The threatened law suit is the result of a Ms. Crow-Smith being cited for giving away free water bottles at a city festival on a day when temperatures reached 112 degrees.
John W. Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute said, “It is beyond comprehension that local government officials would interfere with citizens performing such a basic act of charity as giving water to the thirsty”.
The woman cited was approached by Dwayne Grierson, the “Neighborhood Preservation Inspector,” as she was handing out free water and told she was in violation of Phoenix City Code because she did not possess a vendor’s permit.
The incident occurred during a recent downtown festival on a day when temperatures reached as high as 112 degrees. “It was really hot and, yeah, we wanted to show God’s love and a small act of kindness is a great way to do that without shoving it down someone’s throat,” said Crow-Smith to ABC 15 News in Phoenix.
Grierson told the good Samaritan that handing out free water is considered vending with a license. In essence, she was told citizens of Phoenix must obtain permission before showing acts of kindness. But Rutherford spokesmen said the Phoenix City Code has no such prohibition of individuals from handing out free water, or anything else. The Code only states that individuals cannot sell goods or services on public sidewalks and property without first obtaining a vending permit.
Rutherford President, John W. Whitehead, said in a letter to the city that its actions were not justified under Phoenix city code. “In fact, the Phoenix City Code prohibits only ‘vending’ on city sidewalks without a license. ‘Sidewalk vending’ is defined as ‘peddling, vending, selling, displaying, or offering for sale any item of tangible personal property or other thing of value upon a sidewalk of the city of Phoenix.’
![Image result for cyclobia](
The citation also “violated Ms. Crow-Smith’s statutory and First Amendment rights to freely exercise her religion and Fourteenth Amendment due process rights,” said Whitehead.
“As these provisions are expressly limited to the sale of goods, they clearly do not apply to Ms. Crow-Smith’s act of giving away water. Thus, Inspector Grierson’s actions constitute a completely unjustified interference with an act of charity by a private citizen and a violation of Ms. Crow-Smith’s right to be free from interference with her fundamental liberty interests absent due process of law under the Fourteenth Amendment.”
She was giving away free bottled water to illegals that's why she got a ticket. Arizona and alabama and texas is right behind are the most racist republican states in the country.
The City screwed the citizens of Brownsville by not building that stupid power plant, now the state is saying we're in an energy crisis and running low on power, but what the hell, let's bother someone who is trying to give out bottles of water during one of the hottest times of the year.
The City and its administrators have their priorities ass-backwards. It's hilarious what these crooks choose to care about.
They're trying to shove a ton of elephant shit under the rug by failing to address our city's infrastructure and power needs, but hell, let's give some downtown business owner shit for giving out water.
This is why we can't have nice things.
OInk Oink mr art rodriguez shame on you, juan check out the new law that allos selling of lemonade without permits-state law maybe it could include this giving away of water too..
This is another example of Health Director, Art Rodriguez not having his employees fully trained. He makes up his own rules like a dictator and sends out his inspectors to enforce it. Legal action should be taken against the city, like in Arizona. It's the only way we can win unfair treatment. Mr. Rodriguez was demoted as Asst. City Manager, and now should be fired/demoted as Health Director. We need someone with new ideas, and is respected by his own employees.
Art "La Marrana Negra" is a joke. We have no respect for this man, and the city commissioners know what a useless director he is. Many complaints have been filed against him, yet he is still here. It's time for change!
Cycobia was a dumb idea and should be eliminated completely! Cycobia was Tony Martinez way of having Gowen happy and on his side. You lead by example, when have anyone seen Art Rodriguez or Gowen riding a bike regularly? The only place Mr. Rodriguez would go on a bike, is to a McDonald's! lol It's just a waste of money and paying overtime.
At, during and after the Silent March on Memorial Day, everybody gives away free water including the booths at Veteran's Park. What' the big deal???
I tend to agree with August 16, 2019 at 9:15 AM. Cyclobia is a boondoggle that should have never happened. I get Rose Gowen is big with the healthy lifestyle, but there are far better things she could have chosen other than to shut down downtown so people could ride their bikes.
Cyclists get a bad reputation for being road hogs and irresponsible, but the fact is there's a difference between a cyclist and a BAD cyclist. The bad cyclists are the ones who give normal cyclists a bad name. Often times you'll see them darting in and out of traffic, ignoring the traffic laws, and causing traffic collisions.
Rose Gowen could have led an initiative to educate the community on the benefits of healthier eating in the diabetes capital of the United States. She could have done something to help the elderly and the economically disadvantaged afford their much needed prescription medication, or she could have done a number of other things. Instead, she decides to focus on bicycles. Yes, the bike trails are nice, but shutting down downtown so a people can ride their bikes is way down the list of priorities of things this city needs.
