Wednesday, July 17, 2019


By Juan Montoya
A whistle blower lawsuit filed in the 445th District Court is charging that a science teacher with 24 years of service was forced to quit work because of retaliation after she reported several instances of alleged inappropriate acts by administrative personnel at Perkins Middle School.

The lawsuit was filed by teacher Rita Garcia against the BISD and English teacher and student sponsor activities Victor Ramirez, individually, who she charges defamed her by falsely filing a grievance against her for allegedly calling him a "pedophile" in a hallway before an open classroom.

Among some of the acts reported by teacher Rita Garcia to principal Beatrice Hernandez were:

* That on October 1, 2017, one of her special education 8th-period students was kept from her required curriculum science class by another Behavioral Intervention teacher so he could attend a party during school hours. As a result, she said principal Hernandez called her into a meeting where Perkins Dean of Instruction Giselda Delgado was present and where Hernandez refuted her complaint - despite corroboration by another teacher - and denied that the party had occurred during school hours.

*That the following December 13 while Garcia was discussing a scheduling mix-up during benchmark testing, Hernandez tried to pressure another teacher to say Garcia was yelling at the teacher.

* That Ramirez passed out invitations to the school's Christmas party to be held at a local lounge and that during that party Perkins Athletic Coordinator Sam Martinez was taped and the video posted on Instagram where Martinez stated: "Perkins, fuck them, pinches viejas amargadas, vallanse a la verga." Garcia charged that among the people accompanying Martinez was principal Hernandez.

*That when she contacted assistant principal Sandra Gomez to report the disturbing video, she was told board member Phil Cowen would be contacted on the incident  and that it would be investigated. She alleged that the incident involving Perkins Middle School administrators consuming alcohol, posting worldwide internet and social media photographs and publishing unethical, damaging statements and disparaging remarks bout female teachers at (Perkins) "violate BISD school personnel policy and the Code of Conduct for administrators."

* That on Feb. 8, 2018, a Child Protective Services and Brownsville Police Department report was filed against Ramirez by Ruth Robles, a teacher at Perkins, that an eighth-grade student reported that Ramirez had taken him along with other students to his home in his vehicle. Ramirez, who sponsors student activities, among them the food drive, is pictured at right in the Perkins website with the participating students.

He also said that Ramirez had purchased expensive clothes for students and bring them breakfast tacos to the school. When Robles forwarded copies to principal Hernandez, she took no action until nine weeks later when BPD investigators showed up at the school. As a result, Garcia's lawsuit states, Robles began to experience retaliatory incidents from Ramirez and Hernandez.

* That on March 8, Garcia -  without notice of an investigation - was called into a meeting with Hernandez and Area Administrator Dora Sauceda where she was accused of calling Ramirez a "pedophile." She said her request to have legal counsel present was denied. After the meeting, she went to BISD Human Resources to report the incident and other incidents of retaliation. Ten days later, she received a certified demand letter from Ramirez's attorney demanding that she apologize to him in writing and to complete an anti-bullying course among other things.

* That 11 days later, on March 19, she was notified by email that Ramirez had filed a Level I grievance for allegedly calling him a "pedophile." In his grievance, Ramirez charged that Edgar Chong, a Perkins history teacher, had told him that Garcia had verbalized loudly in the school hallway that "they always want to be in the 7th grade hallway with that pedophile. Upon clarification being requested, he said Garcia had stated "Mr. Ramirez, that pedophile."

* That seven days later, on March 26, principal Hernandez issued a reprimand against her alleging she had failed to cooperate with the investigation by requesting to have legal counsel present. Hernandez concluded that Garcia had called Ramirez a "pedophile" and issued her a reprimand.

* The following day - March 27 - Garcia was instructed to report to Stell Middle School, a move she alleges was a direct form of retaliation. Afterwards, she was transferred to Garcia Middle School.

As a result of her reporting these incidents, Garcia said she was "reprimanded and transferred to other schools in retaliation among being the target of harassment at work around a hostile environment. Were it not for those reports, she charges, that retaliation would not have occurred. Up until she reported these incidents to the school's and the BISD administration Garcia had "enjoyed and maintained an unblemished school personnel record."

