Monday, April 8, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Yes, it was a chilly, clammy morning Saturday, but the Charley Cabler faithful were bundled up and wetting their lines at Boca Chica Beach. Pictured with Cabler is incumbent District 1 city commissioner Ricardo Longoria who is locked in a four-way contest for the seat he's held for the last 16 years. We don't now who walked away with the top prize at the fishing tournament, but we understand that those attending didn't mind getting a little wet. After all, that why you go to the beach.)


Anonymous said...

Most of those people are out of shape! Goddam!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville has the ugliest people. Damn!

Anonymous said...

half of the people there havent fished a day in their lives
they were just there
a)for free food
b)because they were paid
c)to support the neighbor's comadres' daughter's sancho's uncle
d) all of the above

Anonymous said...

Looks like they can't vote

Anonymous said...

Gentes pendejos! Ponte a trabajar! After the election, they will never see fuking Cabler again! lol I'm sure those people out there are getting free beers and food for being there!

Anonymous said...

Put down the pie.

Anonymous said...

How'd they get there? I thought all roads were closed. Oh through bagdad and crossed the river. Just like everybody else.

Anonymous said...

Is The mayor and Trey getting scared.

Anonymous said...

He's upping up the ande he's offering fried fish scary

Anonymous said...

Those are all the cronys with no background or expereince or education he will be giving a job to, just like current Public Works, Planning, Auditing, etc etc.

Anonymous said...

@:April 9, 2019 at 8:47 PM

Like the library guy with a ged and a director making 100k at least that "I've been here 50 years" had a degree on Advance Evasiveness.

Former BISD taxpayer said...

This Cabler cat had to resign due to suspicion of connections to an ambulance company wanting to come into Brownsville? Now, this POS wants to run for Mayor?
I'm going to be reaching out there BUT hopefully you voters in Brownsville know better and NOT put this POS into office>?
