Tuesday, June 18, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: The court battles between GMS and the  city drag on and the company will continue holding the multi-million city commercial waste contract on a month-to-month basis as it has been doing going on three years. As is obvious from these photos, GMS has allowed its rolling stock to become rolling leaking oil cans and its receptacles to deteriorate where passersby are exposed to rodents and swarms of flies feasting on refuse.

It has become, sadly, a part of our everyday.)


Anonymous said...

According to The Washington Post, Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading claims as president, roughly 12 a day. The Trump presidency is notable for the number and velocity of his falsehoods and misleading statements. They have been made in speeches and tweets, on matters significant and trivia, about others and about himself—and he virtually never apologizes or issues corrections. He says what he wants, when he wants, regardless of the reality of things.

Anonymous said...

Another failure of the city management during the tenure of Tony Martinez.

Anonymous said...

In early May, the Trump administration released a regulatory change that would redefine the federal formula for determining poverty. This proposal, which is facing a public comment deadline this Friday, would grossly misrepresent our country’s collective well-being and pose severe consequences for low-income Texans. It threatens to make fewer residents eligible for food assistance, health and other forms of essential poverty assistance.

Anonymous said...

You do realize Juan that the orange baboon is just spewing bullshit again, don't you??? He's having one of his big redneck rallies in Florida to announce that he's running again and he's pulling out all his usual shit to get Trumpanzees all riled up again and those idiots fall for it everytime! Fucking morons!

Let's get together again next week when NOTHING happens and he doesn't do what he's threatening to do, like usual....because he's a fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...

When you see all those leaking stinking dumpsters, remember the person mainly responsible for that is Charlie Cabler. As city manager, he did nothing for fixing potholes, flooded areas, and no raises for 90% of the city employees for more than 10years...but he did under-the-table gave Oscar Salinas a hefty raise. Even after being demoted, he was sent to Traffic and makes more than his boss Carlos Lastra. Then Carlos Lastra has two assistants for a small department. Hopefully, Trey will intervene when Mayor, and clean up the mess Cabler and Martinez did.
