Wednesday, May 22, 2019


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By Juan Montoya

There are 11 people breathing a sigh of relief. They will not be facing criminal charges for failing to file personal finance statements as required by state law,

For years, incumbents and candidates for election to the City of Brownsville commission have ignored the filing of personal financial statements as required of candidates for municipal office in cities with populations of more than 100,000. 

It is a matter that is required by Section 145 of the Texas Local Government Code that states that a "municipal officer or a candidate for a municipal office filled by election shall file a financial statement with the clerk or secretary of the (city) not later than the earlier of:
(1) the 20th day after the deadline for filing an application for a place on the ballot in the election; or
(2) the fifth day before the date of the election.

In Brownsville, in past elections, many candidates have even failed to file the required campaign finance forms listing their contributions and expenditures.

This year, in anticipation of the upcoming May elections City Attorney Rene De Coss as early as February advised the commissioners that the forms must be filled by the April deadline. The incumbents who were contemplating running for reelection - Mayor Tony Martinez, Ricardo Longoria and Jessica Tetreau - filed in February. 

But alas, De Coss was told, none of the other 11 candidates had filed one.

Image result for rene de cossThat included the two mayoral candidates Trey Mendez and Charlie Cabler, and commissioner candidates Nurith Galonsky, John Cowen and Jessica Puente Bradshaw who made the runoffs. De Coss said he consulted with Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz since violations can be handled with a civil penalty or as a Class B misdemeanor and handled as a criminal violation by the DA.

De Coss said he "consulted" with the DA's office for a possible complaint and that he was told the DA followed a precedent established in similar cases and usually waited for recommendations on complaints filed with the  Texas Ethics Commission. In those cases, the candidates were given a set time to comply with the provisions of the code and the issue was dismissed. Those who refused to comply were then to be prosecuted, they said.

Given that response, De Coss and the city backed off the filing of the complaint.

"Since we first came into office we've been trying to do things in the city the way the Government Code requires," De Coss said. "I gave them a courtesy call informing them that they were in violation of the law. They were sent letters giving them the opportunity to turn in their statements."

The custom of not requiring candidates to file the personal finance statements was so ingrained, said a source at the DA's office, that the city packets for candidates didn't even include the form.

And now, 18 days after the election and with a runoff election for mayor and two city commission races June 22, De Coss said the  candidates have been told they must comply with the law.

"Everybody took it well except for a couple of the candidates," he said. "The word got out that I was going to file criminal charges against them if they didn't file the statements. That's not true. We didn't do that. If they file the statements by this Friday everything goes away. It's time we follow the rules in Brownsville."


Anonymous said...

What a crock of shit from DeCoss! Everyone in the building knew that he came and tried to file the cases at the DAs office. It is even in the story. Re-read the story and see if I am not right.

Anonymous said...

Corruption starts before they even decide to run for public office? No wonder this system is really rigged.

Anonymous said...

These candidates are already RATAS

Anonymous said...

There is something Sossisque about this whole situation.

Anonymous said...

John Cowen thinks he's above the law. Bad start.

Anonymous said...

An active debate is going on in the Democratic Party on whether to begin an impeachment inquiry and/or proceedings. In my view, the Trump Presidency has done material harm to the nation and the world. Overt actions by the President for the last two years and a large section of the Mueller report clearly spell out serious obstruction of justice charges/felonies. Further, Presidential collusion with the Russians was far from ruled out by the Mueller report- just not yet provable.

The President in his effort to thwart all House subpoenas is acting above the law and his Justice Department is now spouting partisan nonsense that seeks to ensconce the notion that the President is in fact above the law.

Democrats, by failing to take necessary and responsible action to impeach this President and hold his Administration accountable- are acting as enablers and are partly responsible for this state of affairs.

I strongly urge you to support an impeachment inquiry and impeachment proceedings. This is not the time in American history to weigh political considerations when the legitimacy of the system itself is at stake.

Anonymous said...

If they didn't pay then their compaign is void???

The Brownsville Beacon said...

"It's time we follow the rules in Brownsville."

The funniest thing I've read on the internet today. But it is early.

Anonymous said...

The whole election should be declared invalid

Anonymous said...

Nullify the election teach them a lesson

Anonymous said...

So if no financial statements were filed where did the herald get the financial filing inforation from of each candidate?

Anonymous said...

NOT SURPRISED...…………………………..

Anonymous said...

You should go check the Cameron county clerk office for the financial statements ..... by the elected officials...the county CLERK issued wrong information to the officials ....she along with her staff are idiots ..... Angela was placed in charge and messed up bad ... go look ... it’s public information going down

Anonymous said...

Re: May 23, 2019 at 12:25 AM
You can stop the "But Jessica..." crap anytime now. It isn't happening, isn't going to happen, and never was going to happen. People vote for who they think is going to win. After that first round you won't convince anyone smarter than a stump that John Cowen isn't going to win.

Anonymous said...

Re:May 23, 2019 at 1:00 AM
You're not going to win, either.

Anonymous said...

This stupidity didn't start on its own. There were plotters and planners, instigators and obviously a patsy. Any good guesses on how it unfolded? All we have here in the story is how the tires blew out and the thing ran off the road.

Chon chorizo said...

for 5/23/2019 1.00 am, problem is the US CONGRESS WONT DO A DAMN THING TO REMOVE THE PRESIDENT TRUMP-thats the only problem. check it out they wont in the long run because it will make the democRAT party look bad for the up coming elections in 2020. sad but truth.

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true RINO never Trumper panty waist.

Anonymous said...

Thank You Rene for providing your integrity to the position of City Attorney.
Board Members to some city commissions are required to provide personal finance statements in an effort to implement the much needed Ethics code that was passed by the very City commission that now has been derelict in providing the candidates financial reports. Prosecute the violators regardless of who they are. The days of getting away with not following the rules, regulations, and statues are OVER !!!

Anonymous said...

And the beat goes on...

Anonymous said...

Jessica is a huge Trump supporter. She had Trump bumper stickers on her cars and Trump yard signs. She only removed them when she started her campaign for commissioner. She also cut down all the trees in her yard. She is against the environment.
