Monday, April 22, 2019


"Action speaks louder than words..." Mayor Tony Martinez chiding opponent Trey Mendez during AARP mayoral debate

By Juan Montoya

Image result for tony martinez, mayorCity of Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez was reminding voters that Juan "Trey" Mendez - in his role as Texas Southmost College trustee - voted to  terminate TSC President Lily Tercero who was then awarded a $13.1 judgement against the college and blaming Mendez for "wasting" public money.

Given the format of the AARP forum, Mendez having used up his time, could not respond. It was a freebie for Martinez, who prefaced his criticism congratulating the participants - himself, Mendez  and former city manager Charlie Cabler - for desisting from personal attacks.

If Mendez had the time to respond, he would ave been able to roll off a number of Martinez's actions which literally screamed of self-interest and a "waste" of public monies.

For example:

1. On Dec. 17, 2012, he pushed for and voted to raise utility rates by the Public Utility Board by electricity (36 percent), water (20 percent), and wastewater by 6 percent. During a press conference where Martinez unveiled the agreement with Tenaska to build the $500 million natural-gas fed electric plant, he predicted the plant would be built by 2016.

Now with the millions generated by the rate increases piling up in PUB coffers, there is no plant in sight. In fact, as the ex-oficio member of the PUB, Martinez has been instrumental in keeping the Memorandum Of Understanding from the public by protesting to the Texas Attorney General that release of the MOU would be detrimental to Tenaska and the city.

2. Then, as a voting member of the PUB, Martinez's didn't raise a peep when the top three executives of the utility granted themselves hefty raises of  $100,000 over three years. He simply voted for the budgets where the raises were included. It's ironic that during this time the city was recognized as the poorest community in the United States.

But that's not all.

3. Martinez considered and voted for the City of Brownsville to sell a piece of property during a tax resale which was adjacent to his law office. He has been trying to sell the property to the Rio Grande Valley Rural Legal Aid Inc., but the sale was stalled over a shortage of parking spaces. The tax delinquent property would give him enough space to address that issue. 

On  Nov. 3, 2015 regular meeting, a unanimous city commission – after emerging from executive session where John Guevara, representing Linbarger, Goggan Blair and Sampson LLD and city attorney Mark Sossi outlined the bids/offers for 16 property offered for sale for tax delinquency – Martinez voted to sell himself the property.

The street address was 1226 E. Van Buren, next to the mayor's law office. The minutes show that Martinez participated in the executive session discussion and later voted for the city to accept the bids for the 16 properties, including the one he had bid on.

Image result for tony martinez votes on tax resale property

The photo above is a screen shot of the Nov. 3 meeting which shows Martinez presiding over the meeting at the time that the vote was taken (17 minutes, 17 seconds into the regular meeting) and the offers for the properties, including his, were approved "unanimously," as the minutes above show.

The Texas Local §§ 171.001-.010 states that: A public official who has such interest is required to file, before a vote or decision on any matter involving the business entity or real property, an affidavit with the city’s official record keeper, stating the nature and extent of the interest. Id. §171.004(b).

In addition, a public official is required to abstain from further participation in the matter. Id. However, a public official that is required to file an affidavit is not required to abstain from participating in the matter if a majority of the members of the governing body have a substantial interest and are required to file and do file affidavits of similar interests on the same official matter. Id. §171.004(c).

We looked high and low and could find no affidavit filed with the City Secretary and we filed an information request for any such affidavit if there was one filed with the city attorney. But even if there was, the code is specific that Martinez could not participate further in the matter, not even in the discussion on whether to accept the bids for the properties.

The record shows he did and that he voted to permit himself to buy one of the tax resale properties which is now a parking lot for his law office. His bid was for $5,200 and the appraised value by the Cameron County Appraisal District was $13,500.

Those "actions" by Martinez scream volumes of his disdain for the public, the PUB ratepayers, and the rule of law. TSC is appealing the tTercero verdict and up to today it has no paid her a red penny. Meanwhile, Martinez's actions at PUB and Tenaska has cost ratepayers more than $100 million in higher utility bills.

Who needs words when Martinez's actions show naked self interest and an arrogant disdain for the public and the rule of law? 


Anonymous said...

Still voting for Tony Martinez. Trey's vote on the Tercero firing may cost TSC $13.1 million. It could close down!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Tony got from the Jackass Jason Hilts and Gilbert Salinas, and Jason Hilts whore in Columbia.

Anonymous said...

martinez le val mother, voting for cabler

Anonymous said...

