Friday, April 12, 2019


By Juan Montoya

A sanitized "reputational  due diligence" report of former Brownsville Economic Development Corporation CEO Jason Hilts and other principals indicates that even before the establishment of a failed Colombian office, Hilts had participated in self-dealing in association with Oscar Garcia Jr., son of former UTB president Julieta Garcia.

Some of the details can be gleaned from the report generated by PricewaterhouseCooper auditing firm for the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC).

Garcia Jr., who later went on to be appointed a member of the Brownsville Public Utility Board, was granted $180,000 in 2007 to set up a company called GenteNet that was supposed to bring access to Internet service to impoverished Brownsville barrios, therefore the "Gente" in GenteNet. He was listed as GenteNet's president when he made his pitch for the cash.

Hilts, who became the BEDC's CEO in March 2002 until his resignation on April 2017, was listed as GenteNet's "agent" and listed the firm's address as 301 Mexico St., Suite F-1. That address is the same listed for the BEDC administrative offices.

This was in 2007, five years into Hilt's 15-year stint as the BEDC CEO.  So far, no one can tell what work product was delivered by Garcia Jr. Hilts, or GenteNet. And no one seems to know hat happened to the $180,000.

As part of GBIC’s guidelines, companies applying for job creation incentives had to produce at least 20 jobs that pay a minimum of $9 an hour, and create primary jobs, although these jobs, too, never materialized

How could the BEDC executive board - knowing Hilts was BEDC CEO - dish out $180,000 to GenteNet knowing he was its "agent" and that the company's office was in their own office? The organization's exempt status was automatically revoked by the IRS for failure to file a Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-N, or 990-PF for 3 consecutive years.

Garcia Jr., obviously a quick study, followed the steps of his mentor and when he was made chairman of the BPUB,  signed off on the $454,000 Brownsville Strategic Infrastructure and Land Management Plan and the utility split the cost three ways with the Port of Brownsville, and the GBIC.

That study was drafted by Robin McCaffrey of Needham, McCaffrey and Associates, the same firm that worked on the City of Kyle Comprehensive Master Plan, under the name of Mesa. McCaffrey was hired when Mike Miguel Gonzalez was the mayor in Kyle.

Gonzalez later became the executive director of United Brownsville. At the time McCaffrey went under the name of Mesa.

The so-called master plan identified 35 small-area sites and called for the development of commercial corridors and recommended that the development of the plan be split into three phases at a total cost of $750,000. The firm recommended that United Brownsville be placed in charge of implementing the plan using funds from public entities.

The Coordinating Board of United Brownsville included then-IBC President Fred Rusteberg, UTB vice-president Irv Downing, and Julieta Garcia, former UTB president and – coincidentally – mother of Garcia Jr.

Garcia Jr., seeing his opportunity, resigned his position on the PUB board, signed on with Jacob's Engineering, and snagged the first phase study with a $185,000 price tag. However, the GBIC and the other entities declined to award the firm the remaining $407,878 for the Phase II Small Area Plan of the "study" after seeing the work product generated by Garcia in the first phase.

The Hilts' legacy of economic development and its dismal results overseen by a seemingly blind BEDC board is still bedeviling the efforts of the city and the GBIC. It may take years of work to overcome this neglect.


Anonymous said...

The people of browntown are to stupid to comprehend any of this.

Anonymous said...

Question for America -
How far are you going to allow these sick and defective individuals (Trump and his sidekick, Miller) to go in weakening your Nation? How far, and for how much longer??

Anonymous said...

How do you think that the Jackass Jason Hilts and Gilbert Salinas has stayed on top of everyone, check out the amount of BEDC and GIBC funds were used for pet prodgets like the failed night club in Bill Hudsons building.
Hilts has everyone by the balls so that even the Fed's can't touch him, as he will sing loud and clear to save himself, he is stealing from the BEDC credit card weekly more than he collects in salary but knowing what he knows who is going to challenge him, if the Fed's are scared shit less of him, who is going to take a chance and loose their job, for nothing. The scam mentioned is a drop in the bucket. The Jackass Jason Hilts, has Charles Cabler by the balls, and he will be in the BEDC for a long while.

Anonymous said...

