Wednesday, July 17, 2019



Special to El Rrun-Rrun

“You have received this phone call from our department to inform you that we just suspended your Social Security number because we found some suspicious activity,” an automated voice said on one of a dozen calls some people get every day, increasingly now in South Texas.

Then, the caller asks you to press the number one on your phone to speak to a representative.

When you do, and you ask who they are, they will identify themselves as a representative of the Social Security Advisory Board and blurt out  a name and identification number before asking you to confirm a social security number or other confidential information. Local recipients of these calls say that the speaker on the other end has what sounds like an accent from India. In some cases, the phone ID actually lists the 800 number of the board.

Don't fall for it.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says from January through May, there were 200,000 complaints about government agency scams, things like the IRS or jury duty scams. But the largest number of complaints - 65,000, - were scams involving social security.

The Inspector General of Social Security, Gail S. Ennis, is warning the public about a new variation of increasingly common government employee impersonation scams, this time involving Social Security Advisory Board . It has reported that individuals are receiving scam phone calls displaying the board’s phone number on caller ID. 

The callers are reportedly attempting to obtain personal information, including Social Security numbers. If you receive this type of call, you should not engage with the caller or provide personal information or money in response to requests or threats, they say.

The OIG says these callers are employing tactics similar to impersonation schemes involving the IRS, SSA, and the SSA OIG. Ennis advises that callers may use a variety of false scenarios or threats to obtain personal information or payments, often requested through gift cards or prepaid debit cards.

However, the Social Security Advisory Board typically does not contact the general public to request personal information over the phone. Moreover, government employees will never threaten you to obtain personal information or payments. In those cases, the call is fraudulent, and you should just hang up.

“This caller-ID spoofing scheme has unfortunately evolved to include the Social Security Advisory Board, but it is the same type of scam, attempting to mislead people by using the trusted name of Social Security,” Inspector General Ennis said. “I encourage everyone to alert your family and friends about how common these scams are, and to be very cautious when speaking with unknown callers, even if you recognize the caller ID.”

When some callers receiving these calls hung up and dialed the number, they were told they qualified for a Lifeline device that would cost them nothing and that could be obtained by providing them with confidential information like birth date, Social Security number or bank account information.


Anonymous said...

Scared the Brown Shit outta you, Montoya? LOL

Anonymous said...

Rambo trump warrior tweeter at it again pinche hillbilly

Anonymous said...

So who are they taling to in english? 95% of the residence DO NOT SPEAKIELY INGLES so who? Los piojos del southmost are protected because of a lack or for not being a dual language piojo.

Anonymous said...

They can fake sending men to the moon, but they can't arrest any of this bastards doing the scams. The main focus should be on finding and jailing this criminals, no matter what country there in. No, but the democrats are more focus on sending Trump to prison or impeachment. This scammers have been scamming the American people for many years, way before Trump.

Anonymous said...

I've gotten at least 3 calls a day for the past week.
I AM NOT of social security age or get any gov. assistance.
I block the number, but the next day I get the same message, with a different number.
NOT funny, NOT a joke.

Anonymous said...

lo quieres mucho mamasela at 4:54pm

Anonymous said...

The second you're born they give you a ss number.

Anonymous said...

I heard social security posted Mrs Wiggins in all the hospitals to issue ss numbers to all new borns...

Anonymous said...

9:06pm...If you are gonna comment at least write in English you cocksucker. I'm sure you can find a place where they teach free English classes and also learn some manners.

Anonymous said...

No puedes leer pendejo pinche hillbilly? Ensenan leer espanol en coual quier escuela estupido pinche mamon junto con tu marano republicano prsidente mamasela guay...
Idiota dice que aprender algunos modales eres mas guay que un guay - guay...

There are NO laws in tejas that require ingles only estupido and as manners well you hillbillys are last on the good manners list even your compadres the whites and gringos despise your kind.
That is if you are not a coco...

Anonymous said...

@7:59...What a ghetto, sin bolas, racist, Texas lone star mojado you turned out to be. I don't have the time to teach you English because I do have a job, but I can teach you some manners in less than one minute. Just leave me your number so I can get a hold of you. A ti te gusta mamar los viejitos como Biden.

Anonymous said...

uuuy uuuy que miedo cracker face hillybilly go marry your sister and date your mama idiota teach what? can't even understand a simple igles and you wanna teach I doubt you have a job hillybillys are on their fourth generation wellfare pidiches even your whites and gringos don't like your kind. Teach yourself to go to the toilet with your racist rants racist republican hillybilly and please use toilet paper if you know what that is too bad this blog is not on paper...
Go hold your brother pinche maricon

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha racist republican 12:30pm you like to go for the big one (very small acording to stormy) faggot

Anonymous said...

"A ti te gusta mamar los viejitos como Biden" and he want to teach lol I tune in just to read the stupidity shown by this wanna be rambos tweeter lol lol

Anonymous said...

It behooves me how these scum bags can get past the I am a robot @ 12:30pm and they want to teach well he'll fit just fine at BISD (I wouldn't doubt it if he's already there)

Anonymous said...

1:17,:1:21,1:42,1:46...I must of hit a gay nerve lol The same useless bastard wrote all those comments. You talk real tough behind your computer at your parents basement. It's not my fault you like old dicks lol I think you and E. Castro would make a good couple. You can even marry thanks to Obama your favorite president lol

Anonymous said...

Why not bring those scammers to open shop here? Why not we have chemicals plants opening operations here, we have state of the art rocketets that generate fire cracter shows just like the fourth, bringing these scammers to open shop here would complement other industries. What a team.

Anonymous said...

You must be mad that men do not look at you maricon rambo wanna be. Basement? There are no basements in the valley. Pinche hillbilly. Go and marry your sister and maybe have your male friend sleep with both of you rambo wanna be.
I know you're mad because your pig republican leader did not invite you to the wh. That's ok you're still a maricon (faggot) be proud someday you may be you will be invited. LOL estupido

Keep up your tirades and rants just maybe he will notice.
