Wednesday, April 24, 2019


By Juan Montoya

It will cost city taxpayers more than $5.6  million when the  cost was originally pegged at $5 million.

That is what happened with the city's new Cultural Arts Center in the old Stegman Building at the corner of 10th and Washington streets.

The city administration never blinked an eye to at least eight change orders that boosted the price by another $500,000 after the Harlingen-based Alpha Contractor ran through the "contingency" fund that was included in the construction budget.

For months after they started in 2015, the building was literally gutted and only the shell remained. And businesses and pedestrians have had to endure a closed street that forced them - and commerce - to give the area wide berth. Now, almost five years later, the building is still not done, but it is serving as a bully pulpit for Mayor Tony Martinez to seek reelection.

Now the bottomless barrel is nearly done, it is time for it to serve as a reelection campaign prop for  Martinez.

Martinez, along with the city's "governmental affairs analyst" officer Ramiro Gonzalez at a $65,000 salary, are featured on a Facebook campaign ad that shows them touring the building, which is not open to the public yet, and asking the voters to keep the city "moving forward" and reelect Martinez to another disastrous four years at its helm.

"We've been at it for eight years," Gonzalez intones.

"We need a little more time to realize some of those dreams," Martinez agrees.

The ad features Gonzalez - who is on the  clock - and Martinez marveling at the inside of the structure and talking about the "next project" that is bound to come with Martinez in the mayor's seat. Not once in the ad is the lowly Brownsville taxpayer given credit for paying for Gonzalez's salary or the change-order boondoggle. The ad makes it seem like projects like this would never happen if Tone wasn't around.

Will other candidates for the city commission be allowed to use the Stegman Building and city employees on the clock to campaign for office? Or is it only Martinez who can do as he pleases and take credit for the publicly-funded project? Can Trey Mendez and Charlie Cabler do the same thing? Is it proper for this to happen?

Time and time again the company went to the city with change orders totaling more than $500,000. The original contract cost was to be $5,030,600 with a "contingency fund" of $306,400.

However, the contractor went through that sum like a hot knife through butter in seven change orders. Since it was part of the "contingency" fund included in the original contract, the change orders did  not have to get commission approval.

After having gone through that, the contractor and city officials came back to the commission and get an additional $247,435 for the eighth change order that included another $100,000 as a "contingency."

With the approval of the last change order, it means that they got and additional $553,835 added to the original contract price of  $5,030,600 and that the project will end up costing a total of $5,584,435.

And then someone pointed out – and submitted the photos here – that the project is literally crawling with Harlingen subcontractors.

If the taxpayers of Brownsville are footing the bill and putting up with the congestion and negative impact on downtown businesses, shouldn't the city have at least required that local subcontractors be hired to keep some of those millions here?

But what no one knew was that the overpriced building was to provide a $5.6 million soapbox for Martinez's reelection compliments of the  city taxpayers.


Anonymous said...

It is either Tony's campaign fund, or the scumbag Rene Oliverias legal fund, for the Stapleton crew.
Why could Rorege Oliveria and Fisher defend him, is it they would not tell lies to defend the scumbag.

Anonymous said...

Progress is expensive, Montoya. Not everything is rice & beans at $2.99. smh

Anonymous said...

Where were the City staff during all this? How useless is the project manager at the grants department? What about Purchasing? Price changes over 25% must be re-bid. Was this project rebid? Also, Ramiro had NOTHING to do with this project. Why the hell is he walking around as if he had anything to do? It was all the grants department doing. Typical Ramiro taking credit for other people's work smh

Papillon said...

Juan, time to move Forward, out with the RATS,Re-Elect NO ONE, time for a change, renewal, a breath of fresh air, get some new faces in. Ya Basta!

Anonymous said...

“I go to all the markets,” Gonzalez said. “It’s really just kind of a cool place to go and really get to know the local community and eat local food and all that kind of stuff.”
Who's pay for this person to go all over the country to visit markets? Him or US? Just like the bike trails that NOBODY uses... Y los pot holes que???

Check it out Juan we need to know...

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this election to be over...

Here's a novel idea...quit telling us what's wrong with the other candidate....and start telling us what's RIGHT with Your Candidate.....

relentless people bashing is why only puppets with tainted pasts and run for office

Mr. Majestic said...

juan Ya Mero con este proyecto? Wow only $600K over budget, hey thats not bad, plus the 8 years at $65K = $520K for this gonzalez guy, hey is this the same gonzalez finance guy been here 40 years? aguas puro robo.

Anonymous said...

