheriff Lucio everything was swept under the rug and nothing has come out on it. Like Elmer fudges says its very very quiet. El sobrino de luis saenz killed someone with a car y nada, The Cameron county Democrat party is alive and well, gilberto hinojosa, juan magallenes, armando magallenes -el mariquita, tony yzaguirre, linda salazar, la misma bolita and do they ever protect themselves. Its an exclusive club and everyone knows it. Not everyone is welcome, Pura caca deluxe

Anonymous said...

Elizondo is going to get off because he is being jerked around by not giving him a change of venue and now refusing to trial him as quickly as possible.
His lawyer needs to get his act together before the next elections because it is then when all shit will hit the fan and many are going down.
