Wednesday, June 26, 2019


The man and his 23-month-old daughter lay face down in shallow water along the bank of the Rio Grande, his black shirt hiked up to his chest with the girl tucked inside. Her arm was draped around his neck suggesting she clung to him in her final moments.

The searing photograph of the sad discovery of their bodies on Monday, captured by journalist Julia Le Duc and published by Mexican newspaper La Jornada, highlights the perils faced by mostly Central American migrants fleeing violence and poverty and hoping for asylum in the United States.

According to Le Duc's reporting for La Jornada, Oscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez, frustrated because the family from El Salvador was unable to present themselves to US authorities and request asylum, swam across the river on Sunday with his daughter, Valeria.


Anonymous said...

ESTO ES REALMENTE MUY TRISTE, pero no es culpa de trump que un padre arriesge a su hijo (a) a una peligro tan mortal.

Anonymous said...

Please be more informed with your reporting. No one is denied an interview you are to take a number and wait for CBP to admit you. Yes it may take days or perhaps weeks but this is the proper way of presenting yourself at a port of entry to seek asylum. They are informed of this process when they arrive at the bridge or port of entry.

Anonymous said...

About time you reacted to this, Juan. Stay on it. These are immigrants looking for a better life, not rapists! Fuck Trump. His mother immigrated as a maid!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who at fault here? Where are these so called poor people getting money to travel from central America? Don't blame Trump, there are laws in every country of the world but Mexico has no rights or laws but the power of killing and extortion by the government and criminal elements. Look at Matamoros, our sister city of Brownsville and it's under the criminal elements. Blame the new media for feeling sorry for these so called poor? It's not U.S. problem but the country they came from. History repeats itself, Latin America countries have no values or care for their own citizens period.

Anonymous said...

@2:05 PM

Thank you, Tad Hasse.

Anonymous said...

God save us.

Anonymous said...

Let me see now: Trump forced their country to become corrupt and dangerous. He then marched these folks through Mexico at gun point. When they got to the Rio Grande River, he forced them into the water and held them down in the water until they were dead. Yep, it is Trump's fault alright.

Anonymous said...

I am a Texas native, my parents came from Mexico LEGALLY.
Neither one had money or college degrees. Both worked VERY HARD so their daughter would have a college education. Both died AMERICAN CITIZENS, both learned English.
Living on the border, this is something that has happened ALWAYS. Dead victims used to be from Mexico, now they are from Central America. YES, it is sad that children are dying, YES, it is sad it is a horrible death, BUT, I question central Americans, Cubans, Hatians, you dont speak the English language, you DONT have formal education, WHY did you leave your country and expect the USA to receive you with open arms? Violence? You think that we dont have violence here? Poverty? We have veterans, US citizens that are homeless. WHO brought you to the border? WHO paid your bus ticket to get here? WHY USA and not Costa Rica or Colombia (they speak Spanish)
Dont get me wrong, I AM NOT a Trump supporter (I DONT like the man)I am NOT a racist against brown persons; I am brown and proud o it. I AM AGAINST ILLEGAL immigration and to use CHILDREN as pawns. My POOR, family and MANY other POOR families stood in line, PAID high fees and entered LEGALLY. Short cuts have consequences. SAD.

Anonymous said...

As all have stated this is NOT Trump's fault, this has been going on for years even during the Obama administration, so now they use pictures of dead bodies to try to get attention to this problem,please!!this is not NEW.We've seen dead bodies before in the river and nobody cared back then. Why now? POLITICS!

Anonymous said...

Trump succeeded in an effort to keep the United States a sovereign nation, by protecting our borders.

Anonymous said...

If you can't deport an illegal then who can you deport. 90% of asylum seekers don't show up at their court hearings. What would happen to an American citizen that doesn't show up at his court hearing?

Anonymous said...

Todos los pochos on this thread acting like heartless wannabe gringos. I got mine so fuck all y’all!! You people sicken me!

Anonymous said...

Totally Trump's fault. He's president and that is where the fucking buck stops! Re-read and repeat: Trump is at fault. He militarized the border.

Anonymous said...

No son los pochos pinche mojado son los pinches gringos tu adorantes pinche mojado mamon no seas pendejo ni te agas

Anonymous said...

