Wednesday, March 13, 2019



Anonymous said...

You don't have to go too far, the not so rich nor famous at Rivera High School were doing the same thing a few years ago. Don't you all remember the scam with a grade change that landed the principal in the news? It happens every where.

Anonymous said...

The only difference is that they were sent to jail and posted a $1 million dollar bond, but illegal want free lunch, free todo el pinche pedo.

Anonymous said...

At first they killed and murdered ethic land owners but they can no longer do that, so they turn to the next best scenario. CHEAT almost the same thing...

Anonymous said...

Minorities in the U.S., other than Asians, didn't have to pay or bribe anyone; affirmative action was a "get in free" for some while more capable students didn't get in.

Anonymous said...

The "didn't get in" were a bunch of dumb whites and hillbillies...

Anonymous said...

A recent study documents that most ALL asians think of themselves as gringos and most marry whites. What a joke!!

Anonymous said...

Yup, you don't have to go too far. Brownsville ISD administrators, high school level, use their position to intimidate teachers and counselors to do whatever is possible to get their own sons/daughters into higher level courses. The majority of the time the administrators' sons/daughters do not have the academic capacity to perform in these courses. Most administrators know what they have, low-performing sons/daughters, but to satisfy their own selfish needs, the administrator will harass and intimidate teachers to pass their child. There was one case where a high school principal had her son, who was hardly ever in class, placed in the top performing students of their graduating class. Her son went on to a university but he was unable to handle the academic and rigorous courses. And let's not forget that this "entitled" son got into deeper troubles with drugs. Poor kid ending up returning home after a very short semester and working at a grocery store. Just like Huffman and Loughling, school principals will do whatever they can with their power to give their "entitled spoiled brats" an easy flowing academic success when in reality their children are low-performing students. Low-performing students should have adequate teaching via interventions that will allow them to succeed. Allow the students that have a true potential to receive the true academic success they work hard and vigorously for.
