Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Image result for george gavito

(Ed.s Note: It started as a cyberchisme and later proven to be a social media hoax - maybe even wishful thinking - but we have confirmed that former Port of Brownsville Police Chief and South Texas galan George Gavito is alive and well. In other words, esta vivito y coleando.

The cyber grapevine was humming yesterday afternoon and we had to scurry to chase down the rumor that Gavito had succumbed. We left our cold libation at the Chapters bar, formerly the Red Rose, formerly El Callejon, to chase it down. It didn't take that long and it was still cool when we returned to it.

"I just talked to him this morning and he looked fine to me," said one of his few friends.

"Yerba mala nunca muere," said another. "Te estan periquiando."

But despite these denials, we were not satisfied until we herd the voice of Gorgeous George himself reassuring us that the news of his demise had been - in the words of Mark Twain - greatly exaggerated.

"Pinche raza," he said.

That's when we realized he was alright.

In the photo above that's Gavito with the hat standing guard over satanistas and their victims resulting from the Mark Kilroy disappearance investigation. No, he's not in one of the body bags.


Anonymous said...

This stuff is too-Mexican, Montoya! English, or you will be deported.

Anonymous said...

Always going with the cliché. Mark Twain never did anything to you, you stupid Mexican!

Anonymous said...

His legacy lives on with the chingos of reruns on the Mark Kilroy story.

Anonymous said...

He is to crooked to have been killed, he will be found dead in a whores bed, not shot in the streets.

Anonymous said...

The Rangers have WALKER. Cameron County has GAVITO.

Anonymous said...

South Texas galan? El Zumbido patán is more like it!

Anonymous said...

What a joke! I worked with the guy what a joke!

Anonymous said...


What happened to the land grab that was initiated by then City Manager Michael Lopez against the residents of Southmost? Remember, he was going to take the land away in order to construct a bike trail! Rather than expanding the canal to allow for storm water to run through...they wanted to build a BIKE TRAIL! Yes, a BIKE TRAIL!

Anonymous said...

Cosa mala no muere

Unknown said...

gavito es puro cabrito and he knows it, ese puro polvo just like his ex boss el DA luis saenz, remember andavan de putz los dos and they both got caught years ago, cost cameron county a whole lot of money.

Anonymous said...

In before the ad hominem attacks start.

Anonymous said...

George is well protected ask the scumbag Rene Oliveria and the DA Luis Saenz, Gavito has the Scumbags back covered with the DA Luis Saenz who craps in his pant when the phone call came from him.

Former RGV LEO said...

Gavito was a crook and should have been prosecuted a long time ago! All those in law enforcement knew this guy was a crook! Just like those in the past and present know that Gus Reyna has no business being Sheriff or much less an LEO!
