Thursday, September 19, 2019


By Juan Montoya
A telephone call from an unknown person in California Tuesday morning warning of an impending mass shooting has forced Cameron County law enforcement to upgrade its threat level and harden its security measures at all county facilities.

Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez said he had decided to take "proactive" measures in response to the call and "err on the side of caution" after learning of the call. Today, there is a heavy presence of constable deputies in all county facilities and the courts.

Gomez is in charge of providing security to all the county buildings in Brownsville. Other constables provide it if the buildings are in their precincts.

According to Gomez, a caller from California said that they had been video calling on Facetime with someone from Cameron County and that the person at the other end had said that "they" were going to shoot two specific individuals and then "take out as many as we can."

Frightened, the caller from California dialed Cameron County and was connected to a staffer at the County Clerk's Office who then tried to transfer the caller to Gomez's office, but lost connection with the caller when she tried.

The county clerk staffer then relayed the information to the constables who "out of an abundance of caution" because of the spate of mass shooting recently, ordered the upgrade in security.

Gomez said that the clerk's staffer could not ascertain whether the threats were made to county employees or whether the intended targets were people who lived somewhere in the county."

"It wasn't kids from high school calling in death threats or anything like that," Gomez said. "We are in the process of trying to trace back the call to its point of origin to speak with that person directly and try to locate the Facetime user on this side. Until then, we will continue to be on an upgraded security mode."


Anonymous said...

Nice abstract Ad for Abel Gomez, Montoya. smh

BobbyWC said...

So what it it makes Abel look good. We had a visiting judge followed into the parking lot by a party. We have had court house shootings around the state. Abel Gomez's staff is the first line of defense protecting everyone who enters the court house. Good for Abel. I'm certain his opponent would have also been proactive.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Abel doesn't know anything about law enforcement or critical incident planning. He is just there to make a quick buck and to be a useless security guard at a bar on his off duty time.

Anonymous said...

What bar? Where? How much is the beer 50 cents? I wanna know!

Pipe said...

same old, same old, SOS SOS SOS same old shit lol

Anonymous said...

Speaking of phone calls, Jessica Tetreau is now bragging about having the latest iPhone. A ridiculously expensive phone at the expense of the city and taxpayers. What is the worst part? She doesn’t answer taxpayer phone calls! She just posts stupid shit on Facebook all day. Does she even have a job?

Anonymous said...

Is that why the keystone cops were over at the new tax office-protecting who?

Former RGV LEO said...

If the K-9 officer with Brownsville PD had been more inquisitive when he stopped abel "lucky" gomez after leaving that mechanic shop that was under surveillance and carrying a box? Pct. 2 would have a different constable!
Oh well, stupid is stupid does!
