Thursday, July 11, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: The City of Brownsville celebrated the grand opening of Expanding Frontiers at the historic Pan American Airways building today. Everybody who was anybody like the new mayor Trey Mendez, commissioners Nurith Galonsky and Ben Neece sttod alongside Fredrick A. Jenet, and special guests Sidney Nakahodo, Yolanda Marshall, Steve Gonzalez, Sean Casey, Priscilla Gabrielle Duran, Anita Gale and Montogomery Goforth.

Unlike in the days before the May 4 election, District 2 commissioner is nowhere to be seen even though the airport and Pan American Airways are only blocks from her home. Before she was reelected, you couldn't take a picture of a grand opening there, or even a lost dog, and Jess would be in the photo op. What happened? Was there, perhaps, some family crisis no one knows about until after people ask of her absence?  We hope not. Where oh where can Tetreau be, oh where oh where can she be?)


Anonymous said...

Apparently she’s at Driscoll Children's hospital getting her daughter prepared for heart surgery. This story is in poor taste.

Anonymous said...

Don't see John Cowen in photos. You're being selective again. Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Trey is good at cutting ribbons

Anonymous said...

WASTEFUL SPENDING, didn't need this spending because once Brownsville was number one in everything but now Brownsville is zero aka SHIT HOLE OF THE VALLEY. Corruption is Brownsville calling card.

Anonymous said...

Where ever there's a group of well known whites he'll be there mamon

Anonymous said...

Hope her daughter is ok...

Anonymous said...

Pay close attention on how Trey behaves on difficult decisions. He abstains to play it save. He already demonstrated that behavior when he abstained from firing the city manager. Weak decision maker. More to come.

Anonymous said...

If the off-white runs into trump he'll get deported that's when reality will kick in you're Meskin to all the republicans here in your home town and some of your friends that are white..l

Anonymous said...

But at least he knows to dress as a mayor representing our town.

As for Jessica's daughter, prayers out to her and her family.

Anonymous said...

Living in the past

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, in the real world, Brownsville Sales Tax collections plummeted over 4% in one year, while McAllen's surged 8%. And local leaders are busy cutting ribbons. Somebody better wake up and deal with REAL world problems in this town.

First order of business: Find out why the Brownsville GDP is falling.
Not sure there's much of a photo-op doing serious work, though.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with Jessica daughter. IF she was sooo worried, then why is she coming out on WHINNING WITH THE CHEEZE ON SUNDAY 7-14-2019?

She is a drama queen. I don't believe nothing that comes from Jessica. Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that attended knows this is another scam from the Professor and the elite to get money from the Poorest city in the USA. It is a non profit Juan. No money in it or future in it, unless the BCIC, GBIC or another Government entity pay for it. What happened to Stargate? Wasn't that supposed to be the future of the students? Now we have this professor that thinks he is some kind of genius telling us citizens he needs money to crate this new venture for the students. So what happened to UTRGV? Why isn't the richest university in the country paying to get this done? Why aren't they a line of investors trying to knock down the door to get in the millions this professor has to offer. This is just another Scam for this professor to make extra money off the tax payers. Look into it Juan. Don't let people dictate to you what they want Your readers to believe, because at the end, the truth will come out and you will be ridiculed because you will have to write it was a scam from the beginning

Anonymous said...

Pan American? Living in the past find something new or original with the morons we have at city hall forget about it.

Anonymous said...

ORIGINAL? Yea like using a speed bump as a curb now that's original and they have tres three engineers WOW. smh sma