Maybe they should have focused on building the Tenaska plant so we wouldn't be on the verge of an energy crisis. Maybe they should be working on a legitimate flood plan, or maybe they should improve our crumbling infrastructure. Maybe they should be code-enforcing all the properties that let their grass grow. Maybe they should worry about trash and brush collection. But no, let's give this guy grief about handing out water and let's see how we can line our pockets by putting on events like this.
If the citizens get together and purchase a truck of bottled water and try to give it away in the middle of down town estos idiotas will call the swat team. I can guarantee that, just look at what happened with the changing of the street name they don't give a shit they think they own this town and this is just the beginning you people wanted two gringos and a coco will you got em start the crying pendejos
The engineering dept now the health dept should be replace immedialely before people start filing lawsuits.
@11:08 You started your comments so great, but at the end, pinche hillbilly Coco parrot, you couldn't help yourself to cargar el palo! Pinche joto de los viejitos! Learn new fuking words joto! Mamale a Biden/Sanders para que te manden a una escuela de las buenas.
Every body here know that it hurts you red ass when you read coco coco coco hillybillies hillybillies coco hillybillies hillybillies coco hillybillies hillybillies coco hillybillies hillybillies . don't forget to stop over at the food pantry to pickup your free groceries: idiot at 1:12pm
pinche hillbilly Coco parrot pinche hillbilly Coco parrot pinche pinche hillbilly Coco parrot hillbilly Coco parrot pinche hillbilly Coco parrot pinche hillbilly Coco parrot pinche hillbilly Coco parrot estupido bury that pinche perico pendejo ya esta puerto guay. You are the only pendejo on this blog, here everybody usese coco and hillbilly dumb bulb lol lol lol lol lol lol
Oops! I just gave 2 water bottles to two volunteers in yellow vest. Am I in trouble for being generous?
Get rid of Cylovias, just a waste of tax monies. you would figure that the city can better make use of the thousands wasted on this nonsense. If people want to use their bikes, the city have miles and miles of bike trails. Let's stop this nonsense of someone's pet project.
@August 16, 2019 at 1:12 PM
Hillbilly with a red ass must be a coco mad because he wasn't born white.
Pinche Hillbilly Coco parrot culero ya necesitas tu pastillas de medication! You are fuking bypolar! No wonder you don't have a job and you love sucking old man dicks. Learn some new words pinche hillbilly Coco loco bypolar parrot. Pendejo! you are the only one that uses those stupid words. Chinga tu pinche cola, si usas eso palabras otra vez.
You are only on board as long as you don't screw up the minute you do you're OUT DA DOOR aprende guay los tres gabachos te replasan their motto MAKE THE CITY WHITE AGAIN...
Fijate en el espejo you don't even come close puro chuntaro
@August 16, 2019 at 10:09 PM el estupido gringito coco
Madeja Williams:
gringito red neck hillbilly coco just can't hide your stupidity it just comes out naturally like the idiot you are. Este pendejo se escapo del manicomio de san anto y cree que esta con manos chiquitas en rusia o china guay
@12:01. Not to offend you, but I agree with 10:09. It would be so nice if you could stop using the same dumb words. I know we are not in Russia or mainland China, but you seem like an intelligent person, and those repeated words makes you look like an idiot with no education. Hopefully, in the future you add vocabulary better comments content. May God bless you!
That lady standing next to the speaker on the picture is going "Where they get this P*****".
@August 16, 2019 at 10:09 PM
Not to offend you, but I agree with 12:01. It would be so nice if you could stop using the same dumb words. I know we are not in Russia or mainland China, but you seem like an intelligent person, and those repeated words makes you look like an idiot with no education. Hopefully, in the future you add vocabulary better comments content. May God bless you!
Yes may God bles you too pinche hillbilly pendejo coooooocooooooooo, wanna be white hey is this china or the good old usa?
Y ahora son tres pendejos yo no me cuento pinche hillbillies apestodos y llenos de mierda.
It is spelled "bless" and "wanna" is not grammatically correct. I can tell you are not an educated person. Repeating the same words tells me you have a very low IQ, like an ape. Hope you get some treatment from a professional soon. May God bles you! I mean bless lol
Estupido at 9:22 this is an unformal blogs as all are stupid Orangutan wanna be human. I saw an oragutan at the city library the other day I guess it must have been yu look out fer traffic when crossing central blvd (where's the zoo). Oh and may god ble you two.
@August 16, 2019 at 10:53 AM
In the end all that mattered to her was votes votes and votes nothing else. Catering to the elit only, screw everybody else.
She need to be voted out with votes of course.
If there's a pic that needs to be removed its this one (the second one) Juan...
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