Wednesday, May 22, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Look at this picture closely. [Click on graphic to enlarge.] Just in front of the blue bus with the Denver-Chicago ad for a local airline one can see the end of a blue bench where riders can use as they await their bus. However, it is empty. 

Why? The temperature is hovering at 93 degree and can only get hotter. The riders eschew use of the bench so they won't be rostisados before da ride arrives. Instead, like most sensible people, they seek the shade of trees used for landscaping along the fence. The benches go unused. 

The question then becomes: What well-paid genius with BUS/Brownsville Metro, the company the City of Brownsville uses under Norma Zamora's leadership, forgot to add a covering to the benches so people could take shelter from the sun, or the elements, when a norther and the cold rains come?

After several decades of holding the contract, Brownsville Metro is bragging that 53 of the city's 588 bus stops will eventually be improved with 11 of those projects already completed, an unimpressive 9 percent of the bus stops.

No pun intended, but it seems like BUS/Metro - and the city officials assigned to oversee their performance - are getting a free ride.


Anonymous said...

Most, I say most, don’t do anything except collect a paycheck. This is the mentality they have. They need a supervisor to kick buds! Workers need to show pride in their work.

Anonymous said...

Who uses buses? The poor! Why should my taxes go to help those assholes? smh

Anonymous said...

The city needs to hire a meterolist so they construct bus benchs faceing norht and south not east and west. They're too dumb to use a compass (what?). Maybe a professional bus bench contructor. Maybe a boy/girl scout they know who to use a compass.

Anonymous said...

Watch the astros google astros free streaming click the first or second on the list that comes up... g luck

Anonymous said...

Do the r's know that jessi is having her strings pulled by her democrat overlords

Anonymous said...

Zamora and her sidekick are not even city employees. Why don't you blogger types ask for her compensation from the city and her real boss first transit. You will be flabbergasted at the money those 2 make.

Anonymous said...

May 22. 3:09 PM, you are the asshole, must have never been poor, spoon fed, you SOB

Anonymous said...

Instead of spending so much money on repainting the bicycles sign in the middle of the streets, they should use the money to built shelters for those that use the busses. They paint 5 or 6 bike signs, place an orange cone on it and sit there for hours waiting for the paint to dry so they can remove the cones. I'd like a job like that.

Anonymous said...

Huge chunk of the city budget goes for repaintaing bike lanes that are hardly used by anyone except when they host Cylobias and waste of taxpayers monies. Hopefully, soon to be elected Mayor does something about this needless, nonsense and wasteful spending. It dissent take a rocket scientist to inform the community to utilize the vast bike trails we already have. Stop this waste of repaintaing bike lanes every two months.

Anonymous said...

She's up next for re-election LOOK-OUT we're just waiting.