Please vote again the racist republican ticket if you are a sob and a racist hillybilly ignorant monkey.

Anonymous said...

@June 27, 2019 at 6:30 AM

"all y’all!!" A mojado? can't believe it talking like a pinche gringo pinche wanna be gringo mojado "all y'all!!" como te llamas randy? F'ing wetback wanna be gringo as de estar mas prieto que un pinche mayate y un huevo cafe esta mas blanco que tu, pinche bracero...

Anonymous said...

Congress needs to do its job and overhaul our immigration laws, been hanging like this for over 40 years? When When When? time to earn your pay congress

Anonymous said...

This remined me of black people who thought like mainstream Americans were called "Uncle Toms". It would appear that any Mexican who is not in Mexican lockstep group think is insulted and called wannabe gringos.

As long as Mexicans insist that other Mexicans must always think alike they will never take their rightful place in American society. They will always be held back by their assumed history as they claim victim status.

Anonymous said...

God help us.

Anonymous said...

Gracias a DIOS vivimos en un lugar en el cual tenemos derechos. Seamos un poquito mas humanos al dolor ajeno. Solo ellos saben por lo que estan pasando. No hablamos si NO sabemos NADA. No hagamos a otro lo que no queremos que nos Hagan a nuestra familia

Anonymous said...

@June 27, 2019 at 11:07 AM

Your idols must be the nazis who lockstep their way to oblivian and their reason racism bigotry and hate and imitating who they were not.

Anonymous said...

"Your idols must be the nazis who lockstep their way to oblivian and their reason racism bigotry and hate and imitating who they were not."

Another ignorant person who would rather insult and call names than use logic and facts. Must be one of Trump's children.

Anonymous said...

There are laws to follow and that includes everyone - whether we like Trump or not. However, take a look at the picture of our president at the beginning of this feature and see what those gestures and facial features are saying. We all know what that one finger means when it is the index finger motioning and we can also lip read to what he is saying. How can he be a role model and expect for everyone to follow the rules when he does not? As we used to say when someone motioned at us with that finger, "la tuya" and so, right back to the instigator. He is such a faking liar, but I still can't accept that he thinks he is pulling the wool over our eyes - mentiroso!

Anonymous said...

I blame the liberal immigration activists who go to this countries and recruit these folks to come to the US and in an attempt to overwhelm the border security system for their own political adgenda.

Anonymous said...

And another one bites the dust...two more cockroaches that won't get welfare on the American taxpayer!

TexMark said...

A wider view of this photograph (see Google images) shows a boat in the water next to the victims, and a 12 pack of empty beer cans on the shore, two of which float next to the bodies, likely falling into the water as someone scrambled up the slope.
This leads me to believe that someone rowed out to recover the bodies, but didn't attempt to bring them on board nor to initiate CPR, which, especially in cold water,
can revive droning victims sometime after the incident.
As the horrified wife screamed from the shoreline as the tragedy unfolded, her husband likely struggling for some time before succumbing, the actions of how the bodies got to shore should be investigated further.
I wish some real investigative reporting was available on this tragedy instead of the "take it as present it to you", which is so often the case, the "centerfold" picture displayed above being a perfect example of how: "media lies"!

Anonymous said...

Yes, ALL Y’ALL who are here bashing these people are disgusting. You’ve been here for a generation or two y ya se creen mejores! It’s funny because you think you’re not hated by Trump and his followers... Newsflash!!!! He hates you too! Dumbasses! Siempre son los mexicanos mas prietos que estan con Trump. Pochos pendejos!

Anonymous said...

Racist republicans will do and say anything to avoid the truth and take responsibility. Bola de mamones y hillbillies pendejos

Anonymous said...

You are fake news! Trump 2020

Anonymous said...

The parent is to BLAME! Plain and simple obey the laws wait your turn and go through the process. American citizens who break the law and are sentenced to prison are seperated from their children. This moron should have not left his child unattended on tge banks of tge RIO and tragedy would have been prevented!

Anonymous said...

Racist republicans and their idol racist president can go wipe their ass with their beloved symbol “Betsy Ross Flag” as I will do the same happy wiping idiotas