Garcia's attorney, Noe Robles, said she is asking for damages of less than $250,000 and other damages within the jurisdiction of the court, loss of income, and physical and mental anguish plus attorney fees.


Anonymous said...

So what?

Anonymous said...

Put your name "So What? You be next, thats is the So What?

Anonymous said...

This is what Happens this Principals and office personal get too comfortable with the enviroment and think they can get away with anything or everything that happens in the schools; they are sort of like the poloticians feel too comfortable they think they are untouchable. And to the So What? You must be a big ass kisser so that why you comment in that way, But dont forget Karma comes to all! and then you can say So What? Then answer yourself "ay chingado Karma came for me.

Anonymous said...

Cover your ass! Investigate principal at DelCastillo Elementry bet you find some hidden shit in. her closet!!

Anonymous said...

My name Jose Jimenez.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like chickens fight in a gallinero over un gallo and they have degrees??? WOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is just ONE incident, Mr. Montoya. BISD has had MANY hidden incidents through out many years, many principals and many boards.
Teachers are at the bottom of the professional barrel, then you have your coaches, then your principal and dean.
What a lot of them still dont understand is that BISD is NOT their only option anymore. You should ask aids, custodians, maintenance. It would shock some board members. Or NOT.
Many custodians keep silent because they are AFRAID of retaliation.
There IS life after BISD.

Anonymous said...

Even if you blow a whistle who gives a shit. Who is that "Jaime I mean Jose Jimenez"👿👿

Anonymous said...

Why does that man have his arms around the boys??? I thought they are not supposed to be all buddy buddy with the students, much less touching them!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes like Idea

Anonymous said...

Good for this teacher to take them to court, but I still have my doubts about that.The evil board is useless, they refuse to take actions and prefer to play politics knowing that is hard for a teacher to survive the court/attorney costs. The strategy is to drain you financially so they can win. Very bad for the kids because they are using the kids moneys to fight in court instead of using it in the kids education. Like Trump said: See you at the ballots.

Anonymous said...

Sounds familiar.... Hernandez has always had her favorites and kiss ass clan. POS athletic Coordinator Sam Martínez being one them and his wife as well. Unfortunately she IS untouchable... since she is best friends with the AA. Kisses her ass all the time as well. & Edgar Chong... of course he would defend victor... that’s his relative!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

McHale is allegedly into deeper and got away with it. Now he follows weird middle eastern gurus around Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

I have a child who attends Perkins M.S and I have heard him witness similar incidents to the one's mentioned above. The principal is a bully, he has seen her treat staff and students negatively. Certain teachers engage in inappropriate behavior not only within themselves but with students (making demeaning comments, insults, using foul language). He too has heard several allegations made against the teacher who is referred to as "pedophile", coming from students in the school. My question was this teacher allowed to continue teaching at this campus after these reported allegations? What role did the principal play in all of this? Is it a scratch my back, i'll scratch yours deal? Some things never change.

Anonymous said...

Idea is the solution by-pass corruption go private schooling avoid all these chingaderas at BISD

Anonymous said...

Sounds familiar.... Hernandez has always had her favorites and kiss ass clan. POS athletic Coordinator Sam Martínez being one them and his wife as well. Unfortunately she IS untouchable... since she is best friends with the AA. Kisses her ass all the time as well. & Edgar Chong... of course he would defend victor... that’s his relative!!!!!! You have to constantly watch your back at the school. If Jaime, solitaire, Julio, or sam Martínez said something negative about you to her you’re done. Her posse rules the school. As long as you make her look good.. that was her motto. All those people mentioned above can go to hell. Sam Martínez & wife.... karma is coming for you.

Anonymous said...

One lady at garcia elementary used to walk the halls kicking students out of the way and yelling insults at everybody and don't say anything about the gestapo security.

Anonymous said...

they sit on their behind for 9 months waiting for their 3 months vacation with pay oh its in the contract pendejo taxpayers...

Anonymous said...

Look into idea teachers begging to.come back to bisd.

Anonymous said...

NOBODY wants to return to corruption specially at BISD puro BS.

Anonymous said...

Oh sure, IDEA is the answer. Nothing like a school that uses non- certified teachers and boots out the students that don't make the grade. IDEA is a joke, please.
