Brownsville Herald
The violence has to stop. It won’t stop on its own; people have to act.
It’s time to say Basta! — enough!
Saturday’s mass shooting in El Paso touched the Rio Grande Valley. Pharr-San Juan-Alamo graduate Leonardo Campos Jr. and his wife Maribel were among the 22 people killed in the rampage; more than two dozen others were injured.
Investigators say the suspect targeted Hispanics, and drove more than 600 miles from the Dallas area to El Paso, and it isn’t clear why he picked that city. Given the recent attention the Valley has received with visits by Vice President Mike Pence, Congress members and other officials, he might just as well have decided to head south instead of west.
Previous mass shootings have been random or targeted other groups — blacks, Muslims, Jews, people with non-traditional lifestyles — but it probably was just a matter of time. But animosity toward Hispanics is nothing new.
The violence has to stop. It won’t stop on its own; people have to act.
It’s time to say Basta! — enough!
Saturday’s mass shooting in El Paso touched the Rio Grande Valley. Pharr-San Juan-Alamo graduate Leonardo Campos Jr. and his wife Maribel were among the 22 people killed in the rampage; more than two dozen others were injured.
Investigators say the suspect targeted Hispanics, and drove more than 600 miles from the Dallas area to El Paso, and it isn’t clear why he picked that city. Given the recent attention the Valley has received with visits by Vice President Mike Pence, Congress members and other officials, he might just as well have decided to head south instead of west.
Previous mass shootings have been random or targeted other groups — blacks, Muslims, Jews, people with non-traditional lifestyles — but it probably was just a matter of time. But animosity toward Hispanics is nothing new.
In 2008 California Congressman Tom Tancredo Sr. came to this area and declared that the border wall should be built north of the Rio Grande Valley. Woody Guthrie was writing songs about the mistreatment of Mexican farm workers back in 1948.
Traditionally Hispanics have endured the abuse, knowing that it comes from a small, albeit vocal and sometimes violent minority. But now that people are driving long distances to kill large groups of people, the time for stoicism might be over.
Basta ya! It’s time to act.
It’s time for Hispanics to fight false racist claims and assert the truth:
Somos Americanos: Many Latinos are descendants of people who lived in New Spain long before it became part of the United States. When people tell them to go back to where they came from, they’re already there.
Somos patriotas: Hispanics have always been among the first volunteers willing to fight for this country; as local historian Jack Ayoub frequently points out, those contributions go all the way back to the U.S. Revolutionary War.
Traditionally Hispanics have endured the abuse, knowing that it comes from a small, albeit vocal and sometimes violent minority. But now that people are driving long distances to kill large groups of people, the time for stoicism might be over.
Basta ya! It’s time to act.
It’s time for Hispanics to fight false racist claims and assert the truth:
Somos Americanos: Many Latinos are descendants of people who lived in New Spain long before it became part of the United States. When people tell them to go back to where they came from, they’re already there.
Somos patriotas: Hispanics have always been among the first volunteers willing to fight for this country; as local historian Jack Ayoub frequently points out, those contributions go all the way back to the U.S. Revolutionary War.
To this day, Hispanic representation in U.S. armed forces is higher than any other demographic group. Relative to their share of the overall population, more Hispanics have earned the Medal of Honor than any other group.
Somos contribuidores: According to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, since 2011 Hispanic-owned businesses have grown at a rate that doubles or even triples the national average, contributing more than $700 billion per year to the national economy.
Hispanic leaders, in the political, entertainment, business and sports realms, should arm themselves with these and other facts, and assert their contributions as one of many rich, beautiful colors and textures that weave into America’s social tapestry.
Such facts stand on their own; there’s no need for spitting contests against those who benefit from falsehoods.
It’s time to be assertive without responding to the violence.
We’ve had too much of that already.
Basta ya.
Somos contribuidores: According to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, since 2011 Hispanic-owned businesses have grown at a rate that doubles or even triples the national average, contributing more than $700 billion per year to the national economy.
Hispanic leaders, in the political, entertainment, business and sports realms, should arm themselves with these and other facts, and assert their contributions as one of many rich, beautiful colors and textures that weave into America’s social tapestry.
Such facts stand on their own; there’s no need for spitting contests against those who benefit from falsehoods.
It’s time to be assertive without responding to the violence.
We’ve had too much of that already.
Basta ya.
