Tuesday, April 2, 2019


"Coming from mojado land it took me 6 hours to cross to trumplandia. His henchmen had only one hut open..." Comment to this blog

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Trump closed-border nightmare has begun.

All the way from Brownsville to Paso the accounts of bottlenecks at bridges have been mounting since Donald Trump threatened to shut down the border in a tiff over Central American caravans of asylum seekers and Mexico's response to their arrival and trek across their country.

We are hearing stories of four to five-hour waits to cross the Gateway Bridge and other such as the B&M (old bridge) and Los Tomates (Veterans Bridge). Students coming from Matamoros to attend Brownsville schools have been reporting late to class. Produce is spoiling in awaiting customers, and employers on the U.S. side can no longer count on Mexicans with work visas to arrive at work on time.

Auto parts manufacturers in Matamoros have been slowed from and commerce has been severely affected. In other words, the slowdown is creating chaos and costing border employers and workers millions. Within a week, some economists say that it will affect car production in the United States.

Politicians, business leaders and economists warned that such a move would block incoming shipments of fruits and vegetables, TVs, medical devices and other products and cut off people who commute to their jobs or school or come across to go shopping.

"Let's hope the threat is nothing but a bad April Fools' joke," said economist Dan Griswold at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia. He said Trump's threat would be the "height of folly," noting that an average of 15,000 trucks and $1.6 billion in goods cross the border every day.

Even though the Customs and Borer Protection website states that it takes an average of 120 minutes tii traverse the 50-yard span from Matamoros at Gateway, personal accounts say it actually takes more than five to as much as six hours.

Pedestrian crossings are also delayed.

Trump is not just threatening to shit down the border. The fact on the ground is that he already has.


Anonymous said...

Just cross the river as Trump will need a line of agents from California to Brownsville and they will still get through. Trump has more chance of completing a sentance without telling a lie, than stopping Border crossing. Trump is creating a diversion to take the heat off another of his crimes as.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to call bullshit on that 6 hour wait. I crossed over a couple of weeks ago and it took an hour to get across at the B&M crossing.

Anonymous said...

Donald (Pinocchio) Trump was rumored to have had his own nose removed to stop it from growing all over his face.
The first time it happened when he said that he did not deal with the mob, then when he got His wife residence in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Then when he became President he had it removed, and a fake nose fitted, now he does not have to worry about anything he says, as his nose will not give him away.

Anonymous said...

Juan didn't you lie to us telling us Trump was going to lose them going to get indicted?

Anonymous said...

Next Trump will call out the Navy to help out the coastguard as the people will use boats to come up the Gulf.

Anonymous said...

"Trump is not just threatening to shit down the border"

He's been shitting on us from day 1

General Patton said...

Juan ok, so what is Congress going to do? Anything or just leave it alone like they have done these last 33 years, just a hot potato issue? just kick the can or pass the hot potato around and see if it goes away? Maybe us taxpayers should stop congress from collecting a check every 2 weeks or monthly whatever they do it and say hey fix the damn problem now or build that damn wall then see if peloosa or that shoemer guy or even Vela or gonzalez our local dynamic duo can do something or even la AOC. words have been enuff already time to take some type of action idots we are out of options.

Anonymous said...

While our local leaders have ignored the crisis on the border and Congress has refused to do its duty to change immigration, the chaos caused by hundreds of thousands of illegals has clogged the bridges and slowed commerce. Now, even CNN's Cuomo is reporting the crisis that exits and urges Congress to get their heads out of their assess and take corrective actions. Now when CNN starts reporting the facts....things are bad. Tony Martinez looked like a "deer in the headlights" as he chatted like a dumbass with CNN. Other RGV elected officials are now being forced to acknowledge the "Crisis On The Border".

Anonymous said...

He is no more a president than Tony Martinez is a mayor, both are thieves and corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Trump is brain dead, they threw a party after his last medical, when his results came back they had found a quarter of a brain and reclassified him as GIFTED.
This man opens his mouth before he puts his brain into gear. That is why he is called. MEGGA MOUTH TRUMP.

Anonymous said...

@April 2, 2019 at 9:52 AM
I crossed yesterday not a couple of weeks ago. You're the bullshitter

Anonymous said...

the border has been closed since 2009

it was closed by the cartels

middle class americans without family in organized crime cannit visit mexico. organized crime has made it unsafe for us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You Trump haters keep hating and he keeps winning. I'm not tired of winning to much yet. The more Trump wins the more the liberals hate. This shit is entertaining. And to think that he still has at least two more years.

Anonymous said...

@ April 2, 2019 at 3:01 PM

I couldn't care less what you think. It didn't take me six hours to cross. Pinche gente mamona siempre hechandole mas crema a los pinches tacos. Always exaggerating to make it sound like you've suffered so much because you had to wait hours and hours to cross.

Anonymous said...

Hispanics for TRUMP! We are everywhere. Return the illegals.

General Patton said...

Trump haters, democrats etc,remember when there is NO LEADERSHIP at the TOP like at the DEMOCRAT LED CONGRESS anyone with a big mouth (AKA TRUMP) can take the LEAD-thats what we are witnessing right now. Its a shame, but its the reality. US Congress has had its time to do something to stop all this over flowing of illegals but have refused to take any action, so now we along the border are paying the price for this neglenance. Things will never change, wall or no wall. Drugs, and illegals will be coming over no matter what. Wouldnt it be nice if we had term limits for all congress members like we do for the President-two terms and your out. OPPS was day dreaming. that will never happen. Thank you DO NOTHING CONGRESS MEMBERS.

Anonymous said...

@@ April 3, 2019 at 9:05 AM

El mamon eres tu estupido pinche mojado con tus pinches tacos de crema. Nomas los pinche mojados se sambuten tacos con crema. Bola de mamones y pidiches. Nesido welfare nesido estampias nesito panales ay nesido ir al daycare para tragar gratis y que me pagen el doctor Y ESPECIAL UNA PROVIDER bola de jotos y jotas. "ESO SI SON LOS MAMONES" PINCHE JOTO/A...


Anonymous said...

Don't like Trump? Then take a look at who made him. He is the product of a Federal Congress and the various swamp dwellers who no longer look out after the interest of ALL of the American people. Both the Republicans and Democrats are dancing to the tune of their "base" and their donors and forget about the rest of America. Do that long enough and you will get a Donald Trump or somebody much like him.

Folks are so busy either hating or loving on Trump, they don't look around at why he is in the White House. Better learn your lesson folks or worse will follow. Trump is not your worse nightmare.

Anonymous said...

@pril 3, 2019 at 9:05 AM

Read the newspaper moron oh I forgot you can't read ingles pinche mojarreta...
