Saturday, March 30, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The stories about former City of Brownsville District 1 commissioner challenger Roman Perez are mounting.

There are whispered accounts of him trailing the supporters of some candidates in the District 1 race and trying to convince his neighbors not to display their signs against incumbent Ricardo Longoria.

First  came the celebrated break with most local Republicans, including some of his closest associates like Tad Hasse who made an impressive run for the District 2 Texas State Board of Education. Then he turned on Adela Garza, currently a Texas Southmost College trustee.

The  came the break with Morgan Graham, the chair of the Cameron County Republican Party.

"He was calling people upstate to convince them not to vote for me," Hasse recalls. "I was helping him trying to be delegate to the state convention but nobody wanted him because all he did wasa cause trouble and didn't have a track record of doing anything for the party."

Get thus: During the break with Hasse, Perez started demanding on social media that he return his $1 contribution.

Since then, Perez has trolled in the farthest fringes of social media to harass and denigrate his growing list of "enemies."

Now, this  die-hard Republican far to the right of the Tea Party is publicly supporting his thrice former nemesis Rick Longoria against his challengers that include Southmost resident Michael Rodriguez, former city commissioner William Garza. and real-estate attorney Nurith Galonsky.

In one instance, Galonsky's supporters say he stormed out of his house and followed them down the street. It didn't help that a photo taken by one of Galonsky's supporters made it appear as if a Galonsky sign on a fence line adjacent to his home was on  his property.

And Perez's dislike for John Cowen appears to be rooted in the fact that he is Hasse's relative.

Granted, the contest for a seat on the City of Brownsville's city commission is nonpartisan election, but in deep South Texas, Democrats know who are Democrats and the Republicans know their ilk. And money follows money, period.

Perez, in breaking with that  mold, fits none of the above.

"He is well on his way to become a total failure," quipped the acerbic Hasse. "He is struggling for relevance and now considers himself Rick (Longoria's) ace supporter and his right-hand man."

So many stories about Perez's eccentricities are making the rounds that Rodriguez, the other Longoria challenger, for example, keeps Perez at arm's length. And the stories about his abhorrence of germs - a full-blown germaphoia - like Howard Hughes', are legion.

"If you look at the dashboard of his car you will see piles of baby wipes where he has used them to sanitize it every time he climbs in," said an acquaintance. "If he sees a dropped Band-Aid or a spent condom on the street, he is horrified and will stay at least five feet away from it."

It would be easy to laugh away Perez's deviances from conventional thought, but the fact remains that people are shying away from him and his vaunted political support.

"Let me put it this way," said a political operative. "When the priest at the Cristo Rey Catholic Church (on Southmost) bans you from the church grounds for misbehaving there, that's something not quite right about that."


Anonymous said...

This clown was never a contender, you fucking moron! stop drinking!

Anonymous said...

Pobrecita la pendeja de la Roman

BobbyWC said...

To stop harassing me I had to threaten him with a TRO. He told me he knows he is a liar and paranoid. As to those baby wipes they may be from his new son. His obsession with Jim and Erasmos is frightening. I discussed it with Jim.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

As 10:14 says, he was never a contender, and as Bobby W C says, he is paranoid, and as you say, he is a germaphobeand as 10;50 says, he is a pendejo. I could have said it all in one sentence! Beside that, he is just a dumb fuck!

Anonymous said...

... a new punching bag ... ahh, nice.

Anyone who gives this imp any credence, needs to retire from politic. It's nice that Rick made the mistake of seeking his support. He is one of the biggest turn offs in Brownsville politics, and as we all know, we have plenty of oafs on our political scene. For every vote Rick picks up, he loses two when this clown shows up. To be banned from Christ the King, well, that just says it all. Anyway, let him keep "helping" Rick ... we couldn't ask for a bigger blessing.

Anonymous said...

No one believes your hit piece, Montoya. We all know that George Gavito and Cris Valadez are jealous Roman has Jessica trust and they wish they did.

Anonymous said...

Roman is smarter than think.that is why all the negativity. In the end he has always been right.

Anonymous said...

mental illness is real
bashing someone doesnt help
if hes not a contender whybtrash him
que nonle pase nada poraue en su consiencia lo llevaran
dios lo ayude y cuide

Anonymous said...

Many say he is a closet homosexual.


Anonymous said...

The establishment is afraid of Roman, he convinced me to vote for Jessica. She is the real deal!

Southmost Voter

Anonymous said...

las jaibas
no dejan que el barrio gane!
prefieren puros maƱosos cono los de la floreria

Anonymous said...

I would vote for Roman before I would vote for galonsky. At least he is from Southmost.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm Roman posting comments so people think the article backfired.... interesting.

Anonymous said...

Roman, you know what bothers me bout you? The fact that you openly mock gay and trans people. You are NO ONE to judge others.

Anonymous said...

Everybody that runs for public office in Brownsville, is fucked in the head. This guy just more so than most.

Anonymous said...

He can still count on Erasmo's support. You all are just a bunch of haters.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know what it is he did on the grounds of Christ the King to get him banned.

Anonymous said...

I thought he was a legit candidate at one time, until I got to know him. I will say he has few filters when it comes to judge others. He is the best thing that could happen to the all powerful democratic party in South Texas. So Glad he is Republican.

Anonymous said...

He's acting like a gringo. Its call gringo flu it'll pass in a week or so.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Roman Perez was ever a contender. If anything, he was merely a pretender.

When the Brownsville Hall of Political Shame opens their "never was" wing, Roman Perez will be in the inaugural class, along with Robert Euresti.

Roman tried his hand at politics and failed. I guess he thought his massive intellect and passive-aggressive calm voice he'd use at City Commissioner's meetings would get him elected. I guess he never realized he just came off as pompous.

Apparently, he's trying his hand at being the kingmaker (or queenmaker, if you will). Not only is he endorsing his former opponent Ricardo Longoria, but I wonder if he's behind the Jessica Puente Bradshaw entry. In any case, I wouldn't want Roman Perez in my corner. If anything, he is going to end up losing votes for those he endorses. A Roman Perez endorsement is just as much a kiss of death as a Captain Robert "Boob" Sanchez endorsement.

Poor guy was never a contender. He's hardly a has-been, and more likely a "never was."

Anonymous said...

Roman sure takes the cake when it comes to totally delusional.

Anonymous said...

He needs a curandera gringo flu destroys the brain (that is if you have one). Dona Cuca is gone (la migra) but Dona Panfila is still available 28 hours a day...

Anonymous said...

I understand the breakup with Grahm, she is a bitch.