A little late, but what else is new here?
Begin, by voting the Eddie LUCIO Jr And EDDIE LUCIO lol out of Office. They do not help the valley, nothing . Carlos, you want to call them leaders. YOU work for them. VOTE Stapleton or Cortéz.
A guy at The Herald where they do no serious reporting? smh
Suficiente es suficiente o ya basta o basta ya.
Only the BVD (my blog on men's underwear) covered this. But, people, this idiot ripped off all of my points. I was first!
- Booby Weightman-Ramirez
This is racist garbage
this is racist garbage
Off the top of my head, I recall shooters who attacked Black churches to kill black Christians, White churches to kill white Christians, Synagogues to kill Jews, Mosques to kill Muslims, Amish school to kill Amish, malls to kill anybody they could, police everywhere, colleges to kill college students, High Schools to kill high school students and elementary schools to kill elementary students.
So calm down Latinos of all strips. There is no race war against you, planned by the hated pinche gringos. Stop listen to the bull shit by commentators, blogers and other pot stirers. Do a little thinking for yourselves and realize that every age, ethnic and religious group is comming under attack during these times of hate unleashed. You are not as special as you think. We are all targets for somebody.
We should all watch out 6 at all times and walk strapped or get capped.
This is not slander.
Senate big spender #3: Eddie Lucio, Jr.
Shows me the jobs in the valley.
Trump should not open his mouth until his brain is in gear, and stop taking money from the gun company.
Best Buy has received $7,615 in business from Eddie Lucio Jr. for gifts, while the longtime lawmaker, spent $7,016 on flowers and $6,226 on golfing-related gifts. He also gave gifts worth $10,735 to others.
His office didn’t reply to an email from The Texas Monitor seeking comment on this report. This is not slander.
House big spender #4: Eddie Lucio III
That’s because the Democrat from Brownsville has spent more than $28,000 at Best Buy. nearly $5,000 in gifts and gift cards from Best Buy. Lucio has also been a frequent shopper at Apple Store, spending more than $12,500.
Austin apartments, sweet rides and various gifts for constituents. An examination of such campaign expenses by Lucio by The Texas Monitor found that he spent $312,803 on those categories, ranking him fourth among the lawmakers in the Texas House during that time period.
Lucio’s office did not return a call from The Texas Monitor seeking comment on the report.
Ya basta, is not ENOUGH.
Carlos remember growing up parents did not have a haircut in the budget for the kids. Because there was no work or money. Pero ese Juan siempre con la sonrisa en la cara. And Juan is helping with this blog to make a better Cameron County.
No té olvides de dónde té sacó el Señor.
Stop writing stupid stories and write about how Pct 3 Constable Adrian Gonzalez gets paid by funeral homes to do escorts inside the city of harlingen... literally praying on the weak in time of need. You can stop by anytime during the week and see his pct 3 unit parked at the funeral home.
It begins with you Bro. Through your blog, you bashed women, minorities and decent people. It is not only the gringo vs Mexicans. It is Mexicans vs Mexicans. Learn to do good, not be sided by the dollars you get to bashed kind and honest folk.
At least he has spent the money not party it away, like the scumbag Rene Oliveira Oliveira
@August 22, 2019 at 1:43 PM
What brain he ain't got no brain giving this guay a break you must be one of them
The (2)EDDIE Lucios are scumbags, René is out. The (2)EDDIE Lucios are next.
Is that a smartwatch he's wearing or the axteca calander?
09:13 am.
Lucio’s expenses also include 14 trips to Ben’s Liquors in Brownsville totaling $2,282 and 18 trips to Jones Liquor in Brownsville totaling $5,586.
He’s also spent nearly $70,000 on cars.
25,000 in furniture.
22,367 on car maintenance and parts,
spent about $11,680 on trips to Anchorage, Denver, Orlando, Santa Monica and Washington, D.C
@August 24, 2019 at 1:24 AM
Again no good choices-when is going to stop?
@August 22, 2019 at 10:01 PM
I remember that barber on Adams that was also a fire fighter. He used a bowl of soup to cut your hair. He put the bowl on top of your hair and cut all around the bowl. I didn't go to school for several weeks because everybody at school knew where you got the hair cut. EMBARRASSED.
But at the end he would pull out his guitar and played and sang a few songs. The cost of the hair cut 25 cents and the entertainment was FREE.
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