Thursday, July 25, 2019


By Fernando del Valle
Staff Writer
Valley Morning Star

SAN BENITO — City Commissioner Carol Lynn Sanchez is listed as the “lead attorney” for her children’s father in a case in which he’s accused of shooting at her father, according to a court record.

David Lee Hernandez, 33, faces a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon stemming from the incident reported early July 7 at a family home in the 300 block of Palo Rosa.

According to a police officer’s affidavit, Sanchez’s father, whose name was withheld, told him Hernandez, who the affidavit said was drunk, became “belligerent” after he refused to let his grandchildren’s father drive his car.

Then, Hernandez “pulled a pistol from his waist area and readied the pistol by pulling back the slide and loading a bullet,” the affidavit states. “He then pointed the pistol at him and fired the pistol.”

Sanchez’s father told the officer “he could feel the hot air of the burning gases pushing against his face as the bullet passed by his face. He could feel the gunpowder hit his face.”

(A commenter in social media alleges that the handgun was registered to the commissioner.)


Anonymous said...

So what? Who cares about these stinky cockroaches! smh

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares about San Benito, not even freddy fender! LMAO

Anonymous said...

What is said is that the gun used by the husband david to shoot at carol’s dad is registered and belongs to attorney/commissioner carol l sanchez.

Anonymous said...

There was a time, when Port Isabel was inbred joke of a town. Well, San Bene is now the soap opera star of Cameron County. Never ending fun to watch their leaders in action. You go San Bene, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Big deal commissioner Gus Ruiz is a lawyer and he defended his son in JP court which he has budget power over. Guess how that case went? What a joke!

A Real American!!! said...

Amazing that this worthless attorney who ran for city commissioner had to distance herself from the father of her children and made it publically known, for whatever reason. Turns out the father of her children is a POS and that Carol is not far behind? Now, she is defending the POS so she won't have to testify against the POS. It doesn't bother Carol that the father of her children almost killed her daddy, which doesn't bother her. Then lil Carol is all huffie and puffie because the media made a big deal out of it. It will be interesting what Luis Saenz' office is going to do. We all know the puppet Sorola let the POS go on a lower bond? Is he bowing to Carol, who has no political pull and very little voters!
The gutless San Benito News and VMS now are afraid to run it on the internet! So much for freedom of the press!

Anonymous said...

This scumbag was drunk with his kids and then points a gun and shoots at his father in law wtf!! He's begging to be made an example of .

Anonymous said...

me cagada no apesta.

Anonymous said...

What judge will sit in court for this case. Please do not tell me it will be Elia who is a good friend of the Sanchez lady when both of them were stalking a certain person at midnight and early morning. I think I remember reading something about that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

San Benito’s sole purpose is to make browntown look like a legitimate city.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is going on in San Benito ? You have the X-Police Chief being investigated by the Rangers for possible violations of the Law. You Have the Mayor listed as a Suspect in a Family Violence Police Report,You have a Commissioner’s husband shooting at her dad with a gun that is said to be registered and owned by the Commissioner. And then you have the two KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD GUYS that want to turn San Benito into Lil Austin. HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.

Anonymous said...

since san bene is in a hole just rent a bulldozer and covcer it up end of story
