Friday, July 26, 2019



Anonymous said...

I'm glad our tax dollars won't be wasted on this....BUT gloating is never attractive.

There is such a think as grace when losing AND grace when winning...our leaders don't know is quite embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

All the Brownsville lawyers against Tercero.

Rodriguez, Esparza, Perez, Pena, Garza etc

The decision of the jurors was not respected.... These are different times.

Anonymous said...

hat's Browntown - Dollar Store all the way! Ahuuuuaaaaa!!!

Anonymous said...

Shopping for a box of tissues with that one dollar.

Anonymous said...

Its been a loooong time since you posted something funny.

Anonymous said...

Are there any more Jim segundas around town? I think she's looking for one

Chuy southmost said...

Juan como dice el Nick Villarreal (RIP) aka el snicky nick en la cancion del la not to worry, atrabajar hijita

Anonymous said...

Valiendo chi chi de gallina.

Anonymous said...

Hay viene el DA y el child support rest in peace snicky nick.

Anonymous said...

Well, tsc wasn't ruined by her... But she was the scapegoat

Anonymous said...

Her dumbass lawyers choose the wrong cause of action. They sued for breech under Contract Law which does not allow for punative (punishment) damages. Had they sued for an Intentional Tort, they could have received punative damages. They will re-file in State court and this time, get it right. The Fat Lady has not yet sung!
