Saturday, April 20, 2019


By Juan "Trey" Mendez

Candidate for Mayor, City of Brownsville

The dirty politics has begun. 

On January 25, I signed the “Code of Fair Campaign Practices,” pledging to limit my campaign to legitimate challenges of my opponents’ records. I was the only mayoral candidate to sign it.

I do not condone attacks from fake FB accounts, even if they are against my opponents or others who have the courage to run.

I have criticized Mayor Tony Martinez and will continue to do so. But I have based my criticisms on facts and data.

I have received a copy of an attack ad against me (above) that includes several misleading and false statements signed off by Tony Martinez. In the end, Martinez can go low and I’ll stay high.

In another ad (below), Martinez, Nurith Galonsky, and John Gowen are targeted by a "Juan Garcia" on a fake FB account. I want to assure the candidates that the scurrilous ad did not come from me.

Again, I will stay high and they can go low.

I trust the voters and will let the voters decide.


Anonymous said...

Trey you are controlled by the the Zavaleta clan, now and always will be you will dance the way you are told to dance. This may be a good thing for Brownsville as Rose Gowan has been successful with her ventures and gets her way against the pack of corrupt commissioners, and you could do the same thing, and not let the Cabler crowd take control of the City.
I wish you the best of luck in your future, but it will be done without my vote.

BobbyWC said...

First for people who want to see this ad you can better read it on Trey for Mayor's FB page. If you know Trey you know he never could have been part of this. Trey has always been the real thing. But he failed to understand alliances and how they are just temporary to move yourself forward. Trey has known the truth about Tony Martinez since well before the last election. He never hid it from anyone. He was very open. I hope Rick Longoria can pull off an Alex Dominguez and overcome the money which is the only reason John and Nurith are even being discussed by anyone. Alex and I may have our differences but he did a great service for the people when with no money and against the Austin machines he proved you can still beat a Rene Olivera. John is just a bad person. The TExas Ethics Commission will investigate my claim of Laundering of Campaign money. It may then open the door to investigating Nurith. When you first meet Nurith she is charming, and appears educated. She is charming and beautiful, but when you ask her about anything she is clueless. Did she really believe she was helping Trey by her BS appearances with him? Did she believe her daddy was not going to help Tony to destroy Trey at the 11th hour? She cannot be that stupid. This ad does have one lie. Nurith was not part of Tenaska, but she has publicly stated she inherited the problem and then seeks to avoid it. I think that is worse.

I love Survivor because the winner is almost always the one who knowns when they are in a fake alliance and know how and when to start dumping those who will go after them first. Trey did not get this. Trey's strength in personality, and drive for downtown will be good for Brownsville. But his personality does not allow him to see the game of convenient alliances. This is how I am 100% certain he never could have been party to this ad. With the exception of saying Nurith was part of Tenaska, I am very happy with this ad and hope it does major damage to Tony, John and Nurith. I know Rick has been sick, but I am still hoping he can pull off an Alex Dominguez and over come the money.

But people in the future if you decide to accept an endorsement from another elected official you better know just how big that person's opposition is. In a three way a Saenz endorsement can kill your chances. No one in the anti-Saenz opposition is going to vote for you. These are solid people.

Trey remains the best choice for major. He has a lot of learning to do outside the downtown issue. Trey and Ben have made downtown into great issues. I am very excited for downtown and the help the small business owners are going to get. This is one big win for downtown and it belongs to Trey and Ben. Ben and Trey as a time could turn the corruption in this town and move Brownsville forward so, so fast. It is sad thought Ben is with Galonsky. But I can assure you Mayor Trey Mendez will work well with Ben to help downtown explode into a wonderful place to visit at night. It will bring in a lot of tax dollars to address other issues in the city. I get Ben's loyalty to Galonsky, but dude you know how Galonsky and Martinez worked together to mislead the people on the Lily Tecero issue. If I had the money I would do a mailer quoting Tecero's lawyers admitting the federal courts had no jurisdiction over the breach of contract issue. Tony lies and in his lies exposes the taxpayers to this judgment. Ben you know TSC is so much better off. You know Galonsky and Martinez are lying. You are better than this Ben. Do the right thing and go after Galonsky and Martinez for the people's mayor, Trey Mendez.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

What a load of Bollocks are you getting free pizza and wine for that crap.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn’t the add have the source?

Anonymous said...

Myself and my family are voting for Mr. Charlie Cabler, the best qualified and experienced of the other two candidates put together. We have no doubt in our minds that he will be a hands-on Mayor working day in and day out for the betterment of our city and not showing up at city hall every two weeks for meetings. We strongly believe that he will put his best effort on providing much needed municipal services like street maintenance and proper drainage and won't be a Mayor who will be in office for personal gain or that of close friends. Way too much of taxpayers monies have been wasted these last eight years on pet projects or acquiring useless and overpriced properties that to this date stil sit vacant and decaying. We have had enough of mismanagement of public funds, time for a real change, we, the citizens of Brownsville deserve a leader who truly cares about our needs and delivers positive results. Go Mr. Cabler, we are with you 200%.

Anonymous said...

Just Wondering. Was this post copied from Trey's FB account or was it posted as a message on "El Rrun Rrun by the author? If it was a message posted on this blog, why did Trey not post it also in the BV. Could it be that Trey and Bobby are not cooking pizza together?

Anonymous said...

You have got it in one, if you Pay BV $250 you will get only what he wants to give you but for free Pizza and wine he will say any shit you want him to say.
Booby WC is for Booby WC.

Anonymous said...

Trey controlled by the Zavaleta crowd good or bad, I am shocked to hear that news as I thought he was his own person not a puppet, shows what smoke and mirrors can do.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Martinez is reaching for straws and desperate Tecero had to go regardless how and when they were going to fire her she broke policy.In this article it looks like Mayor Martinez wanted her to stay not good.Mayor Martinez should write an an article on how he screwed the public on Tenaska raised PUB rates for the past 5yrs and then keep the $130 million of the rate payers monies when the deal fell through.That goes for all the commissioners also they kept their mouths shut on this issue they all got go!!

Anonymous said...

The job pays abt 50 bucks a meeting and they spend thousands daaa

Anonymous said...

Once a crook always a crook ask Charlie Cabler.

General Patton said...

agree with 3.02 pm, yes the mayor was the main culprit but what about the rest of the indians on the city commission who didnt say a hoot, gowan zavaleta, el rick longoria, el mariguas del el ben neece, toda la bola de mamones on the City commision who stood by and never made any attempt to stop the mayor and his tenasak deal. No Guts, No Glory, no HUEVOS BY ANYONE, let he tax payer foot that great bill, ok right no wrong i already sent in my complaint to the PUC, I demand a refund Check for the last 5 years for high rates-no credit- i want a REFUND check cool arrows

Anonymous said...

I went to the debate at the College and decided today to vote for Trey based on that.

Anonymous said...

PUC won't do nothing PUB is not on the crony list they are a run-away utility company..

Anonymous said...

Tray you mean JUAN? That's his real name JUAN

Anonymous said...

Would never vote for a lier or a coco (or any attorney), take the route with less resistance

Anonymous said...

Antonio y Juan are one and the same

Anonymous said...

A real mexican name JUAN JUAN JUAN oh its johnny now...

Anonymous said...

The Zavaletas needs Trey to win then they can bring Cabler down and expose him, then they will control the City. They will have the City where they want and the pet projects will become a reality, Trey (the puppet) for Mayor.