New blood needed Mayor Martinez is in it for his own pocket and Charlie doesn't have the gas to finish the race.Brownsville needs a new Mayor with fresh legs and new ideas vote for Trey.

Anonymous said...

This proud democrat voted 3 times today for Tony Martinez.

Anonymous said...

People don't understand how as a city manager, Charlie had to appease seven different politicians each wanting to do their pet projects. The Mayor, above all, usually has the most stroke because he or she sets the tone for the city. At times the majority of the board will change and the city manager must adapt or get the boot. Charlie lasted as long as he did because he worked with everyone. He always had a positive approach when working on projects that his bosses would bring him. Remember he answers to all seven councilmen and Mayor. He has dealt with some idiot commissioners and Mayors in the past who had self interest instead of wanting to do what was best for the city. Come on, this is Brownsville and some politicians think they can screw the citizens to enhance their financial portfolio. Brownsville citizens are tired of this and want change. I believe Charlie Cabler as a Mayor, can really move this city in the right direction because he would be going from a YES man to being in charge. This is a big difference so my family and I will support him. As an ex-commissioner myself, I always admired the job he did for the city and its employees. City employees will tell you first hand that Charlie sticks up for them. When I was a commissioner he helped me get them a raise which was badly needed. I don't think they have had a decent raise in decades. We need someone who knows first hand how to fix the mess some of these politicians have created. Cabler just got the endorsement from the Brownsville Policemen. That’s says a lot!!!

Chief Cool Arrow said...

wow and no one on the city commission protested? no one? that means that all of them are on the same level then puros MAMONES right?

Anonymous said...

Its a small town show-circus nothing else son buenos amigos dale gas bueno bonito y chafas...

Anonymous said...

At least I got to go to Columbia and saw some Black Magic on the City's dime, with all expenses paid.
I even witnessed fraud being committed, you do not see that every day. Now for round two as when I bring Jason Hilts and Gilbert Salinas, we will go to South Africa, and bring fake diamond manufacturering to Brownsville, Who is the stupid one here not me or Jason Hilts.

Anonymous said...

One question for Charlie Cabler:
Remember Juanita Reyna? the wedding decorator that states you bumped her with your car at the Ringgold Park Pavililion lot when you were feeling good? Then you denied ever hitting her? No thanks Charlie. If you lie about those things, what else will you lie about? Have integrity. Something you or your sisters have never had! Do not be afraid to publish. All need to know. These are serious issues

Anonymous said...

What has happened to Jason Hilts?, he has not gone far from the Golden egg but who is funds has he got his fingers on now.

Anonymous said...

Ba, Ba black sheep have you any wool, yes sir three bags full One for Tony one for Jason, and one for his Whore.

Anonymous said...

This is the same reply that Rear-ender Rene Oliveria gave out side of Cheders, then denied it and again on Boca Chica when he gave his card and drove home so he drunk he didn't know how he got two flat tires and got booked. (anyone knows when he goes to trial) This is the law Rene Oliveria practices.

Anonymous said...

Tony is a wolf in sheeps clothing he bragged about his time in Columbia on the City's dime, he should be made to refund the City for the Columbian trip
When is the District Attorney going to grow some balls and charge them with fraud.

Anonymous said...

Charlie lasted as long as he did because he attended his Weekly Wednesday meetings with Mr Big, he resigned when he got caught bending the rules with the fire chief and got caught.
Good job he will not win.

Anonymous said...

I think it is this month but you never know with Oliveria he is a law unto himself. Ask Juan he will know

Anonymous said...

That guy that visits all the flea markets all over the country (quote on the daily). Is that during working hours and the expense came from where his pocket or "OURS"? Check it our Juan we need to know...


Anonymous said...

He said "I visit ALLLLLL the flea markets in the country", we need to know at who's expense??? Enough is enough nobody uses the bike trails and that cannery is only for the elite and las gringas. FIX THE POT HOLES FIX THE FLOODING FIX THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS AND SOON IT WILL BE SMOG FROM THE CHEMICAL PLANTS...

Anonymous said...

I will lie, scam cheat and bring Jason Hilts back as like me he got balls and is like me untouchable, as we share the same black book.

Anonymous said...

Is he related to the "I've been here fifty years"?

Anonymous said...

Is this guy related to the "I've been here 50 yers"? Same last name

Anonymous said...

On the picture he needs a longer peek snout pico than he'll really look like a coyote Nah he already does...
