With four absences in nine meetings since he was appointed to the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation January 3, Mi Pueblito's Pedro Cardenas is skirting the danger of removal from the board according to city policy.
According to board attendance policy, if any appointee to the various board and city commissions racks up three (unexcused) absences it triggers and automatic resignation without any further action from the city commission.
In his case, Cardenas has come perilously close to an automatic ouster with his absences, although one of the absences was due to a family emergency. Below is his attendance/absence record.
January 1 (sworn in): Present
January 17 : Present
February 21: Absent
March 21: Present
April 18; Absent
May 14: Present
June 17: Absent (Family emergency)
June 21: Absent (cancelled due to lack of quorum)
July 18: Present
As can be seen, if Cardenas had been absent July 18 (excuse or not, the policy does not differentiate), he might have been considered an automatic resignation.
The upshot of the removal of commissioner Jessica Tetreau for violation of the attendance policy scheduled for today during the city commission meeting and the near miss in Cardenas' case would have destroyed the majority headed by chairman Esteban Guerra (also a Brownsville Navigation District commission).
With former GBIC board member David Betancourt replaced by Graham Sevier-Schultz (of 7th and Park fame) and former city commissioner Ricardo Longoria replaced by attorney Dennis Sanchez, the majority seems to have shifted from chairman Guerra's hands.
Depending on which way Sanchez goes, the majority could be shifted depending on who the city commission majority decides on who replaces Tetreau. Given that the new city commission majority (Nurith Galosnky, John Gowen, Ben Neece and Rose Gowen) are no fans of Guerra or Cardenas and that they were appointed by the former city commission majority, the outcome is not an attractive one to the GBIC chair.
Miffed that their choice for CEO wasn't chosen, Galonsky sued on behalf of the minority and lost in district court. But now, with the removal of Tetreau and the replacement of Betancourt with Sevier-Schultz, Sanchez appears to be the linchpin on which way the GBIC will move.
Sevier-Schultz has led a charmed existence. Even before his 7th and Park coffee and bicycle cafe was open for business, it became the one and only business declared "bicycle-friendly and was bestowed incentives by the city that included free advertisement in the form of spots in the local Cinemax paid by the city.
Critics say that the cafe lacks the necessary parking spaces and freely uses the linear park spaces across Seventh Street. In fact, commissioner Gowen,
during her reelection, held several campaign events there, including making it a stop on her bike tour.
Being the recipient of Gowen's largess with public funds, it stands to reason that he will have a willing ear for the commissioner's whims.
If Tetreau is ousted from the GBIC, will Cardenas ( or perhaps CEO Lozoya) be next on the menu for the city commission majority?
This Sevier lout also is a partner with Mendez in his pizza joint. Puro amigazo, bro.
- Booby Wightman-Ramirez
What!!!! Did Mendez appoint him? Shit on that!
They will close down all the cantinas and buinesses that don't make you feel like you're in austin. The only thing they can't get rid off is the meskins the only usefullness is their vote, to keep these idiots in office, other than that they don't want you in their home or nearby.
Roberto Budtail
New Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Rene Gutierrez aguilla con las brujas, los chizmes y las vivoras, that's all I gotta say...
Pura porqueriza en la ciudad de Brownsville, triste. 👎👎👎
Not true she used the funds from the plastic bags those funds were supposed to be used for street improvements not for bike trails.
The owner of 7th. and Park took a useless, odd shaped vacant downtown lot and turned it into a viable, tax producing business entity for the citizens of the COB. Not to mention creating a couple of good jobs Along the way. We need more people like him in this stagnant swamp of a city.
Any body can do that if you get help like funding from the city.
and you don't have to pay it back.
use somebody else parking lot, a lot of freebies everywhere. I too would open up a aaaaah pizza parlor and sell pizzas at 50 bucks a slice with our a drink and no parking
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