Wednesday, July 17, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: Either Silverio "Silver" Cisneros Jr. is running in the year 20, 2,000 years ago, or he wants you to vote for him 20 times. It's hard to figure out what exactly the 20 stands for unless it's actually a recycled sign from his last run at Constable Pct. 2 office (2016) when he came in dead last of four candidates. Incumbent Abel Gomez eventually went on to win that race. 

Cisneros garnered 2,325 votes of the four with Gomez leading the quartet with 4,868, 2,543 more than Cisneros. One of our readers who just had cataract surgery sent us this photo saying that at first he suspected that the surgery had failed and he was only seeing with his left eye. If it is a sign from four years ago, "Silver" is probably a bit more tarnished than the picture by now.))


Anonymous said...

Starting already with your dirty politics

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is Pulitzer Prize winning material here. Must be a slow news day in Brownsville.It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to figure out that it means 2020.

Anonymous said...

Wara wara, Ay Abel Gomez getting cold feet si no te vas a Casar wey!!!! Nomas te van a ganar!!Team Silver!!!

Anonymous said...

Thats hes specialty Dirty politics.Es capaz de paga to see who said this comment!! "puro Dirty politics"

Anonymous said...

Actually he's saying "A la veinte"

Anonymous said...

Tell estos pinches gringiyos y cocos what a la veinte means Juan

Anonymous said...

vote early and vote often

Anonymous said...

@July 18, 2019 at 6:37 AM
As they do in the east coast and in cockroach europe!

Anonymous said...

Not everyone has dirty money to invest in new posters, the working class do with what they have, so I take no offense with him using recycled posters. Smart enough to know what it means, 2020. Haters gonna hate!

Anonymous said...

Make do with what you have, he should get elected but wait he's not part of the two families running this joint.

Anonymous said...

Las dos familias los maricones and the faggot family.