Just got the mailer that Tony Martinez put out trashing Trey Mendez. You can barely make out who paid for the political Ad on the upper left hand corner. Thanks for making my mind up Tony. You will not even make the runoff. Good Riddance. As for Ramiro, what a waste of good taxpayer money. Ass kissers come at a Premium.

Anonymous said...

Tony Martinez must have truly been impressed by the play and movie "Other People's Money"....because he has no regard for the tax payers and our money. He spends lots of it (too much) and throws it around with total disregard of the working people who pay taxes in this community. Just another indication that he is out of touch with the people of this city and he should not be re-elected as mayor. Tony Martinez is an arrogant man who years ago lost contact with most of us and remains loyal only to his St. Joe friends, lawyers and anyone who offers him a "deal". He spends money wildly while our infrastructure deteriorates and no jobs or businesses can be seen on the horizon. Just say "NO" to Tony Martinez.

Anonymous said...

That arrogant fat ass Ramiro Gonzalez, better enjoy his last few months sucking taxpayer's tits, as soon as the new administration takes over , all he will be analyzing, will be the kick on the ass he will receive on the way out.

Anonymous said...

Cabler as mi gallo

Anonymous said...


Tony deleted the video? What is there to hide Conflict of interest? Ramiro was always a Daddy’s boy. He is Martinez’s project puppy!

Anonymous said...

Another prime example of wasteful spending, millions of dollars invested and for what or who? Next is the Gutierrrez warehouse, the city paid over $100,000 for this worthless property and now is getting a grant with the city match of $250,000 to rebuild it. At the end of the day, the city is paying $350,000 of taxpayers monies and for what purpose? To benefit the Farmers Market, what a joke, we need to boot all of the current politicians out before they deplete city coffers.

Anonymous said...

What a double standard. Hope voters take note of this wasteful spending of tax payers monies on this building. Let's never forget the purchases of other real estate properties that the city bought at his request and without opposition from current commissioners. Let's refresh our minds, El Cueto, La Casa Del Nylon, San Fernando, Gutierrez warehouse, buildings next to Los Reyes cafe, Mother of perpetual home, and the remodeling of a property on corner of E. Washington and 11th street that supposedly he would use as his office but never did. The owner got away with a total make over of this office space at taxpayers expense. Do we really need another four years of wasteful and irresponsible spending? I don't think so, let's not reelect anyone this time around.

Anonymous said...

Vote Him Out ! Time for New Blood !

Anonymous said...

Yesterday there were a bunch of city police cars at the central blvd library. The politiqueros are standing in the middle of the road causing a lot of problems you can't even walk to the library they are blocking ALL entrances and sidewalks into the library. SOMEBODY NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING THEY ARE GETTING OUT OF HAND. PUROS MUERTOS DE AMBRE "somebody do something".

Anonymous said...

I can't walk to the library they are blocking all the sidewalks

Anonymous said...

Is he related to the "I've been here 50 years"?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

That fat lady sitting on the sidewalk blocking everybody somebody needs to ger her out of there she is under a blue tent. I don't care who she represents but she is blocking the sidewalk. Handicapped persons can't walk on the side walk they have to get on the drive way to the library. SOMEBODY SO SOMETHING TO GET HER OUT OF THERE OR ACROSS THE ROAD.

Anonymous said...

Soon we will know who will join Armando Villalobos and his crowd, as soon as the election are over, then the song bird's will start to sing when they feel that they are safe.

Anonymous said...

Is this gonzalez that visits all flea markets all over the country related to the I've been working here 50 years? Remember that he was deputy dog and if he hired the flea market traveler he should be investigated by los rinches forget abt the da bring in the FBI. Stop all this nepotism crap indict all of them and sent them to JAIL...

Anonymous said...

One day I called the police, because my neighbor was beating the shit of his wife. It took 30 minutes and one fuker cop showed up. Here at the library the whole department showed up lll

P T Barnum said...

as tony tamales martinez says- yo chingo, tu chingas y todos chingamos.

Anonymous said...

He said ganchate y nos vamos juntos.

Anonymous said...

70 % of brownsville cops are lazy as shit many don't help the public they don't fallow up on incidents they let shit slide.BPD needs to be weeded out.

Anonymous said...

Qestion-If you order a pizza and call the cops at the sametime, who do you thinks arrives first?
Answer multiple choice:
1. Pat Ahamada with his dogs
2. Charlie Cable and his 250k check
3. Jessica with her case of lipsticks
4. Ricardo and his DJ equipment in shorts
5. BPD
6. The Pizza

Anonymous said...

Who are you kidding? Ramiro Gonzalez is not an asset, if he is anything it is a LIABILITY!!!

Anonymous said...

He could be an as-set and a liability at the same time, right?

Anonymous said...

That mexican mouse dog. answer to 8:13
