Wednesday, May 22, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: although we don't subscribe to the xenophobic fears of certain members of our neighbors to the south (Los Juniors), it is a fact that players who traditionally plied their wares in Mata are now joining the Brownsville crowd for fun and games.

They have brought us events like Beerfest, Noche de Garibaldi, and the latest and greatest, Gringo de Mayo. Here they revel in the triumph of their endeavors with a sumptuous steak and wine fest at La Pampa, a gathering place for people de bon air. The reader who sent us this photo says that included among the revelers is Arturo Trevino, owner of Los Trevi convenience store and who cleaned up (or did not) at Gringo de Mayo on Market Square, and Pedro Cardenas, owner of Mi Pueblito Restaurant, who is now on the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation which controls $5 million in sales tax proceed annually.

Trevino was appointed to the board of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, which also receives $5 million from city sales taxes, and is listed as secretary.

When Trevino got done with his Gringo de Mayo "new tradition," other Market Square tenants complained that he left a trail of grease on the newly-laid brickwork there. He replied that it was the contractors' fault for not sealing the bricks and left it to the city to either clean it or not. That's some improvement, Turi!

And one of our readers sent us this photo of El Pueblito below where a similar state of affairs is there for all to see.

Like it or not, these folks are here to stay and - unlike in the past - will become a part of our local government just as they did on the other side of the charco.

Among them is our own Rene Cardenas (first from left), second from left is Pedro Luis Coronado, the former federal representative (diputado federal) who replaced Chichin De la Garza, the former Matamoros mayor.

And of course, the Cardenas family has a long history of political involvement at the local, state and federal lever. One even ran for governor of Tamaulipas. Let's just hope that they don't bring the kind of governance and sanitary habits here that they're used to on the other side.)


Anonymous said...

It widly rummored that many Browntown businesses, owned by Mexican nationals, are money laundering fronts. Maybe so, maybe not, I certainly don't know, but the name of the blog is el rrun rrun. I do know that Mexican society is corrupt to the core. Truly honest people do not acquire wealth and hold on to it. They are after all, "Hombres de negocios".

Mexican social and political values are in Browntown like salt in the sea. These guys might bring in more corrupt salt by the box car load. Local folks have cause to be concerned.

Anonymous said...

Chulada de pelados....NOT !!!

Anonymous said...

I hope the city looks into that drain and what is being dumped into it. That is truly concerning.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious...these guys aren't genius people from Matamoros,MX, they own washing machines. Everyone one of them take cash for their business. It is the next generation cleaners. You have to be in with the Mexican government to put the stamp of legit or aprovado on the bank documents for the approval.

Que lleva Ud. Hoy Nada nomas unos avocados para el comandante y unos Marlboros de menta para el General. Y la caja esa o esa, son sapatos grandes para el alcalde. Me los pide del Gabacho porque aqui tan caros los impuestos. O entonces pasele Ud. Si Sr. y aqui esta una caja chica de sapatos para Ud.

Anonymous said...

there you go.

Anonymous said...

Dogshit story, bro. Nothing new there.

Anonymous said...

Gotta Love the comments about Turi. You know they are true because they are from the people that know him and they best. They are from his best friends that don't have the balls to tell him no, incase there is an opportunity to get him out and have him replaced by another Mexican National Hombre de Negocio. hahaha. It is the cartel way. Just like Osiel Cardenas "El Mata Amigos"

Anonymous said...

Shades of "las piedras negras" where's the waiter with "la escuadra" on his back.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to mejico, no cover chagre any time, pasele, pasele o no usted no puede pasar, trai un sarape, pelo largo y chanclas vayase para atras pinche gringo

cheech and chong

Anonymous said...

Come back in 20 years and you'll see body guards with ak's

Anonymous said...

Monthly LGBTQ meeting!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They had armed body guards parked outside in the parking lot

Anonymous said...

Santo Dios, Que miran mis ojitos. Los disque chingones del sur.
Que lastima dan estos pelados, y pelados por que se pelan el pelo, las viejas, y los dolares. Pobrecitos, Let them live in their wold of utopia, an unrealistic way of pretending that they might be bringing good to a town that is already misappropriated by those that make it their own. If the people of cameron county would take the bull by the horns this would not take place. there is much talk and no action. Just think, the same people get elected decade after decade, taking will not take you anywhere actions might. Get your ass out of your confort zone and vote, not for those that promise change as clearly there has been none.
Vote for those that want the change and are never given a chance to bring it to pass.
Educate your self, and don't allow others to run, rule and manipulate your thoughts, believes and convictions.
Or continue living in that fantasy world thinking change is coming, Its not!

Anonymous said...

To :May 22, 2019 at 11:08 PM

Monthly LGBTQ meeting! Really? In your so-called humor, you are making fun of a group of people that struggle daily in their daily lives. These guys in the picture belong in a category of their own. Don't categorize them by making fun of LGBTQ.

Anonymous said...

como quiera son maricones

Anonymous said...

and the term narco juniors is born

Anonymous said...

Narco Juniors Maricones

Anonymous said...

An article on Jefferson Davis prior to this article... two articles, one about racist and the other being racist... one against anglos, and one against Mexicans... Mexicans being racist on other Mexicans... lol... only happens on this Mexicans blog.

Anonymous said...

Go to charlottesville va racist whites against raicst whites better yet all over the court even better go to the WH estupido happening ALL OVER

Anonymous said...

I don't see gabino anywhere.

Anonymous said...

He's under the table

Anonymous said...

I heard that they are demanding no cameras be allowed next time they meet.

Anonymous said...

Dejaron los frijoles ay no quieren pedos a la noche se enojan las viejas

Anonymous said...

Como quiera son una bola de pedoros dejaron el lugar pero bien apestoso
