Thursday, April 4, 2019


By Juan Montoya

If the City of Brownsville mayoral race was a two-man contest between incumbent Tony Martinez and Texas Southmost College trustee Juan "Trey" Mendez, it would be slam dunk for the pizza parlor owner.
But there is a third candidate, former city manager Charlie Cabler. But if the give and take between Mendez and Martinez is any indicattion of who is taking the fight to the incumbent, Mendez would win hands down. For example, during the mayoral candidates' debate before the Realtors, Mendez scored some major points when he:

- pointed out the average cost of a house in Brownsville is 85k compared to 125k for McAllen. For realtors this is a big deal when you factor in a 6 percent commission.

- stated that we need vision and leadership to put Brownsville where it should be because we are losing ground. "Brownsville is "broken" but can be fixed with the right leadership, who is able to "build consensus, not division" he said

-Pointed out that Tony promised an ethics code in 2011 and didn't deliver until 30 days before the election
- and defused Martinez's criticism of the TSC board's firing of former president Lily Tercero and asserted he would vote to fire her again if given the chance. He pointed out not one penny has been paid Tercereo yet.

When it came to the debate before the Brownsville Police Officers Association, Mendez again took Martinez to the woodshed when he:

-  knew the statistics about the number of police officers in the city (244) and how that number has not increased in the last 8 years while Martinez has been in office and while Cabler was CM. No other candidate had an idea on this number and did not offer any real solutions on fixing the issues that exist within the department.

- told the police officers they were being ignored and that their commission doesn't listen to them. If so, they would have more officers, more equipment and resources.

- pointed out that he has met with new city manager Noel Bernal and discussed the possibility of increasing the number of police officers right away, at least incrementally, on a yearly basis.
- told them he met with PD officials and reps and discussed concerns about the department and efficiency.
- discussed the use of data to track where people are at a given time as a means to efficiently dispatch officers to certain areas.

- stated that listening was the biggest difference between him and many other public officials who say they will, but don't

It was somewhat disconcerting to hear the normally staid, quiet Mendez go on the offensive in these forums, but it does give one a glimpse of his potential for assertiveness as a public administrator and office holder. In contrast, Martinez could only look on helplessly as his deficiencies were laid bare before the audience.


L. Vela said...

All the way with #TEAMTREY.
The city of Brownsville needs new ideas, new blood. VOTE TREY MENDEZ.

Linda Forse said...

Finally, Trey speaks out. I love what he said. No "trey" for Tony - he will get no third term!

Anonymous said...

Trey Mendez never listened to what little students were attending TSC, he did care and he not going to care about Brownsville taxpayers and it's citizens. The lawsuit of TSC with its former TSC president, TSC will pay the contract, no Matter what happens. Trey was part of that mess to fire her and not work with her.

Anonymous said...

The next Mayor should be MENDEZ city hall definitely needs new blood MARTINEZ is blood sucking elitist with terrible leadership skills.,and Cabler will bend over for a platon of Mexican food. look at all the problems Cabler had while he was city manager.

Anonymous said...

Y la Tercero, Papa?

Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie! Y Las Ambulancias apa? Y la que atraopellaste pedo apa? y las que te cogiste en Colombia apa?


Anonymous said...

Los dos son putitos. I'm voting for Charlie.

Anonymous said...

Lily-livered? LOL

Anonymous said...

Myself and my family are voting for Mr. Charlie Cabler. He knows better than these two candidates put togheter how to effectively provide municipal services. During his tenure as city manager, politics were often on the way to accomplish his responsibilities but, if elected Mayor, which we,surely hope, he will have no one preventing from doing the right thing. We eagerly await election time to cast our votes on his favor. Go Mr. Cabler, you have our unconditional support.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah and it's like people in Brownsville should pay more for a house because the Realtors don't make more money? Wtf what an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Trey says he will fire Tercero all over again if given the chance. Helloooo! He is essentially saying he’s willing to fork out another 13 million of taxpayers money for his boneheaded decision. He says TSC hasn’t payed a penny “YET.” They WILL pay. In the meantime, TSC attorneys are lining their pockets appealing the case. Trey couldn’t care less, it’s only taxpayers money. Trey is in denial and now wants to detract from his big mistake and wants to become Brownsville’s Mayor. Really? Be careful Brownsville voters. Don’t get sucked in.

Anonymous said...

Please no more lawyers we already have enough with Tony, Cesar De Leon, Ben and Trey

Anonymous said...

La bandeja y martines are one and the same only difference one wears wrangler and the other gucci. You don't want this city to suffer another four more years and the pickin' are zero to minus and we don't have a write-in candidate so what are we to do? Prepare for a hurricane!!!

Anonymous said...

How dumb is Trey? You have a crystal ball that shows you the outcome of firing the college president but the arrogant attorney Trey says he would do it the same way all over again. Has he learned nothing from the 13 million dollar lesson? A forth grader is smarter than that. You need to do things differently to get a different result. This guy needs to be kept out of any position where he can waste taxpayer money.

Pancho Villa said...

Viva cabler

Anonymous said...

Trey’s unwise comments and past decisions only proves he is incompetent and unfit to manage our city. He needs to concentrate in perfecting the art of making pizza. He has no clue what he is getting into. His ignorance and arrogance will turn Brownsville into a pepperoni pizza in no time at all. CAUTION with this election race!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:05

Charlie Atkinson looks like you can’t stay away. You are an idiot..
A fourth grader is smarter than you are. The only reason you have a job ... well we all know how you got that job... you wish you had one hundredth of Treys brain.

Anonymous said...

Code of ethics? Give me a break, was ethics on their mind when they decided to purchase La Casa Del Nylon and so many other worthless pieces of property at were bought at exaggerate prices? La Casa Del Nylon ha s been vacant, off tax rolls and fast decaying for the last eight years, lest not forget Gutierrez Warehouse, San Fernando Building. Do we really need leaders like them that are in public service for their own gain and that of close friends? Let's vote them out of office for good, exercise your constitutional right, enough is enough. Total mismanagement of public funds.

Anonymous said...

No chale da crook, no more Toni, Trey all the way. All candidates state bad things in the city and nothing was done. Oh yeah Chale was the manager, and he did nothing then but be Jabba da hut in his office, now he can fix things, no sean pendejos....

Anonymous said...

Tony and Charlie are retreads. They have had years to prove what they could do. Trey will have the best interest for Brownsville at heart.

Anonymous said...

Cabler all the way, he is protected by Mr Big, he does not have the brains to be Mayor, he could not handle the City managers job, and was caught in the scam with the fire chief.

Anonymous said...

So the only thing you got on Trey is the judgment that hasn't paid out a cent? Thats what you got? Thats why he is unfit to be Mayor?

Son una bola de pendejos. Vote Charlie or Tony....two babozos that couldn't place our city above the rest. Go ahead. Vote for them to get the same of the last 8 years with Tony and 20 years with Charlie.

Your mothers and I will vote for Trey!

Anonymous said...

You spend 1000's of dollars to get a job that pays $50 per meeting and you meet maybe 12 times a year. Whyyyy?

Anonymous said...

To April 9, 2019 at 1:52 AM

You’ve eaten too many Dodici pizzas, bro. Apparently you are another “bone head” like your candidate. Get your head out of the sand.