Question for America, you are the brownsville resident I speak of. You are the Jussie Smollett of browntown. Trump is in your head and consumes your every thought. He will do this to you for the next 6 years! Even a simpleton such as yourself could find viable employment in this amazing economy that President Trump has created. Beto has a cup of coolaid made of hopes and dreams for you to drink. I sip your tears. And by the way low information democrat voter, it is Mueller, not Miller. And Mueller is on your side. If you do not love the USA, return to your country.

Anonymous said...

Jason Hilts is a lieing thieving credit card thief and cannot be touched, he was keeping whores on his BEDC credit card long before Columbia was thought of, ask Charlie Cabler.

Anonymous said...

This is corruption at its finest if it were a public works employee taking a 1.99 shovel he already would be in jail and indicted. Pero es un pinche gringo all the mexicans are afraid to indict him...

Anonymous said...

Robar y Robar, thats the way of the RGV, Brownsville and the water plant in weslaco, puro robo. Taxpayers money only nothing else. bola de RATAS DE Dos PATAS

Anonymous said...

Ratones ARE US

Anonymous said...

The Jackass Jason Hilts is beyond reproach if the FBI can't touch him who can. Nobody in Brownsville can.

Anonymous said...

To the window-licking Trump supporter @ April 12, 2019 at 9:27 AM:

If you're going to call people stupid and simpletons, you should learn the difference between "to" and "too."

It's also "Kool-Aid," not "coolaid," pendejo.

Tarzan said...

As for Jason (borne) hilts can the IRS check him out like they did al capone? just wondering since FBI can do a thing? Maybe they can charge him with tax evasion or avoidance? Maybe?

Anonymous said...


Question for Mexico -
How far are you going to allow these sick and defective cartels (Gulf and his sidekick, Sinaloa) to go in weakening your Nation? How far, and for how much longer??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:26am ... read much? The article says Hilts resigned in April of 2017. Can you get that through your thick head? You keep bitching about him, as if he was still there, moron. By the way, who do you think had the job of over seeing BEDC? It was GBIC. Who was Chair of GBIC when this crap was happening? Jessica Tetreau. She's the one that allowed this corruption to flourish at GBIC. Get it straight. Charlie Cabler should have been keeping tabs on GBIC. Why didn't he stop it and all the other corruption occurring at the COB? Because he was part of it. Try to pay attention, if you can, and quit your ignorant rants.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...

Does CK tech actually hire people or use staffing companies?

I think GBIC should make companies hire and pay benefits or they won’t be considered for all those big checks -

Don’t support anyone who uses this method to beat the system and short change working poor

Anonymous said...

Hilts is still connected to the crooks somewhere as he needs his credit card theft somehow. Who is paying for his Whore and his credit card?, he can't afford to ride off into the sunset with his black book, and his Whore. Check out the books of the BEDC and GIBC carefully, he is in there somewhere.
Search for the Jackass Jason Hilts and see if he is not with Gilbert Salinas and his new company.!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hilts, Hilts, Hilts. Slay the gringo. Why not question his boss ?
Cabler, Jessika, and especially el Mago Morin ?

Anonymous said...

April 12,4.18
Do you let the Jackass Jason Hilts just walk away from the fraud and theft, when you get caught, this thief has his fingers in the BEDC somewhere. After the Titan scam broke in the first place and Jason Hilts stole the first time from the credit card, he resigned only to get hired as a consultant at double the salary and fire the Whistle-blower, the CFO and make himself president of the BEDC. Hilts would not leave that easy. Check out the the Golden handshake and the credit card use of the BEDC and Gilbert Salinas new company. You will find that Hilts is in there somewhere.

Joe Fink Rat said...

For years perhaps DECADES this BEDC and GBIC staff and management have been squandering money like it grows on trees, sales tax money to be more precise. Many promises of new businesses (Titan, At the Airport, calling centers etc) coming into town in exchange for BIG BUCKS, incentivities, tax abatements etc., but at the end of the day NADA. As long as politicians want to line their pockets there is nothing in the whole world any one especially Mr. Joe Q Public can do about it. Like they say in Weslaco, vivan las RATAS. Same thing in BROWNSVILLE.

Anonymous said...

Check out the amount of small business loans that Hilts took a part of the company as a kick back and has a part of the company.
