Sunday, April 7, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: There are four candidates for the District 1 position held by 16-year incumbent Ricardo Longoria, at left with crossed arms trying his best to act indifferent as his challenger Nurith Galonsky makes her pitch at a recent candidates' debate. The really bored guy in the middle is former city commissioner William Garza. Missing from the photo is the fourth candidate Michael Rodriguez.

The core constituency in the district is the Southmost area, a sprawling barrio community in the city's southeast reaches extending east toward the Port of Brownsville and south along the Rio Grande. That area's is notorious for low voter turnout,. Can anyone of the candidates light a fire under the electorate this year? The challengers are counting on it, and Longoria hopes it doesn't happen.

Meanwhile, we are getting reports that after years of asking the city to clean their weed-overgrown, litter-filled alleys, city crews have suddenly appeared in District 1 alleyways as the election nears. 

City commissioners are infamous for pulling out all the stops right before the election to impress the people that they are actually doing something. Will it work for Longoria again? Or has he gone to that well too often and despite all his machinations is it a case of too little, too late?


Anonymous said...

Guy in the middle looks like Trump!

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden galonsky is interested in the people of Southmost. A neighborhood she has avoided driving thru her whole life. How much will this election cost her daddy? How many chicken plates can the residents eat? Do the people of SM enjoy paying 30% more for their electricity because of her?

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem America faces is that there used to be 15 young workers for every retiree, but soon there will be only 3 young workers for every retiree. The only solution to this problem is immigration.

So, of course Republicans are against it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aks Golonsky about the 50K raises year after year that she voted on at BPUB. How did all those people get huge raises for nothing? Why has nobody aksed her this ever?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Galonsky farted in Garza’s face.

V. Tinker Shays said...

To anonymous 10:55
How about stop letting people over 50 whine "I goddy deesable" and letting 'em collect for the next 25-30 years. Or quit keeping those dying artificially alive so the heath care industry can milk them of their medicare/medicaid.

Anonymous said...

wow alleys actually being cleaned in the southmost area? Must be election time, i believe this area has been neglected too damn long i know its time for a chance, vote for any one but longoria got to get that creep out. no vale sebo

Anonymous said...

Why can't the people that live in Southmost clean up their own allies.

Anonymous said...

I heard he was walking to Los Fresnos AGAIN one of his favorite routes

Anonymous said...

If Nurith Galonsky ends up in a runoff election for this district, it is absolute proof positive that elections can be bought in this city. It will also prove that the voters of Brownsville are unbelievably apathetic and couldn't care less who represents them on the city commission.

Galonsky is Brownsville's Marie Antoinette. She drives through Southmost, blogging about how delicious the tacos are, knowing full well if it wasn't election season she wouldn't dare make a stop in Southmost to ask for directions. Now she's eating tacos and tripas and letting the people of Southmost know how delicious their food is and how awesome their restaurants are.

Before the election, I'm sure you could count the number of times Galonsky had visited Southmost on one of her perfectly manicured hands.

Roman Perez backed Rick Longoria is a misogynist and a sexist, and William Garza's time has passed him by. I don't know a whole lot about Michael Rodriguez, but he may very well be the lesser of four evils. It seems our choices are the incumbent, the has-been, Marie Antoinette, and Michael Rodriguez. I think the citizens of Southmost need to vote their incumbent out and give a new candidate a shot at representing them.

I just hope they don't choose Galonsky.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Galonsky and the PUB raised rates for an imaginary power plant should be proof enough she doesn't have the public's best interests in mind.

She won't lift a finger to help the residents of Southmost.

Anonymous said...

Southmost hasn't changed much in 16 years - but Longorias panza has grown a lot. It doesn't seem right. His front yard cookout in flip flops isn't going to cut it.

Anonymous said...


Do you have any facts to back up your claim that immigration is the ONLY answer to not having enough new workers in the workforce?

Immigration is a part of the solution, but shouldn't that immigration be legal and through a door so we can know who is here?

Do you know anything about Kate's law?

Anonymous said...

Team Rick Longoria!

Anonymous said...

The greeks used to dump all los ninitos in a ditch when they were no longed needed or started complaining maybe we should do the same but WAIT they'll call the cops pinche llorones

Anonymous said...

(bored guy in the middle is former city commissioner William Garza)

Wonder if he's aware of his striking resemblance to D. Trump?

Anonymous said...

Rick and Galonsky are full of shit Rick never helped the poorest of the city with those PUB rate hikes chicken shit never said anything he had the power to do so and now he wants another 4 yrs.Galonski is a puppet for daddy and the mayor Martinez people in Southport area need to get their head out their ass and vote for that guy Rodriguez.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Reality, folks in the southmost region dont vote and could care less who wins, its all the same smoke and mirrors for most of these candidates, PUB Raised their electric rates sky high looks like that beatles song Lucy in the sky with diamonds when Galonsky was on the PUB board, so what ifshe is elected to the city commission will she order the rates tobe lowered=Hell no, Rick longoria pos we all know es PURO PEDO, the other guys? William Garza? Really does he even live in the district or just put his aunts or some relative address so he could run forest run one more time before hanging it up? Roman and michael? Where do they stand? who knows what they will bring to the table, same old, same old. Its your choice folks Adios

Anonymous said...

at 6:44 so what's your point if los piojos don't vote why all the
escándalo convoluted

Anonymous said...

Of the four candidates in this race I will voting be for Rick. FYI Roman is not even running in this election. I am not sold on Galonsky. Michael and William are just splitting the vote.

Anonymous said...

@ April 9, 2019 at 3:23 PM

Make no mistake, Roman is definitely running. He may not have his name on the ballot, but in his mind, the "Kingmaker" still thinks he's running.

Poor simpleton Roman, fiddling while Southmost is burning.

Anonymous said...

for 11.37 am like i said its your choice or you dont know how to read-loco- or pendejo? you make that choice too.

Anonymous said...

@:April 10, 2019 at 4:54 PM

IF you're trying to be a political analysis or at least appear to be knowledgeable, forget it. You come across as a stupid clown. I don't need to insult you, you do a better job insulting yourself - and with that I say good riddence...

Anonymous said...

PUB is a haven for gringos and all from Harlingen and all making over 100K so what do you expect from this candidate? "NOTHING"
